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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

"Shiiiit!!" Taisiya screamed. She'd just had an idea after listening to Skye's plight too.

"Vhat ze hell! Zora loses her internet for VONE DAY and all zis happens?!" she cried, throwing a Pokeball into the air, "DMITRI! TAKE ME TO ZE NOISE!!" the saber-toothed tiger Pokemon emerged in a roar, and Taisiya jumped on with a shout. "TO ZE POKEMON!!" And they raced off toward Earacor, toward the noise at an unbelieveable speed (plausible for a Raikou).

"I vill not lose zis one!" she roared as she could see the scene. And then out of desparation, she threw the Ultra Ball in her hand at Earacor...
(((I lost my internet for 1 1/2 weeks and nothing happens... then Zora loses her internet for 1 day and she misses the first 5(?) balls. :D)))
Tsukimaru watched as everyone threw Poke Balls. He held an Ultra Ball in his hand and threw it at Earacor.

"Still got plenty."
Lucidia stumbled into the clearing, not hesitating to pluck her own ball and throw it. She didn't even notice TEW, mistaking it for Ribbon in her haste.
TEW then pwn'd everyone.
((Just kidding. But I guess we should wait for Icalasari.))
All of the balls bounced off of a wall of earth, still usable. Earacor had surrounded the field around him, Patrick, Hax, the Porygon's, and TAW with a wall of earth! The god turned to TAW and used Reversal, using the Garchomp's own strength against it. He threw the dragon at Hax, knocking the false god over. His colour continued to change as he began to use many different attacks. He used Fire Blast on the Porygon's, Hydro Pump on Hax, Blizzard on TAW... He unleashed nature itself against his foes

Giovanni laughed as he saw the attacks blast over the rim. "Yes, this must be his ability! Nature's Master! He changes type randomly and one of his attacks changes randomly with the typing! Patrick, keep on battling! All other Rockets..." he laughed, "Dispose of the intruders!"

[Just deal with this slightly nonsensical post. My brain decided to go, "Ok, fuck all posts but o_O's and use the chance to get caught up, deal with complaints, point out that they didn't technically lose their balls, and then keep up with the rp and make it epic once more.

Or land yourself in hospital so you have a good excuse! :D"]
The Scizor got hit with a stray Fire Blast, and the ball got blocked once more. Apparently, nobody but Patrick was going to be allowed to face Earacor until one or the other won

Meanwhile, everybody else had more pressing matters. Eric threw down some incendiaries, lighting some Rocket's on fire. They responded with guns. "...Oh come on! You try for Kanto and Johto, ALONG with two gods, before today, and only NOW do you think of bringing guns to kill interlopers? God, you guys ARE incompetent!"

Pikachu heard the gun fire and jumped out of the coat. She growled and zapped some Rockets, killing a few. It was going from a simple expedition to a blood bath

[no more posts from me today. My brain is hurting T.T]
Dmitri growled, clearly showing frustration. Much as his showing emotion was a good thing to Taisiya, considering how she'd found him, that wasn't the point. The point was keeping the Rockets away from Earacor, then catching him herself. So she leaped gracefully onto the ground and pointed at the nearest Rocket.

"DMITRI! SUNDER ON ALL ZE ROCKETS!!" she screamed. The saber toothed tiger Pokemon roared in reply, his body crackling with electricity. A loud howl, and a gigantic blast of lightning freed itself from him, heading straight for the crowd of Rockets.
(Come on, Oooohface.)

Don't kill Patrick Skye sighed, even though no one really could hear her, Why am I with a trainer?
"Oh, no," Aria muttered. She glanced at Tsukimaru and switched out to Sandra. "Aerial Ace!" she told the Swellow. She threw an Ultra Ball after the attack after nervously looking at Sandra. She could have sworn the bird nodded, as if to say, "Go on."
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