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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Hokaze began to run faster, and was now ahead of Zapdos. He was catching up to Sinferno and Steel Wing.

"We can make it," Aria encouraged.
((I thought electricity was lightning-quick... o_O))

Zapdos happily caught up with Steel Wing and chirped enthusiastically. Tsukimaru looked at the passing landscape.
[Pokemon electricity is weird, ok?]

Sinferno soon stopped in a clearing, just before the thicker part of the forest. He had lost track of the light.

"Sinferno, what was that all about?"
"I thought that I saw... Never mind..."
"Awww... the ride's over!" Ohayou complained.
"Sinferno, can you fly the rest of the way? You can sense the pokemon of the forest, right? And... It's fun..."
Zapdos quickly followed Sinferno, and landed in the same clearing. Tsukimaru stepped off and withdrew the bird, sending out Dusclops.

"Search," Tsukimaru said with a look, and Dusclops knew exactly what he needed to do. He nodded and faded away into the forest.
Taisiya fell off the bird clumsily. Her body was still shaking, and she looked around at the dense forest in front of her.

"V-vhat a ride..." she stammered, shakily getting up onto her feet. She brushed her jeans off and looked around. The guy she'd been riding with had sent a Dusclops in search, but Taisiya didn't want to send Kseniya in there yet. She'd look on her own first.
Elle landed softly, luckily. However, it was tired and flipped over, hitting the two passengers. "What now?" asked Patrick.
"We go and search," said Paul. He gave everyone a whistle. "Blow it when you see the Pokemon of the Forest."
Aria nodded, and stepped off Hokaze. "You can have a rest," she said before withdrawing him. The Pokemon that came out of the Great Ball she threw was a dark blue bird, with a forked tail and a red chest. "Swellow!" It chirped serenely.
"Sandra, you'll be able to see the Pokemon of the Forest from a long way away. Fly up and see if you can find it!"

She sang obediently, then soared into the air, looking around at the ground closely. When she landed, she allowed Aria to rise, and together, they searched.
Mysti saw Sinferno land and ordered her Charizard to make a U-turn and land next to them. He did so, and Mysti called him back. "So, I'm back, now what..." asked Mysti to herself but purposely letting Eric and Ohayou hear.
"We wait... because the plot is not being moved..." Ohayou complained, making a pile of leaves to sit on.
"There's no way to stop you, but I would have said yes anyway," he replied, staring up at the clouds.
Several Treecko then came out from the forest. One of them picked up Ohayou.

"Treecko?" the giant Pokemon said as Sinferno began to heat up, ready for a fight with the gigantic grass types
"Whoo!!! A Treeko ride!!!" Ohayou yelled from... however high he was.
"Ok... time to get to buisness. Kasumi, Destiny Bond this bitch, and Spin, kill Kasumi," he called, then suddenly gasped, and began yelling, "NO WAIT!!! DON'T!!! I'LL FALL REALLY FAR!!!!"

His pokemon began then playing D&D while waiting for commands.

"Ok... I wanna cast a spell." Kasumi told Spin, though nobody but the pokemon understood. He then rolled a die, and it landed on one.

To relieve his stress, Kasumi slapped Eric with his banana.

"Good idea Kasumi!!!" Ohayou yelled.
He began climbing the Treeko's arm, and used his Nanab berry to stamp "REJECTED" onto the Treeko's eyes, blinding it.

Of course, the Treeko began rampaging, and attacking everything, including the other Treeko(s).
Elle immediately turned around. The Porygon-Z beeped. Paul sent out his Absol. ((Whoa... 3 straight short sentences. Hope my humanities teacher doesn't see...)) "Use Razor Wind!" he ordered. The Absol shot out extremely fast mini-tornadoes out at the Treecko, and some of them blew away. Patrick's system then started beeping, and Paul knew he was getting into Battle Mode. Patrick then quickly said, "Tri-Attack and Aerial Ace!" The Porygon-Z first sent out a large triangular projectile, the quickly charged forwards into it, getting all the energy from the Tri-Attack, and unleashing it physically on to the Treecko with the added bonus of a Flying-type attack. Another group of Treeckos were blown back by the heavy hit.
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