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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

The Treecko began to spray Bullet Seeds at everyone in their way.

Meanwhile, Sinferno made a sharp turn right. "Damned Treecko! They always wanted to kill me!" Sinferno muttered under his breath as he let loose another powerful Flamethrower. He then flew into a small cavern and navigated through a small passage in the back. After a bit of a labyrinth, he soon emerged in one of a few clearings in the jungle. He looked around and cursed under his breath. "Shit! Nowhere near him! His clearing has blue roses and some giant flying types!"

Over in the god's clearing, he leaned back, sighing. "I miss them so much. I need a friend..." he muttered as he turned to a wilting blue rose. He stroked the stem, and it perked right up. Getting up, the god then went to a nearby berry tree, and grabbed a gigantic Nanab. He was about to dig in, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain. He turned around and saw Rocket grunts there, setting up the place so that only Patrick and the scientist at his side could get in. The god growled. "Intruders! Feel the wrath of my FLYING NANAB ATTACK!" he shouted. The grunts looked at each other confusedly before suddenly getting pelted and crushed by huge Nanab berries
Sandra swerved in the air, desperately dodging the seeds. She swooped higher, where the Treecko were less likely to get her. The Swellow flapped her wings harder, and Aria almost fell off. Then, Sandra took cover below the treetops, skimming the branches and checking every clearing for the Pokémon of the forest.
Taisiya jumped back, as she saw a girl fall from a tree.

"Zat looked like it hurt... Are you alright sere?" she asked cautiously. The girl didn't look like an enemy.
But then she heard a commotion in the distance.

"Vhat ze...?"
"I'm.....ergh...fine." Maya moaned, "And I'm hungry as well."

Same old Maya. Skye said.

If Pidgeot could smile, you'd surely see a smile on Skye's face.
There was a sound of a battle in the distance.

"Where's it coming from?" Tsukimaru asked.

"This way," Blaziken answered, and the two marched toward the strange noises.
Sandra flapped her wings and glided towards corruption in the distance.

Aria's heart raced. Was this it... was this the god? Perhaps, she would have a chance this time... just one would be all she needed to prove to herself that she wasn't a complete failure. She tore her gaze away from the source of the sound, but couldn't help staring at it more.
Taisiya was about to reply, but spotted the Pidgeot overhead.

"Zat is a beautiful Pidgeot you have." she muttered, trying to ignore the noises. But she couldn't. That had to be it. That was the god, she could feel it. Then the memories came flooding back.

Two years ago zose bastard Rockets... zey stole my family from me... Zis god is rumored to be able to restore life... I could bring zem back, have the ones I cared about back...

Her original objective had been to get it so she could see all the Pokemon, but this goal...

"Do you hear zat...?" she asked Maya, "It must be it... If you're after it zen ve need to go. Now."
Latias returned to conciousness just in time to catch Blade before certain death. But by time she caught him, he was out, unconcious...so Moon decided to take command.
Thanks. Skye said.

She knows telepathy. Mia explained, After all, she used to be a human, as was I.
Patrick and Paul continued on. "According to the time, the grunts should be setting up the rendezvous point..." Paul said. "We should be there in a short while." Going up ahead, they saw a few Rocket Grunts running towards them. "SIR! Th-The god! It had a Nanab! A DAMN NANAB WERE SCARY!" he cried.
"You... did...?" Taisiya asked the Pokemon cluelessly, "I sought ze Pidgeot looked a bit familiar, as I sink I may have seen her as a human before, but..."
My name is Skye. Don't worry, I am not the same as previously. Skye said, Death made me reconsider a few things about my life. When Maya got me into this body...I felt like I should be loyal to the trainer cause. But it hurts...Patrick...he is on the other side.
"Intruders! Feel the wrath of my FLYING NANAB ATTACK!" he shouted. The grunts looked at each other confusedly before suddenly getting pelted and crushed by huge Nanab berries

(((:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. That is quite "teh sex".)))

Ohayou, trying to dodge the bullet seeds the size of large toddlers, got hit in the intestines, knocking him across Sinferno's back.

"Ahhh!!! My duodenum!!!!"

He then spat blood onto Sinferno, watching it evaporate.
"At least I cought it." He said, holding up the massive seed."
"Flying nanabs are love," Ohayou cried, flinging droplets of his blood onto Sinferno.
"Hey, Ohayou, can I be off-plot...ish... like you are? I mean, talking about things that are about the story, like the plot being moved or not..."
Ohayou looked up, bewildered. He then furrowed his eyebrows, and with a stubborn look on his face responded, "No, you have to be insaneretartedwithananab to be off-plotish. You will be denied," Mysti was then denied with Ohayou's giant nanab.
"NANAB BERRIES LOOK LIKE HAIRCOMBS!" said Elle suddenly popping into wherever Echo was. Then he went back to his spot with Paul and Patrick.
((D: This is going nowhere))
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