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The "Fwee" Thread

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I got a job I got a job I got a job~

Waitressing in the village restuarant. It's crazy during the lunch hour, but it's £4.60 an hour plus tips, which is pretty good. I made £52 this weekend~

So... I have money! Just got to think of what to do with it. :D
I'm anxiously awaiting my friend's reply to our one-on-one roleplay that just may turn into a yaoi between our two characters Jason(hers) and Deacon(mine). Don't ask, it just makes me happy.

A few months ago, I got this puppy, and I absolutely love her. She's a smart, sweet little girl, and I felt it was appropriate to tribute her somewhere.

Here's to you, Holly, for being a great little puppy. :3
I was watching a commercial for a jeweler place called Jared, and it had a GPS talking to the driver, who was taking a diamond necklace back to his wife, but apparently the GPS was jealous. It locked him in and he tried to convince it to let him go home, and what did it say?

"I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."
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