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The most "holy shit"-inducing comic you'll ever read

This series of comics was quite tragic. I especially found the last one distressing, because Clarissa was trying to reach out to an adult and the adult totally didn't get it. The scenes with her family at breakfast were also quite bad.

Good comic, though.
I find them quite funny for the shock value. like suicide bomber or madeline mccann jokes. but yeah, if the intention wasn't to be humorous then those would be pretty sad stories. :(
this is the kind of thing that fuels my misanthropy.

also, who gives a fuck about /b/, it's just trolls trolling trolls and normal people pretending to be heartless for ... some stupid reason.
My thoughts while reading: "well this isn't so bad... hmmm..ha ha.....wait....no...no WHAT THE FUCKAAAAAAGGHH"
The best word is, simply, "sad".
holy shit

i just looked through all of them. i thought the first one was bad but then bathtime happened and that was HORRIBLE, and then the very last one was the absolute worst... jesus christ. i do not have anything to say about this, it is just horrible

christ i feel like crying and puking
Clever. I didn't enjoy reading it but I think that's the whole point. I actually don't think it's meant to be "comical".
I certainly don't think it's meant to be at all funny. Its use of dark, tragic humour is I think used to put across a difficult and sensitive subject, and personally I thought the author's intent was to make people think about these issues and to make them feel uncomfortable whilst reading the comic. I certainly felt uncomfortable with some of the themes, and it was a very, very clever comic.

I won't say I liked or enjoyed it, because I don't think either of those words are very appropriate in this case, but it was certainly a very good and thought-provoking comic.
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