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The Kandia Region

I'm not seeing much of a robin in Embrest. Maybe make the tan feathers greyer, like a real robin? idk

They look pretty good, though. Although I thought Tally was number 10...?
I'm not seeing much of a robin in Embrest. Maybe make the tan feathers greyer, like a real robin? idk

They look pretty good, though. Although I thought Tally was number 10...?

Actually, Embrest (and it's evo) were based on a Canadian legend about a little Native boy that had a brown bird as a friend. One night in the winter, he went out for his Coming-of-age quest, and he made a fire. While he was sleeping the fire started to die and he was starting to freeze to death, but then the bird flapped his wings as fast as he could to keep the fire going, and the fire turned the little bird's breast red. :3

And Tally is #12.

Also thank you for the sprites, superbird! 8D

Pose is almost correct, but the head is tilted upward a tiny bit more. Hope you like it.
...I hate having to do transparency now. It's so much more work.
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