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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

((No, I mean to Icalasari. Dante the writer=Wrote Dante's Inferno, committed suicide, and Dante the character=Wanted to kill self on Sinferno. Yeah....))

[[O.o My own character was making the suicide threats. But yeah, that IS strange...]]

Eric woke up. "Well, at least you're coming along, Mysti. That ALMOST makes three Ohayou's bearable..."

Sinferno sweatdrop as he heard this, not wanting to break the new about the Earth God to him yet. He sighed, and then saw a flash streak by. "What the hell..." he mumbled, and then realized what it was. Without warning, he took off at high speeds. Eric yelped as he began to twist and turn through the forest. To Sinferno, it seemed obvious what he was doing. To everybody else, it looked like a challenge, as if he was saying, "Hah, none of you can beat me! We can get to the god before you can!"

In other words, the race was on
Blade noticed Eric running of, as if saying, "Hah, none of you can beat me! We can get to the god before you can!" And Blade started dashing after him. Forget the others...this one's mine! I'm not losing this one! He thought, chasing after Eric on Latias.
"WHOO!!!" Ohayou yelled against the wind, "Another race!!!"
He promptly shoved Spin into his fan.
"Add .04 scooch-meters per second!" He commanded.

Sinferno then began scooching faster, with the minor help from Spin, despite the fact that he was flying.

(((Note: .04 scooch-meters is the fastest anyone can go.)))
"WHOO!!!" Ohayou yelled against the wind, "Another race!!!"
He promptly shoved Spin into his fan.
"Add .04 scooch-meters per second!" He commanded.

Sinferno then began scooching faster, with the minor help from Spin, despite the fact that he was flying.

(((Note: .04 scooch-meters is the fastest anyone can go.)))

[[...Wut o.o]]
(((Why are you asking...? Wasn't it already established that you do not ask?)))
Paul and Patrick saw people starting a race. "Come on!" Paul said to Patrick. Patrick sent out Elle, and Paul sent out his Absol. "Get on, and follow!" he said, and Patrick followed, with Elle speeding up as fast as it could.
"Okay then," Aria said, shrugging. "Hop on," she told her companion, and waited for her to get on Hokaze while she mounted him herself.
Tsukimaru sent out Zapdos.

"Taisiya, or whoever, can ride on my bird," he said. He thought he sounded strange, but said it anyway. He mounted the bird.
Taisiya, without warning, pounced onto the Zapdos at Tsukimaru's offer. She had been about to use her Raikou, but an air search would definitely be faster.
"Let's go!"
Sinferno took off. Mysti was not holding on. "AAAAHHHHHH!!!" she screamed as she fell off. She called out Steel Wing and went in hot pursuit. Eventually she caught up with them, and Steel Wing put his wing close to Sinferno. Mysti went across the wing and back on Sinferno, and then recalled Charizard while hanging on for dear life. "Pheeewww, I made it back..." Mysti muttered as she put the Pokeball onto her pocket and held on with both hands.
Ohayou handed Mysti a banana and some tea.
"Congradulations on not dying!" He yelled over the rushing wind.
"Time to get flying!" said Tsukimaru, and jumped onto the vacant space near Zapdos' neck. The bird immediately started flying. Since it was a fast Pokémon, it went fast. Duh.
Ohayou, depressed because the forums were down, suddenly looked up.
"THEY'RE BACK!!!" he yelled, beginning to do a victory dance.
Taisiya's stomach lurched at take off. She had never exactly been flying before when she wasn't drunk enough to not notice the taking off part, and the forces of gravity were mostly new to her. She looked as if she were about to throw up, but she held it in.
Seeing people fly, Patrick thought about whether he should go up too or not. As if he could read his mind, Paul said, "Hmmm... We should fly and follow them. Can I get on Elle?"
"Sure," said Patrick. Paul returned his Absol, and jumped on Elle, beeping loudly since she was changing modes, and quickly jumped up and hovered in the sky, sticking pretty close to Sinferno.
((Ah, so other people were having trouble with it too. I be glad it's back, too.))

Mysti grabbed the banana and tea. She magically changed the banana to cod and then drank the cod and ate the tea.
(((Didn't you read the news post? ._. Butterfree rebooted the server.)))
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