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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

[o.o; Massive post? Fucking hell, they are expecting a massive post... Oh, shouldn't have typed that... Erm... LOOK OVER THERE! A DISTRACTION!]

Earacor sighed. "Well, I guess I have some explaining to do first before we battle. You see, we ARE gods, higher than even Arceus," he began before grinning wildly, "I played horsie with him!"

He started clapping like an amused child, but then stopped. "Ehem... Anyways... We are immortal... under normal circumstances. We can be killed, but considering our power, it takes alot. And I feel that that... that THING called TAW... May have had some of a gods power in him... I am going to tell you a little story..."


It all started a long time ago... At the beginning of time. In fact, before that. Before even chaos. A god whose name isn't even known by us was born, just like that. From there, it - yes, I am not even sure of its gender - could shift reality itself. It is said that this being exists in every universe, as multiple entities yet one and the same. There are more beings than Pokemon, you know.

And all universes are intertwined. While we are real here, in another place, there could be a bunch of people just mindlessly typing away on computers role playing as us! And one of them could be avoiding his Ritalin - whatever that is - and is developing an obsession with bananas. Anyways, this god is very powerful, and in every universe, was considered such a threat by its underlings that it was sealed away. My parents were its underlings. They represented light and dark, and when they were born, they cleared the chaos that came with the first god.

They - ahem - gave new meaning to the birds and the bees, giving birth to the four of us. Me, Lakinay, Sinferno, and Clousunia. Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. We then created the planets and all life as you know it in this universe, as other gods in other universes did the same. You know, in every universe, there comes a day when the gods themselves are tamed. That has already happened in several places already, in fact. But one thing remains the same. Once all the gods in a universe are tamed... Something is released. We do not know what, but it holds terrible power, which is why we challenge humans so. Because humans, a factor common in all universes, are the only ones who can truly tame the god of universes...


"And that is the story. So, even as you catch us, you are actually pawns in a bigger game. And if you are not ready for that game, then may the god - reality itself - have mercy on you..."

He then jumped back. "Now, are you ready to show your worth? Are you ready to show that you have what it takes to tame a god?"
And one of them could be avoiding his Ritalin - whatever that is - and is developing an obsession with bananas.

(((:DDD I have been feeding my Ritalin to a plant for the past month! It died...)))

"Kasumi, Defog! Frost, Blizzard! Spin, Protect Frost. Heat, Protect Kasumi!" Ohayou called.
He waited in anticipation for the God's reaction.
Tsukimaru sent out his Pokemon.

"Blaziken, Blaze Kick. Zapdos, Aerial Ace. Dusclops, Shadow Punch." They were simple commands, but the Pokemon immediately obeyed.
Tsukimaru sent out his Pokemon.

"Blaziken, Blaze Kick. Zapdos, ThunderBolt. Dusclops, Shadow Punch." They were simple commands, but the Pokemon immediately obeyed.

(((Earacor's a ground-dragon type...)))
Earacor grinned wildly. He used Reflect and Light Screen, blocking the attacks completely. When they were done, his colour changed to a more vibrant green. Plants began to move wildly, whipping around... But only around him.

"I will tell you this now, I am the most defensive of the gods. You will need to do better than THAT if you want to hurt me!"

After setting up a wall of plants, he changed colour again, to blue. A Water/Dragon type. Only hurt badly by Dragon attacks
"Quickly, Hokaze, Sunny Day, then Lava Plume on the vines," Aria commanded, releasing the Entei with a fire pendant around its neck.

The beast made the sun shine harshly down, then created a giant plume of molten rock, aiming for all the plants surrounding Earacor.
"Kasumi, break his shields with another Defog. Rotom team, synchronous Charge," Ohayou called, thinking. (((Oh... my... god...)))

"Hmmm... Kasumi, Rain Dance when you're done."
Earacor frowned and put out the fires with Hydro Pump, then changed back to the Ground type, making Charge fizzle out. He grinned. "Hard to beat your opponent when they can change their type faster than a Kecleon can! And if you think you can pick on my constant Dragon Typing, think again!" he called out before changing to a shiny grey colour. The Steel Type.
"Blaziken, Fire Punch." Tsukimaru turned to his electric bird. "You can go ahead and Drill Peck yourself from the other side of Earacor." He turned again. "Dusclops, Curse it." The Pokemon used their attacks.
Earacor changed to the ground type... And got hit on the head with Drill Peck. "GCKT!" he cried out in pain as the Curse began to settle in
"Hmm... Got it!" Ohayou cried.

"Kasumi, Defog then Shockwave. Frost, Blizzard. Wash, Hydro Pump. Cut, Leaf Storm. Spin, Air Cutter. Heat, Overheat!"

How will he dodge that many simultaneous types? Especially with the other Trainers...

Ohayou prepared an Ultra ball, but didn't throw it just yet...
Earacor roared mightily, and began to change types faster than the eye could register. The Shockwave hit his ground typing, which switch to Ice just as Blizzard hit. Then to Water, then Grass, then Electric, then Ground again. He turned to Ohayou, and smirked. His skin was a rainbow of colours. He was changing so fast that his colours literally flowed across his body. "Faster... Than a Kecleon..." He smirked. "Can you figure out how to get through this?"

The only constant was his Dragon Typing
Sighing, Aria sent out Sandra, then said, "Hokaze, use Flamethrower, and at the same time, Sandra, use Aerial Ace. Go," Aria said, nodding at her Swellow and Entei. Aria put a hand on the Ultra Ball near her pocket.
(((It's obvious... but my team has none of that attack -_-)))

"OOOOHHHH!!! PRETTY!!!!" Ohayou cried at the many colors, oblivious to the god's comment.

"Kasumi, Destiny Bond on Earacor. Spin, attack Kasumi," Ohayou said, suddenly calm.

He hurled the ball at Earacor in the split second that Earacor might be vulnerable.
Earacor blocked all of the attacks, grinning. Meanwhile, TAW and Sinferno were battling nearby. Some of the attacks were going around wildly, nearly hitting some people. A Draco Meteor nearly hit Earacor. He yelped and danced around it

[Does that help out a little?]
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