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The Most Forgotten Pokemon

For me it's Mantyke. Every time I see its name without an accompanying picture, I think it's talking about Manectric. (Also Manectric, apparently, because I forgot its name and thought it was Mantyke.) XD

And Drowzee. I completely forgot it existed until just recently, when a picture of it randomly popped into my head.
Any Pokemon not mentioned in this thread. ;P

But yeah, I reckon Spinda is pretty much unknown. One route, as a swarm, and it's a crap Pokemon anyway.
Tyrogue, dammit. And I wouldn't say it's really forgotten; after all, it's in the same evolutionary line as the hitmons.
Well, I've seen Azumarill in competitive battling. I'd say Azurill is more forgotten, if it weren't for those random trainers in-game who always seem to have them.
Dugtrio is also a popular competitive Pokemon. At least it used to be. How about Granbull? I just remembered he existed after going through the HG/SS sprites.
Oh, right Granbull. I was just recently reminded on its existence when I ran into it in Mystery Dungeon.

What about Combee? It's probably been said before, but I'm too lazy to check. I only remembered it when I faced Aaron's Vespiquen, and then I forgot about it again until I looked through the DPPt sprites.

I'm a fan of some of these forgotten Pokemon like Exploud and Shiftry (in fact, Shiftry is one of my top favorites,) and I don't hate any Pokemon enough for me to refuse to explore the world of forgotten Pokemon regularly. In fact, I like using some forgotten Pokemon for possible fanfics, RPs, and such.

Shout out to all you forgotten Pokemon out there! I still remember you guys!
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I love using forgotten Pokemon, too. Relicanth, Huntail, Venomoth...I use those guys competitivly, and they kick ass when used correctly. I use a Dunsparce on my Crystal team and plan on training an Exploud for competitive play soon. The fact that their forgotten is a great advantage, too, since the other guy won't know what to expect. I can't tell you how many time people have wasted a Thunderbolt because they thought Venomoth was part Flying. One guy disconnected cuz he thought I was a hacker or something XD

Anyone say Mantine yet?
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