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The "Fwee" Thread

Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Let Me In

Good moive, now I'm in the right mood to start on the three House of Night novels that I have been putting off for no good reason.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

I just confessed to people on a site I've been actively involved in for the past 7 months or so that I'm fourteen. Score one for overcoming my paranoid tendencies! :D

(also this is the 169th post)
Last edited:
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Just watched 1x02 and 03 of Sherlock.

HOW DO I CONTAIN THESE FEELINGS??? by watching 2x01 of course
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Good stuffz:

  • Grades in for this semester! Final verdict: four A's and two bees! Most likely the best grades that I've gotten in my life ^u^

  • Finished new book twoday after starting it yesterday (or, technically, today :P) whilst listening to some totally ill melodies

  • Aforementioned sick beats: Wind/Shade. This is likely going to become one of those songs where I listen to them so much that they start to overcome other songs in my head and make me resent them and not listen to them for like a month or something, but w/e

Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Turns out my last Grr thread post was wrong!
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Turns out my last Grr thread post was wrong!
:o yay Cubone! That VM was pointless after all!

Anyways, today I played mini football (soccer to Americans) and I actually scored, I hardly ever score because I'm a defender.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

I finished Super Mario Galaxy 2 after about 100 deaths total. Irreversible event btw.

Turns out my jumping skills were bad.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Congats, Star69 ;)

Yeah, so I finally found my Return To Castle Wolfenstein CD after about 2 years. Man, that game is, like, the best first-person shooter on PC ever made!
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Love it when my sister screams stuff like "EVERYBODY HATES YOU!" at me when all my close friends and my boyfriend can attest to the fact that that's not true :D
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Sleep is amazing.
Felt like total crap last night, but now...
I actually feel better about myself. I think I'm going to go and watch something very irrational and pointless. Like a boss.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

I just read two bitchin' fanfics- All of Foregone Conclusion, and part of Lost Evolution.

I feel good inside :o)
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

I just found a blog under the username "Omskivar", contacted the blogger and found out she's referencing the exact thing I am. Life = made.
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

I have new BDU's they are freaking INDESTRUCTABLE, and comfy, and warm, and have pockets, and more pockets, and are stain proof, and INDESTRUCTABLE, and easy to iron, and INDESTRUCTABLE, and black and YES.

I am also getting new shoes, this is also a yay point. :P
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

I finally was able to change usernames, so now I am Nightmane, my custom pony's name.

Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

I'm finally back in my own apartment, with enough food to feed a hobbit for four days. This includes toast. No more horribly annoying mom, no more short-tempered sister (she wen't to study in Stockholm, can't really say that I blame her) and no more dad-who-makes-me-work :D
Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk. IV

Remembered all of Act 1 without a script today. :DDDD
And my interview for Georgetown went awesomely. Like a boss~.

Also finished writing an essay today and have most of another one done. So six essays left for GMS. Six essays in two days is three per day, but I CAN MAKE IT ON MY OWN. I've got time tomorrow to write a few of them, anyway.
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