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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Elle then killed off Patrick and Paul for the time being (which is until Icalalsari or someone else bring sense back to this), and joined Echo. He started singing "Surfing Bird."
Sinferno soon arrived at the clearing, after shaking the Treecko of doom. He then got tasered, but instead of fainting, he glared and ignited the rocket in question. He saw the chaos and roared. "Leave my brother alone!" he cried out as he enveloped the rockets in black flames... Only to have the reflected right back at him by special cloth that imitates Mirror Coat. He fell to the ground, injured. Eric called him back and grinned.

"Pikachu, pl-" he was soon grabbed. He took out a flash bomb and blinded the grabber, then swiftly gave him a right hook. "One last time. Pikachu, plan delta 9!"

Pikachu grinned and charged a ton of electricity. She then let it loose in many directions, paralysing several Rockets. There were too many though, so Eric grabbed his Pokemon and retreated.

"Fucking hell, they were actually PREPARED for once!"


The Forest god whimpered as he saw the scene unfold. His brother got hurt... He blinked. "Sinferno... You got hurt... You Got Hurt... YOU GOT HURT!" the god cried out as he whipped around to the bulk of the Rockets. "I AM EARACOR, GOD OF EARTH! YOU HAVE DEFILED MY LANDS AND INJURED MY BROTHER! FOR THAT, YOU SHALL PAY!"

His eyes went black and his skin changed colour to a frightening dark grey. Suddenly, stones began to jut out of the ground all over, killing many Rockets. Next, his skin turned green, and the plants began to go wild, wrapping up more Rockets. His anger was showing as he used attack after attack, his colour changing each time, the attacks also changing to match the colour. The place was soon wrecked, and Rockets began to bring out the big guns. Earacor looked and frowned. He bent the metal with ease from a distance, using only his command over the earth and metals to do so. For such a small creature, he was sure powerful

He then got struck and went flying. A vine grabbed him and lowered him gently as he saw Giovanni with a grey Garchomp. One eye was red and made of a weird glass that seemed unbreakable. "This, Earacor, is TAW, short for Tactical Artillery Weaponry. He is your opponent, as is Patrick. Patrick, you may take over now. Command Taw with fierce, calculating prowess," he calmly said as he stepped back to let the cyborg take over

[Also, Sense is restored]
Paul and Patrick were revived, and Elle came back to them. They quickly got to the clearing as Giovanni was introducing the weapon. Patrick grinned. "Hehe...." he chuckled. He then sent out all of his Pokemon, and combined with the Garchomp, were an imposing sight. They stared at Earacor. "Ready to have a battle?" Patrick said with fierce determination.
((Is Earacor like "Ear of corn"? Because that's what it looks like to me X3))
Tsukimaru came across Aria quickly.

"Hi," he said, and looked in the direction that the sound had come from. "Hey. I need to ask you something."
Aria saw commotion nearby, and didn't enter until it calmed down. The whole place was wrecked, but Aria was prepared to battle anyway.

"Ready, Hokaze?" She said as she sent out her Entei.

Hokaze let out a fierce howl, glaring with flames.

"What is it?" Aria asked Tsukikage.
((Maru, not Kage.))

"I was thinking: If I manage to catch the Pokemon, I don't really have a use for it, so I was wondering if someone else would want it... after all, I can tell that you haven't caught anything good yet... I mean, besides that Entei..."
((Sorry, I'm used to talking about an Umbreon character I used to have.))

"Well, thanks for the offer..." Aria said shyly. "But effort should never be wasted... And I do have another cool Pokémon... want to see after the battle, or during if we're lucky?"
"Why not?" he asked, and stood back from her. He was just about to say "slight thanks," but he didn't want to sound rude.
Blade woke up, gathered up his Pokemon, and dashed where everyone was going. He entered a ruined clearing, with a lot of Rockets, trainers and Pokemon. "All right, everyone, out. Our opponents are the rockets and the small green enraged one." he said as he let out all of his Pokemon that were still in their Poke Balls."Except, don't faint the green one, I want it."
"Well, the place with the Pokemon isn't far ahead, so I'll meet you there, okay?"

Tsukimaru, led by his Blaziken, sprinted as fast as he could and arrived at the clearing, hidden behind a tree.
Aria, however, was already at the clearing. She shrugged, though, waiting for the battle to start.

"Hokaze, use Lava Plume!"
((Really? Okay, ignore my last post.))

"Good luck," said Tsukimaru, and faced Hokaze.

"Blaziken, help Hokaze's Lava Plume with Blaze Kick."
Lucidia held a hand over her eyes to shield them from the sunlight as Joy descended, with Blade on her back and Set by her side.
She landed, gasping, "There's a commotion."
"Where?" snapped Lucidia. It was her turn to catch one of these all-powerful Pokemon.
Joy pointed in a general westward direction and watched as Lucidia ran off, the others close behind. She had an odd look in her eye; the look of insanity.
She didn't like it.
Lucidia had always been kind and selfless. She hadn't really let anything get to her...
Until now.
But Joy was too attached to her after all these years. She couldn't defy Lucidia; if she was released, she would be heartbroken.
She reluctantly followed, hoping that she did catch this Forest Pokemon. Hopefully, it would put an end to Lucidia's madness.
Ohayou jumped off of Sinferno just before the blast, and released all of his pokemon.
Only loud enough to be heard by his pokemon, Ohayou began talking at light speed.
"We need to somehow both protect and weaken Earacor while also attacking TEW. I want Kasumi to use Rain Dance, to strengthen Wash, who will be using Hydro Pump on Earacor. Heat, you need to use a Will-O-Wisp on both TEW and Earacor. Cut, you will be using Leaf Storm on Earacor, and by then it will be raining so Kasumi can reset your Special Attack with Haze."

Ohayou took a breath.

"Spin, I want you to use Protect and Substitute to block all attacks going towards Freeze, who will be using Blizzard on both TEW and Earacor." Ohayou turned towards the battle, "Begin!" he commanded his pokemon.

Kasumi began spinning around, and it began to drizzle. With his cue, Wash fired a massive Hydro Pump at Earacor, which was followed by a wall snow and ice and a tornado of leaves.
Spin made a substitute in between Frost and their opponents, then waited for an attack to block with Protect.

From the trees where Heat chose to hide, two small orbs of fire drifted slowly towards Earacor and TEW, and the battlefield was filled with a black Haze as Kasumi finished the Rain Dance.

Everything is going according to plan! Ohayou thought, pulling out an Ultra ball, and as the attacks faded, he hurled it at the Pokemon of the Forest.
Mysti watched the battle unfold. "Go, Steel Wing!" she yelled. "Charizard, if the Ultra Ball thrown by Ohayou doesn't work, use Flamethrower!" ((And BTW, that will happen after Ica says if Ohayou's ball works, if it doesn't, I throw one.))
"Okay, use Psychic on Earacor, Moon and Solon, if Ohayou's ball fails." He called, ((if Ohayou's and Mysti's balls fail, he throws an Ultra Ball))
"TAW, charge towards Earacor and grab him! Hax, use Transform to be Earacor! Porygons, use Lock-On, then Hyper Beam!" Patrick said quickly. He then had an Ultra Ball at the ready, and was going to use it if no one caught Earacor.
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