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The LGBT Club

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We never got to even see a condom. Yeah. So my first experience with a condom was when the dog gleefully brought us a used one out of Jon's room.
nightmares, guys, nightmares.

.___. Ouch.

I remember vaguely some guy showing us a sample penis. Except that it was massive, quite creepy and was completely upwards so that showing us how to put on a condom was easier for him.

It certainly didn't make me any straighter...
we got the same sex ed class ever year
for 5 years
which included the same blue plastic penis a handful of people were picked to put condoms onto

also that scarleteen website is great
I think you mean fantastic by all measures!

The sex ed I got varied a lot. In grade four (age nine) we learned a few things from a biological angle; in grades five and six, our sex ed covered the right things, but it was taught very, very patronizingly as if we were supposed to be embarrassed about everything; in grades seven and eight, it was abstinence-only, complete with scare tactics (and they preached abstinence until age twenty-seven, at that); in grade nine, what we did get was okay, but we learned nothing about girls.

EDIT: We also never quite touched the topic of actual sex; we were very carefully taught about safe sex some years, but it was never anything further than "a condom goes on a penis" without daring to mention where a penis might go. So we never discussed homosexuality or anything, I guess, but we never explicitly discussed heterosexuality, either. (Not that that's any better.)
EDIT2: Oh hahaha wait, my seventh-grade teacher gave us a "never try anal sex or oral sex or anything weird because they're disgusting" speech one day after the abstinence lecturer left.
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I think you mean fantastic by all measures!

The sex ed I got varied a lot. In grade four (age nine) we learned a few things from a biological angle; in grades five and six, our sex ed covered the right things, but it was taught very, very patronizingly as if we were supposed to be embarrassed about everything; in grades seven and eight, it was abstinence-only, complete with scare tactics (and they preached abstinence until age twenty-seven, at that); in grade nine, what we did get was okay, but we learned nothing about girls.

EDIT: We also never quite touched the topic of actual sex; we were very carefully taught about safe sex some years, but it was never anything further than "a condom goes on a penis" without daring to mention where a penis might go. So we never discussed homosexuality or anything, I guess, but we never explicitly discussed heterosexuality, either. (Not that that's any better.)
EDIT2: Oh hahaha wait, my seventh-grade teacher gave us a "never try anal sex or oral sex or anything weird because they're disgusting" speech one day after the abstinence lecturer left.

Oral sex sounds cleaner than normal heterosex in my mind.

Then again, I've sucked on one before and it's daaaamn good xD
Oral sex sounds cleaner than normal heterosex in my mind.

That depends on a lot of things imo, but I don't think I could ever do anal sex. >.> Not particularly because it's 'dirty', just that I can't imagine having anything up my backside feeling good. :x
Oral sex sounds cleaner than normal heterosex in my mind.

Then again, I've sucked on one before and it's daaaamn good xD

Oh god, oral sex sounds so disgusting to me. :/ Fellatio doesn't sound as bad though, but I'll never be doing that, so.

It sucks because nearly every other lesbian wants to do it. I'm only JUST coming around to the idea of anything else, except mutual masturbation, not sounding disgusting too. Bleh.
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mutual masturbation is lots of fun, but I know what you mean. I find cunnilingus gross, personally. :/
I honestly think we're just trained to think genitals = dirty and dirty things in mouth = no no. Our mouths are pretty fucking dirty to begin with and if you're that worried you probably shouldn't be kissing either. Of course I have the same sort of feelings, it would be rather squicky and all that, but when it comes down to it it's just another part of the body and if you've kissed someone on the lips you're about as far as you can go. There are exceptions of course, see: one who doesn't bathe, but I'm going to assume noone here would associate with them anyway.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to eBay to find aforementioned banana peel penis.
I honestly think we're just trained to think genitals = dirty and dirty things in mouth = no no. Our mouths are pretty fucking dirty to begin with and if you're that worried you probably shouldn't be kissing either. Of course I have the same sort of feelings, it would be rather squicky and all that, but when it comes down to it it's just another part of the body and if you've kissed someone on the lips you're about as far as you can go. There are exceptions of course, see: one who doesn't bathe, but I'm going to assume noone here would associate with them anyway.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to eBay to find aforementioned banana peel penis.

I lol'd hard at that one xD

Sable's right, a dog's mouth is scientifically proven to be cleaner than a human's.
I don't think cunnilingus is gross because it's 'dirty' or anything, I mean that I think it feels gross. :x
FACT: banana penis is amazing
SUPPOSITION: there are pictures and possibly videos somewhere on the Internet
MISSION: find them and bring them to me
Well that's good news :o

I wish australia would hurry up and get with the program on lgbt rights

YES. ♥

This person is an idiot:

Conservative MP Nadine Dorries told the BBC that the move undermined the traditional family model.

She said: "If we want to build a stable society, a mother and father and children works as the best model.

"We should be striving towards repairing and reinforcing marriage. I think this move sends out the exact opposite message."

Not allowing it to pass isn't going to make lesbians marry men. There are still going to be the same number of straight couples helping along our 'stable society'. >_>
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