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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Tsukimaru shouted down to the group, "We need another non-serious Pokémon RP!" He began checking his posts for replies.
"When's the next one going to start?" Aria cried after. "I probably won't be here, but I have a cousin who will!"
Sinferno dodged Steel Wing and growled, angered. Eric, however, ignored the Charizard. "Go left!" he told the god, who took a hard left turn, soon catching up with the trainer of Eracor. "Now grab that Trainer so we can check!"

(Putting it up to a vote. Who says we should end this rp on this or the next page and start the next Pot_?)
((Next page, definitely. >>))

Taisiya gulped. She raised her hands in surrender, then waited for Sinferno to grab her. Anything to prove her innocence, anything to prove she would defend this god with her life.


"Now that I have the time... all the time in the world..."

The channeler seemed to be ignoring her, or else couldn't see her. Kseniya sighed. "There must be a way to return to life..."
((I think we should stop because people are often at school and their feelings are hurt when people ignore them and hurry along with the RP and take all the rare gods for themselves.))
Steel Wing swooped down for a landing.
"Tired... can't... go on..."
"Okay. Thanks anyways, Steel Wing." she recalled him and sent out Purification. "Well, Pury isn't as menacing anyways, so the trainer should feel more comforted. I'll just let Eric get away with the god, then tell Father he got to it first! Yeah!
((Next RP~))

Ohayou caught up to Eric, and slipped awkwardly off of Spin.
"For the love of noodles!" He shouted, falling.

4.3 seconds later, he landed upside down on Sinferno.
"Hiiiiiiiiii, Eric!" He cried, beginning to Caramelldansen.
Aria joined in the Caramelldansen for the last time, and it made Hokaze rather sad.

Don't worry, I'll take care of you.

"Goodbye, everyone!" Aria said, exiting.

((Next time, I make a new character.))
Tsukimaru exited the scene. "CUT!"

And it appeared that people would come back.

But of course Tsukimaru was already back home with his Zapdos in a retirement from PoT_.

((And this time, Darksong, let's not aim for the god. We'll follow everyone and annoy them >:D ))
Eric frowned. "Who are you and what do you intend to do with Earacor?" he demanded, holding an IED in his hand.

(Will end this in my next post or two. So tie up any loose ends in this rp)
Taisiya looked at him calmly, before taking a deep breath.

"My name is Taisiya Fyodorov, and the reason I caught Earacor is zat it has alvays been a dream of mine to see every Pokemon in existance since I vas a little girl, and possibly to exact revenge on ze Rockets for killing my family... I svear, I vould give my life to protect Earacor after going through so much to finally cath him, and if you don't believe me... look into my eyes."
((Control of Gio, activate!))
~Mysti!~ said the voice on the walkie talkie that her father gave her.
~Yes, father?~
~We are retreating; get back in the helicopter, now!~
~Yes, Father.~ and with that, Mysti recalled Purification, brought out Steel Wing again, and they flew up to the helicopter.

((Had to get back someway or another :/))
Eric put back the explosive device and grinned. "Good. The Rockets now lack two of the si-I mean, four, gods..." he quickly corrected himself as Sinferno gave a glare. Obviously, there was more out there than most of the trainers knew...
Aria leaped off of Sandra and cried, "THE END!" Then she landed, creating a hole. A cry of "I'm not hurt!" could be heard from the bottom. Then, there was a murmur... "Oh, hey, is that magm- AAAH!" Aria came shooting out of the hole with a burned foot.
Taisiya nodded.

"I sank you. Ah, but if you vould be so kind as to take me back to ze mainland? I lack a flying Pokemon, you see, and Kseniya, who knew Teleport... she's..." she cut off. It was too soon.
"Climb onto Sinferno," Eric said softly, "and we will take you home. Oh, this island has an old legend attached to it... 'Pick clean the bones of a Pokemon and lay them in the river that runs through the island's heart. At the mouth of the river, Earacor will reward you for your kindness and devotion, and give the Pokemon life anew'"

Eric grinned and, without the trainer's permission, went to track down Kseniya's corpse


Giovanni growled. "I will NOT lose another god! Off to the sky!"

The grunt flying the helicoptor looked back at his boss. "Where in the sky?"

Giovanni then chuckled. "To the next god, of course. I heard it lives in a massive cloud. Apparently, the cloud used to be part of the land until the god, angered by humanity, took off with it. Rare Pokemon not even known to man live there. Rotom also run rampant in the cloud as lightning bolts. Some of our best scientists believe that these may be an evolution. If we can get there and capture the god, then we can have a whole army!"


The deity yawned and lazily guided the cloud to a new location. "Hoenn needs some rain today. And Sinnoh... After that screw up with Giratina, I think it deserves a nasty little blizzard. Kanto should get some sun today, as they haven't pissed me off yet this year, and Johto... Damned Lugia. Let's see how he likes constant hurricanes barraging the Whirl Islands! That will teach him not to attack me..."

It fluffed its feathers. "I love screwing with the weather"


Several officers scoured Saffron City. It has been awhile since Nurse Joy went missing. They were still trying to find her kidnapper. One of them rushed to a brightly lit spot. "HEY! I THINK I FOUND SO-GRKTGAAAAAAAAAA!" they screamed out. Blood squirted all over, staining the square. Officers opened fire on the ball of fatal light, wondering why their Arcanines were running, peeing themselves out of fear. They soon got their answer as a being of light, like a graceful hyrbid between a Charizard and a Kingdra, tore them apart


A cavern shook as a monster so ugly that even Zubat died in its prescence became angered. "My children are PATHETIC! How could EARACOR have been beaten!?" it growled, stone falling. It then sighed and chuckled. "Well, at least my remaining child won't go down without a fight. And even if they do, my mate... Well, judging from the souls I am tasting right now, they won't have any issues..."


Another chunk of the tablet reformed. This time, it was the left quarter. Between the vicious erupting volcanoes and the evaporating oceans was a forest with Earacor desperately trying to save them from dying off

~The End?~
Taisiya nodded. She recalled hearing a similar legend from her mother years ago. She jumped off of Sinferno, then knelt down next to Kseniya's body and released Earacor. The God, still weak from its battle, looked down at the Mismagius tiredly and then up at Taisiya.

"You lost a friend..." he mumbled wearily.


Kseniya blinked at the two trainers and their Gods at the scene of her death.

"What are they-" before she could finish the sentence, she felt herself being pulled toward the corpse, and the next time she blinked she was on the ground and she saw Taisiya recall Earacor.

"Sank you..." the girl whispered to the Poke Ball, before looking back at the Mismagius. Instead of her usual blue gemstone things that made up the "necklace", they were bright green. Probably Earacor's doing. Kseniya smiled for what seemed to be the first time Taisiya had ever seen, and she recalled her greatfully, a tear in her eye.

"Let's go home..." She murmured, climbing onto Sinferno again.

~~Taisiya's End~~

((Hope this was alright. I just can't go about an ending without tying up that very last loose end. >>))
((Let me end this with Aria.))

"Come on, Hokaze. I'll go let Caradence know." Aria petted her Entei's mane, and he let out a purr, which was rare for an Entei. Aria's eyes widened slightly as she grasped his neck. Shaking his head lightly, Hokaze flung her onto his back, clutching the fire emblem on his necklace in one paw before speeding off.

Aria blinked, staring off into space. Caradence, good luck.

Hokaze also seemed distracted, but was also concentrating. His steps seemed to grow lighter.

Aria nodded to herself, staring into blank space. "Let's go..."
Echo stepped off the plane, rushing to baggage claim to yoink his luggage and hurry home and post his final PotF post.

Ohayou... kinda stared... at nothing... and after receiving word of wild Rotom, glared at Eric.
"You are ebil..."
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