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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Oh, just a note, I'll be gone from this afternoon into tomorrow, so don't get too far without me if you start.

I really want to keep up with this this time D:
Ima be gone from when this was posted until 12 hours after this post.
For some odd reason near the end of every series you go ZOOM while I'm on a road trip >.>

Don't do it again.

Name: Lucidia
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Team: Rocket (:D)
Description: Lucidia has long, straight, blond hair, and is rather tall for her age.
Personality: Lucidia likes to help those in trouble, and can't stand leaving anyone behind. She wishes to become a nurse, and spends a lot of her time reading books about diseases and how to stay healthy, besides a few novels she likes.
She has recently joined up with Team Rocket, hoping to decieve them and destroy them from the inside. She passes information on to police and stuff secretly.
Reasons for Wanting This Pokemon: She dislikes her failure to capture the last 3 Pokemon that have slipped through her grasp due to cheating ninjas >.> (Regigigas was her's too, remember). She also hopes to destroy Team Rocket with it.

-Name: Joy
-Species: Togekiss
-Item: Leftovers
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Red triangles are purple. Have gotten even darker this year, reason still unknown (whee you can tell I'm planning something :D)
-Personality: Joy is a lot like Lucidia. She enjoys healing and is naturally motherly.

-Name: Mist
-Species: Dragonair
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Gold orbs like shiny
-Personality: Mist teases and grumbles a lot. He believes in justice and a fair fight, which is why he chooses to hold no item.

-Name: Shimmer
-Species: Articuno
-Item: Occa Berry
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Shiny
-Personality: Shimmer is loyal and serious. She debates a lot and doesn't tolerate Mist's teasing, especially when he tells her she needs to 'lighten up.'

-Name: Flower
-Species: Latias
-Item: Soul Dew
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Several scars all over her body, obtained by a Celebi.
-Personality: Flower is sympathetic. She is somewhat unwise, too, due to her young age. Despite her youth, she is quite cautious. She has a good knowledge for berries, and is often sent out to look for them when a patient is in treatment.

-Name: Blade
-Species: Scyther
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Has several nicks and tears in his wings.
-Personality: Blade is cruel and unforgiving. He holds grudges, and his solution to everything is to fight.

-Name: Set
-Species: Dusknoir
-Item: Spook Plate
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Set is manipulative and intelligent. He enjoys deception and has a tendency to talk his way out of things.

Pokemon in PC:

-Name: Grace
-Species: Gardevoir
-Item: Mind Plate
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Grace is graceful, which is guessable from her name. She is silent most of the time, and, although she too enjoys healing, is willing to make sacrifices if nessecary.

-Name: Bell
-Species: Chimecho
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Bell is childish and naive. He enjoys making noise, and despite his evolution, still acts like a baby.

-Name: Flame
-Species: Charizard
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Shiny
-Personality: Flame is like Set in every way, except he's solid.

-Name: Claw
-Species: Zangoose
-Item: Razor Claw
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Exactly like Blade.

(She has a few mean Pokemon because she's with the Rockets o3o)
Name: Mystari (Mysti) Allyssa Endris
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Team:Must...Go to the dark side...They have cookies!:3 Team Eric(or whatever team they've made)!
Description: Has the ability, though never shared, to understand what Pokemon are saying, and they can hear her(I'm thinkin' Dr. Doolittle!) She found a Fire Stone and used it to evolve her Vulpix, who kept it's black color. Mysti is hot on the trail of Eric, because she has... "secret feelings" ...for him.
Personality:A mixture of sweet, serious, and sarcastic(three S's!)
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: To get it for Eric-kun! (did I get it right this time? I still don't understand "-chan" and "-kun")

-Gender:Preffers to be entitled Female
-Identifying Features: Has a bow on her front right leg. Everywhere that's white is silver.
-Personality:Is the cariong, loving one. Doesn't fight if she doesn't have to.

-Identifying Features:Just your average Mudkip
-Personality:Enraged easily.

-Identifying Features:Her rings are mood rings, but the top right ear was stained pink.
-Personality:The one to always go first on an adventure. Natural enemy to Steel Wing.

-Name:Steel Wing
-Identifying Features:His fire is black, whether it be out of his mouth or it be his tail. Wears a red bowtie.
-Personality:Same as Moonlight. Natural enemy to her, too.

-Identifying Features:Is black where the creamy color, not the mane thing or fliff on it's head, is, and red on the tail tip, the mane-like thing and the fluff thing on it's head.
-Personality:Sarcastic, pretty much!

-Name: Regigi
-Species: Regigigas
-Gender: Prefers to be entitled Male
-Identifying Features: His yellow shines gold, his white shines silver, his Red, Blue, Yellow dots are Gold, Silver, Crystal.
-Personality: Is full of himself, and doesn't much like Steel Wing or Moonlight, but they consider him a friend.

For some odd reason near the end of every series you go ZOOM while I'm on a road trip >.>

Don't do it again.

Name: Lucidia
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Team: Rocket (:D)
Description: Lucidia has long, straight, blond hair, and is rather tall for her age.
Personality: Lucidia likes to help those in trouble, and can't stand leaving anyone behind. She wishes to become a nurse, and spends a lot of her time reading books about diseases and how to stay healthy, besides a few novels she likes.
She has recently joined up with Team Rocket, hoping to decieve them and destroy them from the inside. She passes information on to police and stuff secretly.
Reasons for Wanting This Pokemon: She dislikes her failure to capture the last 3 Pokemon that have slipped through her grasp due to cheating ninjas >.> (Regigigas was her's too, remember). She also hopes to destroy Team Rocket with it.

-Name: Joy
-Species: Togekiss
-Item: Leftovers
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Red triangles are purple. Have gotten even darker this year, reason still unknown (whee you can tell I'm planning something :D)
-Personality: Joy is a lot like Lucidia. She enjoys healing and is naturally motherly.

-Name: Mist
-Species: Dragonair
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Gold orbs like shiny
-Personality: Mist teases and grumbles a lot. He believes in justice and a fair fight, which is why he chooses to hold no item.

-Name: Shimmer
-Species: Articuno
-Item: Occa Berry
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Shiny
-Personality: Shimmer is loyal and serious. She debates a lot and doesn't tolerate Mist's teasing, especially when he tells her she needs to 'lighten up.'

-Name: Flower
-Species: Latias
-Item: Soul Dew
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: Several scars all over her body, obtained by a Celebi.
-Personality: Flower is sympathetic. She is somewhat unwise, too, due to her young age. Despite her youth, she is quite cautious. She has a good knowledge for berries, and is often sent out to look for them when a patient is in treatment.

-Name: Blade
-Species: Scyther
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Has several nicks and tears in his wings.
-Personality: Blade is cruel and unforgiving. He holds grudges, and his solution to everything is to fight.

-Name: Set
-Species: Dusknoir
-Item: Spook Plate
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Set is manipulative and intelligent. He enjoys deception and has a tendency to talk his way out of things.

Pokemon in PC:

-Name: Grace
-Species: Gardevoir
-Item: Mind Plate
-Gender: Female
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Grace is graceful, which is guessable from her name. She is silent most of the time, and, although she too enjoys healing, is willing to make sacrifices if nessecary.

-Name: Bell
-Species: Chimecho
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Bell is childish and naive. He enjoys making noise, and despite his evolution, still acts like a baby.

-Name: Flame
-Species: Charizard
-Item: None
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: Shiny
-Personality: Flame is like Set in every way, except he's solid.

-Name: Claw
-Species: Zangoose
-Item: Razor Claw
-Gender: Male
-Identifying Features: None
-Personality: Exactly like Blade.

(She has a few mean Pokemon because she's with the Rockets o3o)


Reserve please? :D

I want to join this. So much, but I won't be able to post my form till tomorrow D:


Name: Jason Ericson
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Team: Rockets
Reason(s) for Wanting This Pokemon: To take over the world... MWUAHAHAHAHA!!
-Identifying Features: (Shiny, Odd markings, Scars, etc.)

God no, not accepted. You forgot Description and Personality. Also, you expect to capture a god without at least ONE Pokemon? Erm, yeah, good luck with that. Heck, you need a Pokemon just to be able to survive US!

Please fix those things first. Also, you haven't joined the club either. Another thing that is vital to join. Even if this was the best form ever, you would still not be accepted for not joining the club
>.> Typically, people who reserve a spot don't put an incomplete form after EDIT:...

You can't blame me for thinking that that was your application, now can you?
Well, I was going to finish it then, but my mum made me take a shower and be SOCIAL!!


EDIT: Internetty issy crappy, cannotty finishy formy tilly tomorrowy.

Last edited:
No, it is Sorry-y

Also, I guess you are accepted, as long as you get that description done

Now, we will start tomorrow
I hate being social...
@Oooohface: I kept putting off re-uploading them, but when Ica sent me a PM, there was a perfect situation for them...

If any of you hotlink them I will kill you.
[And we begin!]

Eric frowned as he heard all this. "Giant... Pokemon? So, let me get this straight, there are even MAGIKARP here that can kill a Tyrannitar?"

"Correct," replied the researcher
"...Wow, I think my brain just exploded... Anyways, we better get star-"
"Hold it"
"What? Why?"
"You need more supplies, and we expect more trainers to appear, so you are going to wait"
"...I have a god with m-"

Eric got a stamp slammed onto his forehead and was knocked out as a result. Sinferno sweatdrop as he read it. "Denied... Well, I guess we are staying. I may be a god and able to kill the Pokemon here with ease, but DAMN, those researchers even scare ME!" he said

Meanwhile, the researcher was stamping more stuff. Apparently, a giant Nanab berry the size of Ohayou is now denied...


Meanwhile, Patrick was being shipped by helicoptor to the research camp. His first job: Hinder the trainers that would arrive while Grunts were sent in to secure the god for Patrick to capture when they all got there
Mysti jumped on Purification. "We'll be late for the contest!" Mysti yelled as she urged her shiny Suicune. At last they got to where the Contest was being held. "Sorry I'm late!" she said to the person behind the counter. "Am I too late?" ((Ica determines if I be late or not!))
The receptionist frowned. "Sorry, but the contest has been rescheduled. All of the contestants are headed for an island. Talking about a god or something... The next ferry to the island is leaving soon. It is at Dock 29, if you want to try at the Pokemon," the receptionist replied
"Oh, thank you! Purification, we've got more running to do!" she said, calling her out. "More running?" "Baww, it isn't that far, is it? Now, come on!" she said, mounting her shiny Suicune and taking off for Dock 29.
"Quick, Pury! Jump! JJUUMMMPPP!!!" she ordered her shiny Suicune as she jumped on board just as the ferry was about to take off. "We made it..." sighed Mysti as she recalled Purification.
Aria rode on Hokaze's back. He was very fast, and it took a lot of effort to hold on. At last, they reached the dock and jumped on the ferry. Aria stuck close to her Entei. "You ready?"

He nodded. "I will always be ready for anything."
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