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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

"Ugh... I do hope I am not in a group with zat idiot..." Taisiya muttered to herself grudgingly as she wiped the big red "DENIED" off her forehead (fohead). She glared at Ohayou.

"Vould be hell..."
Mysti looked at Patrick. There's something...familiar about him... she thought. Oh, well. I'm back with Eric-kun and that's all I want!
The scientists discussed who would go with who all night long. Danta got first picks, as everybody, including Keith, was scared of him and his deny stamp, which seems to have had a long, sharp blade added to it.

Paul then chose his team mates, having fought Keith for the right to go next. Oddly enough, Keith lost. He also seemed to be more... robotic.

Kristine chose third, with Keith drooling all the while. After her, Keith chose team mates, choosing two girls. Dante made a mental note - out loud - to warn the girls of the ogling muscles from the kingdom of deny pie. Keith almost beat him up, but ended up trembling in a corner when Dante pulled out a huge, hollowed Nanab berry filled with Deny Sticks, also known as Dynamite. After Dante was subdued, Lucy, the shy one, took the two remaining trainers.

In the morning, the trainers were each given a list detailing who would go with who, along with a list of threats in the forest.

"Dante - Eric, Ohayou, Mysti
Keith - Maya, Aria
Lucy - Tsukimaru, Taisiya
Paul - Patrick, Jason
Kristine - Blade, Lucidia


Light Forest:
-Giants: Bulbasaur, Treecko, Bellsprout, Pidgey, Jigglypuff
-Normals: Salamence, Feraligatr

Thick Forest:
-Giants: Butterfree, Beedrill, Swablu, Altaria, Magikarp
-Normals: Victreebell, Feraligatr, Salamence

-Giants: Totodile, Treecko, Bagon, Croconaw, Grovyle, Shellgon
-Mega Giants: Feraligatr, Sceptile, Salamence

Notes: Giants range from 50 feet to 100 feet. The Mega Giants range from 100 feet to 500 feet in size. Take EXTREME caution when travelling through this area. Also, knifed deny stamps are your best friend

Gonna deny your brains out (literally),


Eric read all of this out loud, and sighed. "Fuck, I am probably going to get my brains stabbed out and replaced with dynamite and bananas during the night..." he mumbled as he got onto Sinferno. "Mysti, Ohayou, quick, get on! We might be able to ditch Dante!"
Tsukimaru gazed at the list, attempting to pronounce the name of his partner. "So I'm with Taisiya? Not a problem, I really don't care."
"Maya..." Aria said slowly. "I see." Sounds nice enough, she thought, and looked around for her group member. Hokaze gazed at the list, then shook his head. "Oh yeah, I can't read."
"So, I am vith this Tsukimaru..." Taisiya muttered, glancing at her partner. "He does not seem like an idiot, so I hope ve do not have a problem..." Truly, she was relieved that she hadn't been stuck with Ohayou. Poor Eric, she thought.
Eric, meanwhile, saw Dante get on Sinferno. He grabbed a sharp stone and was about to stab himself. Sinferno stopped him

"PLEASE! JUST... LET... ME... GET... FREE FROM... THIS... TORTURE!" he yelled out to Sinferno just before he was knocked out cold by a powerful Deny stamp
"DENIED!!!" Ohayou yelled, clambering up Sinferno's foreleg.
"Spin," he called, releasing the rotom who was in speaker form, "We need some travel tunes!!!"

Spin then began playing Caramelldansen, Ohayou dancing along.

He stopped ubruptly.
"Oh... My... BuhJesus... I FORGOT MY BANANA CANNON!!!" he yelled to the heavens, his voice echoing.

Spin then played "The Wings on the Sinferno" to cheer Ohayou up, and as soon as the music started, he looked up and happily sang along.
"The wings on the Sinferno go up and down, up and down, up and down!!!" He sang, making everyone's ears bleed.
((Dante's Inferno reference? Or what? XD Hilarious though.))
(((No... just randomosity... and Ohayou...

Edit: 500 posts! I'm halfway to having no life!)))
((No, I mean to Icalasari. Dante the writer=Wrote Dante's Inferno, committed suicide, and Dante the character=Wanted to kill self on Sinferno. Yeah....))
(((HOLY CRAP!!! -Just realized- I feel stupid! Other Echo is taking my place now!)))
((*GASP* If you were actually an Ohayou, then....
Let's just say it won't be good.))
(((*Sigh* No... Other Echo (the hyper one) is more like Ohayou than I am.)))
((Sorry, I had to sleep))
"OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH YAY I'M WITH ERIC!!! I mean, uh, let's go!" said Mysti as she clambered onto Sinferno.
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