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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Set glared at the girl on the ground, assuming that he had a bit of time now that his opponent was gone.
"You think you're the only one who could use that ability?" he growled. "Typical. I remember how I used to be a Flygon before I died. I didn't have to worry about being dispersed by winds; I was the wind. I had a mate who died, I had children who died. I've been here long enough to see more sorrow than you ever could. But you don't see me begging to have that Earcora or whatever it's called, now do you?"

((I make up every last post off the top of my head, now don't I :3))
"Typical... you don't even know vhat it's called... vhatever..." with that, she broke into a run. No, no one was going to take this away, no matter how much they wanted it. She had caught it, and they could just get used to it. She knew where she was going, and they couldn't stop her. She would try to get home later.

Running through her mind was the last god-chase... The disappointment she'd felt from missing Sinferno caused her to halt her drinking habit. Now that she'd finally caught a God... it was the first time she'd been happy in a while. The rest might've thought she was mental, but she didn't care... she would never care...
Ohayou, after several months of hibernation, looked up sleepily.
"Ummmm... I forgot what pokemon I have..."
Looking around, he checked his balls (XD), seeing 4 too many Rotom and a crappy Drifloon.

"Hmm... Eracor has been caught," He yawned, "Now there's nothing for meeee to doooo..."

Ohayou stared blankly into space, blinking slightly.
"Driflooooon... Explosion...?"
Tsukimaru only heard muttering.

"I'm leaving." He wasn't really disappointed, just confused. He wanted to get away from these people for awhile. Sending out Zapdos, he mounted, and the bird lifted into the air and disappeared into the clouds.
Aria watched in amazement as Tsukimaru left. Afterwards, she pulled out Sandra, who began to fly with Aria on her back. Watching Tsukimaru for another split second, Aria fell away, not quite so disappointed any more. She held a hand on her remaining three Poké Balls.

At least I have you guys.

Moonshadow was the only Pokémon that she had kept after being crushed by her repeated failure. He had been so loyal, and she was grateful for that.
Blade saw the events from the shade of the trees. Good job, Taisiya. he thought. Then he saw the grunts pour in, and he slowly backed into the overgrowth. He let two slip through his grasp, but the next one was his. It had to be.
((So sorry if I'm not supposed to be controlling him, Ica. ><))

In a deep clearing in the forest – The very same she had fallen into at the beginning after falling off of Tsukimaru's Zapdose when they had been put on a team –, Taisiya held up the Ultra Ball containing Earacor.

"It's time for me to introduce myself..." she whispered, gently pressing the button. In a red flash, the small gray-green creature looked up at her with his innocent-looking eyes. He still looked very weak and confused, but she would take care of that after she got back home.

"Hello sere..."

He didn't reply, possibly due to being too injured.

"My name is Taisiya... I am your new trainer..."


"Don't vorry... I'll get you to help... After sat though... I have a request..."

"Y-your... accent is... funny..."

Taisiya chuckled. "Vell, you vill be hearing a lot more of it. Come now, I vill heal you vhen ve get home."

Earacor nodded, and Taisiya recalled him, starting back toward the ferries. The first thing she'd be doing when she got home after taking him to the Pokemon Center would be to catch herself a good strong flying type. But then one thought came to mind.


Hadn't she been very upset when first caught...? Something about having a mate and children somewhere... she would track them down too. Something told her... that her old friend might not be as dead as she thought after all...
((Come on, it's not fair! Just because I have school...))

(Sorry. I just wanted to wrap that up so bad ;.;. I will wait longer for the next dragon, though. And by longer, I mean between 12 and 48 hours. Also, you can control Earacor now. You caught him, after all. You can also nickname him)

Giovanni growled and looked at his daughter. "Get me that god at any cost. In the mean time, I will be setting out for the next one".


Eric sent out Sinferno and got onto him. "I need to track that trainer! Sinferno, go follow her!" he ordered the god, who promptly complied. After all, this is his brother they were talking about. If the trainer was a Rocket in disguise...


Up in the sky, something stirred. A small, snake like being yawned and stretched its massive wings, the feathers alone dwarfing even a Rayquaza. It shook its head. "So, I'm next, then. But, I have no need to worry..." it murmered to a nearby Altaria, who ruffled its feathers. "After all, how will they catch me when I have the whole sky to hide in?"
"Yes, father." Mysti replied as Steel Wing made a U-turn and they flew past Eric and Sinferno. Mysti gae a sly smile and a wink as if to say "Not a Rocket." and with that, they shot ahead of them, almost dive-bombing Taisiya, but swerving at the last second, as if to play.

((And yes, at the end of this, I will be a a Rocket again, but by the end of the series, I'm on Eric's side.))
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((Nono, I am. He did say "her".))

Taisiya glanced up. There was the Pokemon that she had missed last time. Sinferno. That Eric must have been after her. It was reasonable - what if she was a Rocket in disguise?

Not like that would ever happen.

"So he's after me zen..." she mumbled, standing completely still. She didn't care what she had to do to prove herself to the other god, but she would do whatever it took. Until she was nearly divebombed by that girl Misti. She jumped out of the way, then watched as she swerved away.
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Blade noticed something was going on up ahead. He quickly sent out Latias and jumped on. He started to fly ahead and saw Sinferno flying as well. What's going on? he thought to himself. He then flew up farther, tring to get equal with it . . .
Ohayou sighed, totally not into this because of the massive time gap.
He released Spin, and clinging to an extremity of your choice, took off after Sinferno to see if there was anything interesting left in this installment of PotF.

"BREAKING THE 4th WALL FOR THE WIN!!!" He shouted to the heavens.
"Sure," He called, tossing her a laptop.
"The website is the first one in the favorites list!"
"Sweet!" Mysti went on to TCoD and posted this post. "Thanks, Ohayou!" she then began splicing Charizard with Espeon in Paint.
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