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The New "Pokésonas?"

Re: The New "Pokésonas?"

A Bronzor. Small, defensive, and intelligent(Psychic), like me. He wears glasses and dislikes hats.

...I also like the color blue, which is good since Bronzor is blue.

...he works for my other Pokesona, Marshtomp, who wears sunglasses and read boots.
I have an image of one, I should make one of the other.
Re: The New "Pokésonas?"


named komugi.
Re: The New "Pokésonas?"

Mines one of three;

Ricolan the Silver Lucario (Think Brawl Peoples...) Has a jade earing in his left ear (I want one of these you know...). He's more of my serios side...

Spatz the Raichu. He has Black hair, blue headphones, black scarf, and blue goggles. He's my "Lulz I'm a foolish oddball" side.

and Onikami the Poochyena. He's like all poochyena with a pair of brass goggles above his eyes, and a red scarf. He's the All around sona.

Re: The New "Pokésonas?"

I think I used to be:

Small, annoying; someone who would NEVER leave you alone.

But now I think I'm:

Just plain weird. xD Plus, I like to collect things.
Re: The New "Pokésonas?"

Mine's a Jolteon with green eyes. It used to have red ear tips, but I grew out of that I think.
Re: The New "Pokésonas?"

-points at avatar-
Slowking. Nothing special. Just a slowking.
... go away, Slowking > you. D|
Re: The New "Pokésonas?"

Most original name ever; Aqua the Vaporeon. It's a name I've always named my Vaporeon, since Red Blue & Yellow, and I was like, 6 or 7 at the time, sooo... Umm, yeah.
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