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The most "holy shit"-inducing comic you'll ever read

...um, what? Secretly depressed mother, extremely jaded girl who shows no interest in playing with her stuffed bunny come alive, father walks in as an ominous silhouette, when we cut back to the girl her hair is all tussled and her pajamas are open while the bunny is horrified. How hard is it to put this together? o_O

A little more than my mind was ready for... =/

I would have never known it was rape until you all said it...
I... can't really see how it's hard to figure out what it's about, but okay. @_@

The part that really gets me is "Ready for your bedtime story?". It didn't really freak me out because I know stuff like this exists, it's just done so well and so subtly.
Yeah, that was pretty clear. I'll never be able to have french toast again.
And, to quote Blastoise without actually quoting him...

Bread with an egg bath applied to the side and then fried, served with syrup, powdered sugar, etc.
That comic wasn't "holy shit". That was just... sad. :c
But really, don't knock French toast until you've tried it. It's pretty tasty, actually.
At least, if you're not associating it with anything that'll make you loose your appetite.
Wow. I'm never going to see French toast and stuffed rabbits the same way ever again.


And the worst part is that all of that stuff really happens. :c
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I...I...I can't even make a joke about this. I'm serious, it's too depressing. I cannot bring myself to make a joke about this. Outside of the depressing stuff, however, the comic is pretty good. :x

Also, /b/ found it too depressing to talk about. FUCKING /b/, MAN!

A bit of me being pedantic here, but there are eight stuffed animals total, including Floopsy. Doesn't make it any less depressing, though.

Now, to cheer you folks up, pictures of kittens:
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