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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Spin fired a jet of air, lifting the rest of the balls over the shadowy blob.
Lucidia would've shot flames from her nostrils if it was possible. Instead, she ordered Set to get it with a Shadow Ball of his own, which he did.
Taisiya hissed as she realized what was going on. She WOULD get this, even if she died doing it. And speaking of dying... she was reminded as she saw the Shadow Ball.

"Kseniya..." she whispered. But she didn't have the time right now. As she saw the balls being lifted over Kseniya's final attack she roared, then slammed the ones within reach into the ground. She wouldn't let the sacrifice her second Pokemon ever had made be in vain. But what about those others? She had to eliminate the threat somehow.

Kseniya weakly blinked up at Mia, confused. Wasn't she a spirit already? No, if she were dying, she couldn't have been.

"What...? Who... are you...? Is Master OK...? I hope I was able to... help her..."
((I think it's too late to join. And you need a form anyway. Look at the front post.))

Aria still stared in disbelief. "What in the world just happened?" She asked, mostly to herself, even though she didn't know the answer.
(Ok, FINALLY have it done. Now, I will try to keep up. From now on, though, if I don't calculate captures within a few days, Echo can do it)

The Ultraballs flew at Earacor, and, despite how weak the god was, he managed to break out of them all. He growled at the trainers, then grinned. "Good attempt! I am having lots of fun!" He laughed and then used Recover

[Don't blame me! Blame the generator! I generated an extra number to be the miss number, and it was the closest one to 0! ;.;]
Taisiya growled. It missed. Kseniya's sacrifice would not be in vain, she wouldn't let it... She whipped out three Ultra Balls and threw them all at Earacor. Five left. She had to do this.

Kseniya glanced at her.

"I doubt it would work... my throat was slit..."
"Try Will-o-Wisp," Aria told her Entei, "After the Ultra Balls are broken out of."

((If it's not captured:))

Hokaze gave a roar and tried to intimidate Earacor, summoning blue flames that circled around him for a moment, then shot towards the Pokemon of the Forest.

Quickly, Aria threw an Ultra Ball, then prepared another in her hand.
The three Ultraballs bounced off harmlessly, rolling back to their trainer. Two were busted, but one of them could still be used. The god was too strong to be caught at even half health.

Earacor switched to the fire type, making himself immune to the Will-o-Wisp. The other Ultraball shattered against him

"HAH! That won't work! You know my powers!"


Eric sighed, having lost Giovanni. "Fucking fucker fuckington fuck..." he began to curse, continuing the chain of fucks for several minutes. He sat on the ground, depressed. "I have Sinferno, and yet I still can't stop Giovanni... Maybe I'm useless..."


Earacor grinned and decided to finish this once and for all. He used Judgement, which is always ground type for him. Laser beams began to shoot from the heavens, blasting the field as Earacor changed back to the ground type. A plate appeared in front of him, boosting the power of Judgement to astronomical levels. However, something happened. One of the beams misfired and hit him. He screamed in pain from his own attack and fell to the ground, weak. Now would be the perfect time to capture him!

(Take two :3)
Lifting the other Ultra Ball, Taisiya threw it again. It was on now. The first one to hit would have to catch him, right? RIGHT?! Sjhe couldn't lose this one... she wouldn't lose this one...
The Ultraball hit. It wobbled once. Twice. Three times...


The god was caught. That leaves three more to be captured.


Giovanni checked the monitor in his helicopter that he managed to get to. He saw the capture and growled. "DAMNIT! ALL GRUNTS REPORT TO THESE COORDINATES IMMEDIATELY!"


Before the lucky trainer, Taisiya, could claim her prize, grunts began to pour in, ready to steal the god.
"I just..." but before she could finish, she saw the grunts. "NOT ZIS TIME!!!" she dove at the ball, getting it into her clutches. When she hit the ground, her other two Pokemon were released, and Taisiya pointed at them, not getting off the ground.

"Kill zem. Don't let zem take my prize..."

Dmitri roared and launched a Thunder, and Darya fired an Aura Sphere. At last, she'd gotten the prize... now it was time to protect it with their lives.

Kseniya glanced over at them.

"She finally did it..." She cracked a smile, then floated over to the channeler (if Flareth notices this, that is)
Mysti saw the grunts pouring in and smirked. She called back Purification and sent out Steel Wing and went up to find Giovanni in his helicopter. "Father, would you like me to help?"
Luicidia looked, stunned and furious, at Taisya.
Someone else had gotten her Pokemon. Again.
Most of her Pokemon had been the Flying type, and Flower had Levitate, but Set and Mist pretty much got fried, as did Blade from getting hit by the Thunderbolt. She recalled them.
"Set," she said, "I don't care how the fuck you do it, but get that damn Raikou. Kill it if you have to." (Except unless, y'know, Zora posts that he died, that won't happen :P)
He used a Flash, spreading blinding light over the scene for an instant, and was gone when it cleared. Knowing she could trust him to get the job done, Lucidia turned to Flower. "Right, Flower, you get that Lucario." She nodded and shot a Mist Ball.
"Joy," Lucidia said to the last available Pokemon. "You and I will try to get that Poke Ball. You should attack with an Aura Sphere so that she accidentally lets go and I'll-"
"No," said the Togekiss, looking as if though she was about to cry. "It's... it's not right to attack people for some dumb Pokemon. You're just... not the Trainer I met when I was a Togepi, Lucidia. You've changed too much, but I haven't. I won't do something I know the real you would never have ordered me to do."
Lucidia looked partly furious, and partly horrified. "Fine," she said. "I'll just have to get it myself." But even as she said the words, she was undergoing a conflict in her mind.
How dare she... She's been loyal to me for years!
Would you really want to give up your first Pokemon for a different one? Couldn't you just catch the next one? You even like sky Pokemon better than land-based ones!
But I need to have this one!
You don't. You don't seem to be prepared to kill for Sinferno or Lakinay.
I would be, if only they weren't connected to their Trainers already. That would make it difficult to get them to serve me.

So she stood on the same spot, staring at Joy, who really was crying now. The Togekiss, shocked at her own words, wasn't sure whether to fly off or wait around for Lucidia to change back again. The result was that she did flap away, but only into a nearby tree, watching as Set reappeared directly behind Dmetri and slammed his palms to the ground, using an Earthquake. She did note that Set really was smart; the move should hurt Darya too, and all the other non-floating/flying Pokemon around, and all the Pokemon on his side could fly.

((And now I'm bored with typing this D:

And for some reason every time I think of Sinferno I imagine him as looking like Giratina's origin form o3o))
Aria blinked.

I failed... AGAIN?

Her face was plain stolid.

"Let's go, Hokaze. Sorry for wasting your time."

The Entei didn't reply, since a grimace on Aria's face meant he shouldn't react.

((Come on, it's not fair! Just because I have school...))
((But that was done at 10:30 at night and I thought Ica was gonna wait till other people were on :x))

As Dmitri roared in pain and Darya collapsed, Taisiya pulled the ball back to herself and recalled the other two.

"I vill not lose my first Pokemon, or the von I worked so hard to get to open his heart..." she muttered, allowing herself to reel from the earthquake and growling at the trainer who sent it.

"Do you not get it?! Rumors state zat zis Pokemon can revive ze dead! I've lost my entire family to zese bastards, I lost a Pokemon I care about!! And you most likely only vant it for some petty collection!! I need zis Pokemon, desperately!!" she cried. Literally, she cried, before collapsing to her knees and pressing the Poke Ball to her chest to protect it.

But... why was she suddenly crying?

Aria turned around and saw Taisiya on the ground. She had just... caught Earacor... shouldn't she be happy?

"What's going on...?" Aria asked hesitantly.

"Oh, come on! Hokaze, get ready!
...No, they'll take you too. Sorry," she added, almost withdrawing her Entei. "Come on, Mace. You can do this!" Now both the Fire-type and Golem were out. "Hokaze, Protect our allies. Mace, use Earthquake, and Rock Tomb on the helicopter!"

Quickly, the spiky Golem acted, stomping over and over and causing the ground to violently shale. Hokaze had used a massive Protect that had sapped his energy, in return for keeping the others safe.
"Need? What do you mean need?"

Tsukimaru looked both confused and irritated. As far as he knew, Pokemon were friends and protectors. Sure, they were living beings too and needed to be loved, but did anyone really need Pokemon?
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