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The "Fwee" Thread

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My anatomy teacher mixed bleach and ammonia today. :D Yes, it was very diluted so we wouldn't die, but it was fun all the same. ^_^
I keep seeing lots of animals from the school bus. I saw 3 deer today and an albino pheasant a few days ago, and I think I even saw a fox. I'm just kinda happy about that.
Oh yeah, and the moon's cool too. That's always nice.
I'm so jealous! I've never seen an albino animal. Well, I;ve seen photos, of course. Saw an albino Sloth Bear picture. Ooh, I love them.

Hehe, thank you <3
I slept in till 5pm today. Fourteen hours sleep yeeeeah baby~

And well done on the cloning :D
Ooh, fourteen whole hours. Sounds heavenly. Thanks. :3
Omg i was playing FFX a minute ago and my cat hit my playstation and made it open teh disk tray. And i was in the middle of a boss battle and i thought i would have to start over again. But i pu tthe CD back in and it still worked! :O FWEE!!!!!!!
Children in Need is on! Yay ^___^

For those who haven't heard of it, it's a charity event wherein lots of celebrities and TV shows do skits or crossovers to raise money for needy kids in the UK. Ordinary people do fundraising too and there are segments where they show what they've done with the money to help the kids ^_____^ Along with Red Nose Day, I love it!!
We have three additional kids here ranging from 11 to 13 and nobody's blown up the house yet. ^^
Animal Crossing: City Folk is coming out today~ I'm going to arrive at Target right when it opens so I can obtain it~

And best of all, I'm at my Dad's house! It's the one with the Wii~

EDIT: And Yura Yura came on to Naruto last night. I sang all the way through~
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