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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

Tsukimaru sent out his shiny Blaziken. "Blaze Kick," he said simply.

The fighting chicken jumped over the Treecko's head (read the Pokedex entry to see how), its foot glowing with fire. He slammed down right between its eyes with his leg.
Maya stared at the giant Treeko.

Oh... Mia muttered.

"...crud." Maya muttered.

She let out her Scizor, Samurai and returned Mia and Skye to their Pokeballs.
Taisiya looked up at the gigantic Treeckos.

"S-shit..." she murmured weakly, fondling Dmitri's Pokeball. It took about a minute, but eventually she got up the nerve to throw it into the air.

"Use Thunder Vave!" she cried as the Raikou materialized. He charged at one of them, his body positively glowing with electrical energy.
((Yes, I do Echo. That's actually the 2nd time I broke it XD But most of the time I don't care about postcount :/))
"Absol! Razor Wind again!" Paul shouted. More mini-tornadoes came out. "Quick! Tell Elle to use Tri-Attack!" said Paul.
"Ummm... Elle, Tri-Attack!" The Porygon-Z beeped again, and the triangular force smashed against the tornadoes. The combined energy hit the foot of 2 Treecko, toppling them over.
"To shit with this," growled Mist, firing a Draco Meteor.
"God dammit, Mist," shrieked Flower as pebbles fell out of the sky at dangerously high speeds and pummelled her.
"Ahaha, sorry Flower," chuckled the Dragonair as he redirected his attack.
"Now it's on me fuckface!" shouted Joy.
"...What the hell," said Mist. "I've never heard anyone, much less you, use the term 'fuckface' before."
He once again redirected his attack, this time successfully hitting the Treecko.
Lucidia whistled, impressed. "Man, these would be great to have, especially if they evolved," she mutterred to herself, risking an Ultra Ball.

(God dammit no Heavy Balls D:)
((Oh, Pokemon can be VERY phallic.))
"Elle, now use Signal Beam!" came out an order. The Porygon-Z shot out a stream of light into the Treecko's eyes, blinding them. "Now's your chance!" Patrick said to everyone. "Attack while they're blind!"
"Sandra, Aerial Ace!"

The Swellow followed Aria's orders, making many maneuvers in the air. It was hard for Aria to hold on, but at once, the Swellow struck the Treecko.
The Treecko were panicking, and let loose a barrage of Bullet Seeds, one of them knocking away the Ultra Ball, back near Mysti
[Just to let you know, the Treecko are currently uncaturable. You will see why in just a second]

The Treecko's kept on sending the balls back, until one began to glow... And evolved into a giant Grovyle. The others ran away out of fear.

"GRO!" it bellowed out mightily
"Let's go," said Tsukimaru, and led his Blaziken out into the forest. He didn't know, nor care, where he was going.
Aria screamed as it evolved, with Sandra swooping towards the ground. "Let's get out of here!" She cried, warning the others, and looked towards... whoever was coming with her. "You with me?"
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