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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

((I just got on and this was teh first place I went: meh favorite RPG series(note the series part), Pot_!))
Eric saw Patrick keeping up, and seemed somewhat suspicious. Ok, Porygon Z's are fast, but not THAT fast! he thought as he hung on for dear life to his dragon. He watched the dragon weave through the foilage

Sinferno, meanwhile, had one thought on his mind. He had to catch that flash, and fast! He then noticed the Porygon Z and was shocked. Were they after the same thing? How were they keeping up? He had to get rid of them. He launched a huge fireball at Patrick. "SINFERNO! DON'T!" Eric cried out
"Go at a quick pace," Tsukimaru commanded. Zapdos slowly increased its speed, but made sure that its passengers would not fall. "Let's beat Sinferno to the forest Pokemon!" said Tsukimaru, trying to make it sound like a game to Zapdos.
Mysti jumped in front of the fireball, nearly being killed. Steel Wing let himself out of his Pokeball and caught Mysti and said to Sinferno: "Mysti was hurt because you want to do... whatever it is you want to do. I'm going to personally take Mysti to the nearest hospital. Please transfer that message to Eric!" he said as he swooped toward the nearest town, trying to put a hospital in sight.
Taisiya gripped the bird for dear life. Her eyes were shut tight, and it looked like she was about to scream. But she knew they had to go this fast to keep up with Eric (and the Porygon-Z for that matter, but she hadn't seen that yet).
"Yes yes!" she cried a bit reluctantly, "Ve need to keep up vith them!"
Lucidia zoomed up on Joy's back near Blade, panting.
"You... aren't... leaving me behind..."

(Note: Right now the only Pokemon she has out is Joy. Kthxbi)
Aria nodded. Hokaze was just now catching up to a Zapdos. "Let's go," Aria said. Hokaze grunted in response as his huge paws thumped against the ground. Aria began to plan. Mace would be used first, perhaps. That would be the best strategy.
"Oh, um, hey...sorry 'bout that, I was in a bit of a hurry." Blade said to Lucidia, turning around on Latias, now facing Lucidia," Um, hey, I can pull you over here, Latias can handle it.But only if you want to."
Ohayou looked at Mysti and said, "So is this!"

He then mooned Patrick.
"No, I'm fine," chirped Joy. "Shimmer just pulled a wing muscle, so she can't fly right now." She let off her joy at being able to fly alone with Lucidia with a loop-the-loop.
Lucidia turned a bit green. "Don't ever do that again," she moaned.
Patrick was on fire. Literally. "AHHH! HELP ME!" he shouted. He was starting to spark up, and was looking like John McCain, blinking a lot and smirking and smiling all the time. Suddenly, Elle used a Rain Dance in desperation as she didn't want the fire to melt her metal, and Patrick cooled off quickly, but now was malfunctioning because of the water in his system. Elle quickly stopped the Rain Dance, and Patrick stopped malfunction. Paul wiped the worried look off his face. "Hey!" he yelled, shaking his fist at Eric, Ohayou, Mysti, and Sinferno. "Don't do that to the Proj - I mean... fellow trainers! It's um.... MEAN!"
"But - Mysti saved your life!" said Steel Wing to Paul, knowing he couldn't understand him but saying it anyways. Mysti began to wake up. "Mysti!" he cried of joy. "Are you alright?" "Yes, yes I am, Steel Wing, now let's go find the Forest Pokemon!" she said, sitting upright and holding on tight. "But try to stay close to Eric, okay?" she whispered to her trusty Charizard as they began to catch up to Sinferno.
As Zapdos caught up with Sinferno, he screeched happily as if to say, "Race ya!" and sped up ever so slightly, glad that he could have some fun.

Tsukimaru laughed mentally. Loyal and playful put together made the perfect Pokemon.
((Ohh... I thought he wrote fireballs.... Can we just assume that? I dun feel like editing and I have to get back to homework.))
"Thanks for that," Paul said. He took out a first aid kit from his backpack. "Here," he said. "Take this. It'll help for now." He tossed it at Mysti, and Elle still kept right next to Sinferno.
Charizard missed it and swooped down to catch it. Mysti then used the contents to help her heal. Mysti still secretly liked Eric-kun, but still didn't reveal it. Steel Wing smirked as Mysti got finished with the first aid kit and began to speed up, passing everybody else.
"Hey!" Zapdos squawked playfully, and sent a harmless jolt of electricity at Steel Wing. He raced ahead, lined up with the other flying Pokemon.
"Hang on!" Steel Wing said to Mysti as he twisted around the electric bolt and sped p even more, just barely ahead of everyone else.
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