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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Blade called for his POKéMON to retreat and Latias flew up with Blade on her back and Moon + Solon in their POKé BALLS. He flew out of the path of the giant GROVYLE.
Taisiya screamed, then jumped back onto Dmitri, who roared in surprise and bolted. She struggled to keep hold as the Raikou dashed wildly into the forest.

"Dmitri! Stop! Vhat are you doing?!"
Lucidia facepalmed.
"Genius," teased Mist.
"Shut up," murmurred Shimmer.
"Cut it out," said Joy.
"This is how I can tell our morale is low," said Lucidia.
"Who cares," said Mist. "While there all occupied with Tiny, we could run for it and snag the Forest Pokemon."
"Mist, your genius is showing," laughed Flower.
"When is it hidden?" he inquired.
"Ninety-nine percent of the time," Shimmer mutterred.
"Whatever, let's continue this discussion on the road," he said, taking off without the others' consent.
Lucidia sighed, and they followed.
Patrick was scared. But he still was in battle mode. "Elle, Zap Cannon!" He shouted. The Porygon-Z shot out many large sparks of electricity. Half of them missed, but the other half hit the Treeckos or the giant Grovyle, and paralyzed them for a split second. Patrick, Paul, and Elle all ran away as far as they could at the time.
Maya stayed as well.

"Mia! Skye!" she yelled, letting out the Gardevoir and Pidgeot.

That's a big problem. Mia commented.

"Skye, let Mia on your back. Fly her near the head of the giant Grovyle and Mia should use Shadow Ball. You, however use Aerial Ace."

...Fine. Skye moaned.

Mia got on Skye and they flew near the head and performed the manuever.
As Lucidia and a few others fled the scene, a shimmering beam of ice shot towards the giant Grovyle. Judging by the direction it was going in, the one who had shot it had been aiming for the eye.
Lucidia turned around, surprised. "Set?" she asked, half to herself, looking for the familiar black wisp. But no, she thought, open attack wasn't the Dusknoir's style. He preferred to trick others into a trap. But Shimmer couldn't get here. She has a pulled muscle; she couldn't fly all the way here. And Blade doesn't know any Ice moves. So who...?
She saw something flying in the sky. It was barely visible and could only be seen by the motion of its wings and the shimmers it was giving off. It was obviously blue, and could use Ice moves.
She ran over the possibilities of what it was in her head. Articuno, Dragonair, Altaria... The only one that seems likely is Articuno. But she reminded herself that Shimmer was unable to fly, and besides, she was easier to see due to her pale blue color.
"Mist, you're able to defend yourself. Do you think that you could fly up and see what that is?"
He nodded and took off, his serpentine form gracefully avoiding the attacks that others were aiming at the Grovyle, including the Ice Beam that had caught her attention.
(((*Drags mangled body into RP. See the Social Group for details.*
Really? I mean really??? Am I, like, the only one who can keep this thing on the first page?)))

Echo, dizzied from his Wi-Fi dongle-thingy explosion, grabbed onto Sinferno, ready to leave.
"Oh, crap..." Mysti said as she saw the giant Grovyle. She climbed on Sinferno and called back her Pokemon.
Sinferno suddenly grew black in colour and ice cold to the touch as he let out a powerful flamethrower. The Grovyle fell back and Sinferno fled, going at insane speeds

The giant Treeckos chased off everybody, and soon, everybody was seperated
Aria flew off on Sandra. "Well..." she sighed, "Looks like we'll have to search on our own. Keep an eye out, alright?"

Sandra chirped, as if to agree.
Tsukimaru had switched Pokemon again. Now his Blaziken was out and about.

"Y'know, you're out here because I want an easy capture for the forest Pokemon. Since it's so powerful, like that lake one, I think a type advantage would help. Don'cha think?"

"Very clever of you," said his fire chicken, dark-colored taekwon do belt waving in the air. "I think it's a very good idea."
Patrick and Paul looked around. "Aww, shit! Where'd everyone else go?" Paul said. "No matter; we'll go find this Pokemon of the Forest on our own." Patrick and Paul set out again in the forest.
"What ze fuck..."

Taisiya growled. First she had been facing down some giant Treecko, then Dmitri had bolted, and now she was here. In a very thick section of forest. It was bringing back unpleasant memories. And to make it worse it seemed everyone else had allies from years past, while she had no one.

"Stuck in a fucking forest again vith no vay out... Dmitri, you eediot..."

No, don't get mad now, you have a Forest Pokemon to find, she thought. At this rate it was the only thing keeping her from turning back and going back to her apartment. She had missed Sinferno by a long shot; she was not about to back down this time.

She fingered one of the Pokeballs at her belt. Who to send out, Darya to keep the path in front of her clear, or Kseniya to scout? She didn't want to use both and possibly waste their energy for when the battle came.
Ohayou, rather cold and frozen to Sinferno, was surpied that, being gone for almost two weeks, the Forest Pokemon hadn't been found.
"Can we hurry, Eric? Somebody might beat us to it..."
Tsukimaru and his Pokemon searched deeper into the forest, wandering in absolutely no particular direction. Blaziken jumped and kicked nimbly through, combativity rushing through his veins.
Maya slammed smack dab into a tree, almost falling on Tasaiya.

That's GOTTA hurt. Skye remarked.
Mist flew back to Lucidia and the others.
"It did look like an Articuno, but I couldn't get a good look before the Grovyle rampaged. It spooked and flew away, faster than I could follow."
"Well, there's nothing we can do about that. You did well, Mist," complimented Lucidia. "Now, let's go."
"Wait," spoke up Flower. "What about Blade and Set? Are we going to leave them behind?"
"We'll have to," she said. "It'll take to much time to go back and get them, and they can't Teleport, nor are they fast enough to catch up..."
Joy now joined in. "I could fly back there as fast as I could, probably using Extremespeed, and fetch them, then fly back again. With that technique, I could catch up to you before you get there unless ill fortune targets us."
Lucidia said, "Good idea. Could you possibly start off now?"
Joy merely put a wing tip to her forehead in salute and took off in the direction that they had come.
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