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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

A large, spiky-feathered bird's shadow glided over the town. It opened its large, sharp beak and screeched.

Tsukimaru sat on the back of Zapdos, looking down at the pier. "There," he said, pointing. The yellow bird swooped and landed, letting its Trainer step off of its back. As he took his first step off onto the ferry, Tsukimaru withdrew his Electric Pokemon.
Patrick was waiting ever so carefully in the forest.
Yes..... he thought. This is it.....
Ohayou hugged the denied Nanab berry.
"You shall come with me!" He cried, following Eric around the ship.
"I herd you liek Nanabz!" Ohayou said to Eric, for at least the 100th time.

Why do I always miss the first page????)))
Lucidia flew above the ship, thankfully in her usual outfit of jeans and a t-shirt, for the sake of disguise. All of her Pokemon could fly, so she was discussing the capture of the forest Pokemon with them, herself mounted on Shimmer.
"So who has any ideas as to how to capture it?"
"I say we kill all the other people who try so the path is clear," snarled Blade.
"That'll never work," snorted Shimmer. "All of them against us spells doom for us."
"We'll trick them," said Set. "Either we convince them that we need this Pokemon and can use it best or go for the sympathy vote."
"Seems like a good idea, actually," spoke up Flower.
They continued to debate overhead.
Blade noticed the ferry was leaving. I have to make it...or this whole five-minute jog will have been a waste of time...he thought and jumped onto the ferry with all his strength, barely holding on now.
Patrick, with his new cyborg abilities, sensed people coming. As he started to send out his Porygon to go hack the ferry's computers and sinking the boat, he all of a sudden started to malfunction. Sparks were flying. He uttered random phrases, sounding like a disgruntled Wal-Mart greeter. Suddenly, he was back to normal again, although he forgot what he was doing.
Ohayou stopped and looked around for no apparent reason.
"Why do I sense a disgruntled Wal-Mart greeter nearby...? I didn't know we packed those."
Eric sweatdrop


...GOD!" Eric cried out, throwing his arms up in despair
Mysti thought she could hear Eric in the distance. "Maybe once I pinpoint the location...no, wait. Suicune has had enough running. She deserves a nice rest." she muttered to herself, because she still wanted to find Eric.
"Didn't you read the pamphlet?" Ohayou asked, "It said something about a ferry, but I got distracted while reading it, so... yeah..."

He slapped Eric with a banana for not paying attention to the pamphlet, then, he slapped Eric with the pamphlet.
(((This RP is too slow!!! POST MOAR!!!)))

Ohayou hefted the giant berry as if it weighed nothing.
"What are we waiting for, Eric?" He asked, waiting for the diseased Icalasari make the RP move.
"Crap crap crap crap crap!!"

A young woman with very dark hair rushed for the ferry. It had been a year, a fucking year. Taisiya was still a bit peeved.

"I vill not lose it this time..." she muttered. It couldn't have been THAT far from her apartment to the ferry, could it? Ah, but it still felt like she was going to miss it if she didn't run faster. Wait.

"Dmitri! Run me to zat damned ferry!" the saber-tooth tiger Pokemon materialized in a white beam as Taisiya pressed the button. He roared, and she leapt on his back. Then they were off.
An hour later, all the trainers had arrived on the island. The researchers gathered them all together.

"Alright, now - DENIED!" the twitchy researcher screeched as he managed to stamp a normal Pidgey right out of the air. It got up, confused, and then flew off with the word denied imprinted on its head. The researcher then continued. "A group of five of us will be coming with you. Each of us will go with one to two trainers each. I will go with denied boy and banana boy. Me and banana boy can deny EVERYTHING IN THE FOREST THEN!"

Eric slapped his head. "...THREE Ohayous... Someone, kill me now..."

"Anyways," the researcher spoke up, "My name is Dante. The others are Keith," he motioned to a big burly guy that looked like the long lost brother of Lt. Surge. He seemed strong enough to take on a Machamp. Keith flexed as Dante continued. "Lucy," he motioned to a brown haired, petite girl. She pushed up her glasses and made a nervous cough. "Paul," Dante introduced next, motioning to a stereotypical scientist. "And Kristine," Dante finished, motioning to a lovely lady that, ahem, Kieth was drooling over.

"We leave tomorrow at day break," Dante said loudly before running off to deny a giant Bellsprout. Eric sweatdrop.

"As General Ackbar once said... It's a trap!" he mumbled loudly


Giovanni clicked on a radio which had a direct link to Patrick. "Alright, Patrick, you are to go with the trainers. Paul will go with you. He is really one of my top agents. Now, don't act suspicious. Tomorrow, when everybody gets going, try to start a race. You should easily beat them using Elle. If you have any doubts, drop it off with Pail tonight. He can upgrade Elle's programming so that it is far faster than even Lakinay."

He then smirked and laughed a bit over the radio. "When you get there, buy Paul some time. Grunts will be there to assist you. While you buy time, Paul will set up some forcefields. Even Sinferno would find these Mirror Coat shields hard to break!"


Meanwhile, a small, Kecleon-esque figure began to wake up. It stretched its arms and yawned deeply. It was the Pokemon of the Forest. Its grey-green skin allowed it to blend into the area perfectly. The short tail swished as it stretched back, arching its back. Like Lakinay and Sinferno, it had a long head with a pointed tip. Unlike its two siblings, however, it had two small horns. The claws looked like if they were shovels, with the feet's claws each looking like a small spade, and the hands looking like trowels. Spikes jutted out from the back in a straight line. It dug a small hole, turning the soil it dug up into gold, which it then used to build a wall.

The small creature, roughly three feet tall, then hid behind the wall and looked out over it. It saw one of the giant Pidgey, and pretended that it was using Stone Edge... Until it accidentally spawned a real stone out of mid air, hurled it, and beheaded the Pidgey with the single, two-inch long rock. It whimpered. "Bye bye Pidgey..." it said as it was about to cry, before snapping out of it. "Oh, right! I can bring it back!" it exclaimed, giggling and clapping its hands. The Pidgey soon glowed and recombined. Freaked out, it flew away, leaving the god crying as it was left all alone again. It missed Lakinay and Sinferno, having not seen them for the last three years and year, respectively

(Yes, this god has the mind of a freaking five year old)
Aria nodded. "I like the plan." She had a hand on Hokaze's shoulder, then began to stroke him lightly. She seemed to turn evil for a moment when she said, "But do anything to hurt Hokaze, and he'll rip your head off."
"Yes sir..." Patrick replied through his walkie talkie. He sent out Elle, who slightly blended into the lush green forest, turning into a light green color. Just then, a man walked through the bushes. "I am Paul," he said. "And you must be the robot-human."
"Yes I am," said Patrick obediently.
"Well then. I shall upgrade you and your Porygon-Z." Paul took out bundles of wires, a computer, and some high-tech equipment. Connecting it to Patrick's hard drive and Elle's hard drive, Patrick stuttered and shook. He once again uttered random phrases, this time for about a minute. "There we go," said Paul after the shaking stopped. "I've programmed some humanoid features to you, and fixed some bugs. Your Porygon-Z, on the other hand, now is faster than Lakinay, and can support your weight."
"Th-Thank you," Patrick said. Paul threw him some clothes, and he took out an outfit of his own. "Put these on," he said. "It's our disguise." Patrick wore a blue design tee and jeans, while Paul wore a safari outfit. "Now come along," Paul continued. "We have some invading to do."
EDIT: Can I control Paul for the time being? And can we say he has an Absol companion? Only 2 Rockets this time, I think....
"But vait..." Taisiya muttered, "Vhat... Who's going vith who?" she had a very skeptical look on her face as she examined each of the researchers with one eye. The other was closed.
The group spotted the island and landed out-of-sight, relieved that the flight was over.
"We definitely need to keep out of sight of those scientists," muttered Flower, with more energy than the rest of them at being back in the forest, from which she came. Even Blade agreed that that was a wise choice, although Mist agreed by saying, "Well that was a 'well duh' moment."
"Shut up," snarled Shimmer, who was more tired than the rest of them from carrying Lucidia (excluding Blade, who was unaccustomed to long hour-long flights). She hit him over the head with her wing, moaning afterward. "I think I pulled a muscle."
"Let me check," said Lucidia, approaching her and fingering her wing tenatively.
After a few minutes, she concluded, "It's pulled, alright. Since you can't sit or lay down, I'm afraid you'll have to stand, but take it easy while we try to gather a few herbs."
"I am not collecting plants," scoffed Blade. "It would be an insult to my species' nature."
"Nor am I," said Set. "It's the survival of the fittest here."
Lucidia shrugged. "Fine, be stubborn all you want. Flower is really the only one I'll need."
"And I'll come, too," she said, shooting a glare at the two.
"Good, then let's go." And without another word, they set off into the forest.
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