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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

And suddenly, with someone's life in danger, the real Lucidia kicked in.
"Wait!" she shouted. "I could help him!"
She sure did hope the Ultra Balls didn't work.

And she shot another bullet at Giovanni ;D
Mysti called out Charizard and flew after her father. On Steel Wing, of corse. I hope this works... she then saw Earacor. Tears streamed down her face. "I must give no sign I am just pretending..." she muttered to herself so low noone heard her. She saw a bullet being fired at her father. "LOOK OUT!" she yelled, adding on to the pretendence she was really joining back.
The Pokeballs failed, bouncing off of Taisiya's back

Giovanni, meanwhile, dodged a bullet (literally), and was fleeing before he was caught

Sinferno began to battle TAW
Aria sighed, picking up her Ultra Ball. "We need to help."

She released her Umbreon. "Moonshadow, Moonlight! But direct the energy towards Earacor!"

He hummed, calling out the glowing sphere, which shone down on Earacor.
Ohayou whispered a command to Heat, hoping it would work.

Heat stealthily entered the barrier and began to cauterize Earacor's wound.

This better work! Ohayou thought hurriedly, knowing he was hurting both Earacor and Mismagius.

The wound being closed and partially safe, Heat used Uproar to wake up the half asleep Earacor.

I'm... Alive?
Earacor attempted to Recover from his wound as Heat ran to safety.
"Ohayou, hit the battle music." Maya grinned.

Mia used Psychic. Skye used Aerial Ace. Samurai used Hyper Beam.
Mysti saw the Umbreon using Moonlight on Earacor. Stupid! Why didn't I think of that? She flew down and called out her own Umbreon. "Moonlight, do the same as Moonshadow is doing, and use Moonlight on Earacor!" Moonlight did so.
Moonshadow twitched his ears. Moonlight...?

He turned around and saw the other Umbreon, twitching his tail shyly. "Maybe... we should work together."
"Hmmm..." muttered the shiny Umbreon. She turned her head to him. "...Perhaps..." She moved her moon that was controling the healing energy close to Moonshadow's, as if asking him to join their moons together, to be more powerful.

((Ooooooohh, does Moonshadow have a crush on Moonlight?))
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"But I thought we were supposed to catch it," said Tsukimaru under his breath before stepping up to Aria.

"I don't think I can help..."
((@Mewtwo: Yes, since the last RP.))

Moonshadow nodded. "Let's do this, then..." He began to merge his light with Moonlight's, causing Earacor to heal more quickly. He sighed with relief.
Earacor began to wake up fully, and blinked.

"You... You all helped me?" he said softly, before getting up and grinning. "Heh... Humans really can be good when they want to be..."

Sinferno grinned as his brother got up. He then turned back to TAW, only to get a face full of claw. "GRAGH! Ok, NOW this thing REALLY wants to die! Earacor, you and the trainers get to safety, now! I will hold off this thing. Once you are all safely away, then you can battle with the trainers. Me and Eric will handle Team Rocket, along with any trainers who are willing to give up going after my brother for awhile to teach these bastards a le-GAH!" he screamed in pain as the Garchomp slashed his stomach. He let out a stream of plasma that TAW actually blocked! Sinferno growled. "Fucking Rockets..."


Eric was giving chase to Giovanni, not ready to let him get away. "Not this time! Tsunami, come on out!" he called as he hurled the Pokeball. His Kingdra appeared, and Eric stuffed his Pikachu into his snout. "Tsunami, ready, aim, FIRE!"

The Kingdra shot Pikachu at high speeds. A Pikacannon.
Lucidia gave chase to Blade, recalling all of her Pokemon.
"Those Potions are only temporary, you know!" she yelled. "He'll need actual treatment!"
Tsukimaru nodded to himself. He wanted to say "good job Earacor" but didn't. He couldn't think of any praise for this Pokemon.
((Can we actually, uhh... remove Aria's crush on Tsukimaru? She's... a year older than him.))

Aria followed soon after. "I might know a bit about healing..."

She looked towards her pocket. "Oh, I have a Max Potion... but these aren't just wounds that make you faint. We'll try to get something else."

"Scratch that," she added after pausing. "I promise we'll heal you, Earacor. If you know Synthesis, my Fire-type friend can use Sunny Day..."
Blade stopped a safe distance away and sat Earacor down. He sent out Umbreon and Espeon, and they used Moonlight and Morning Sun, trying to direct it at Earacor.
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