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Closed The Pokemon of the Forest

"So... who am I going with?" Aria asked.
Hokaze still stood proudly. Aria guessed he wouldn't back down from a challenge at the moment, but she didn't want to waste energy doing a battle with another trainer.
"I'd like to know who I'm going with too," said Tsukimaru casually, leaning against a wall. His Dusclops was next to him, in the same position. "Me too..." he yawned.
(((Holy crap... THIS GOD IS MINE!! >:3)))

"Face my powah!!!" He yelled, using the berry to deny Sinferno. He suddenly looked at Eric, saying, "And Eric, if you want to die, I'll gladly kill you with this." He pointed at the Nanab berry.
"Meep, I enjoy Ohayou's randomness... Wait, Eric is here? I never even noticed! Hi, Eric!" she exclaimed in delight for finally finding Eric. ((This time, Eric ain't leaving me behind! I help with his next plan in teh next RP in teh series >:3))
"HI MYSTI!!!" Ohayou yelled at the top of his lungs.
He then denied her with the Deny berry.
((NO ITS MINE! I DIED TWICE ALREADY TO GET THIS, AND I'M NOT ABOUT TO KILL MYSELF OFF AGAIN! Oh yes, I have a GREAT twist ending for this time.... But it might not work. Oh well, I have a plan B >:D))
Patrick followed Paul to an area he had previously not seen. There were many trainers here, along with other scientists. "Well," said Paul. "We'll be coming along quite soon, stay patient." Patrick looked around, and his robotic technology detected two familiar faces: There was the crazy boy, the boss' daughter, and that trainer... The one who killed him. Running up to him, he was about to punch him, the one with that stupid Pikachu who shocked him. However, he started to malfunction again. Twitching slightly, he uttered, "O HAI THAR... O HAI THAR... O HAI THAR..." then started playing a short clip of Caramelldansen. A few seconds later, he was back to normal, and again forgot what he was doing.
"And hello to you, Patrick. Oh yay, Carmelldansen!" said Mysti while dancing to the short clip of Carmelldansen. Then it turned off. "Hey, who turned off the music?"
"HI PATRICK!!!" Ohayou yelled, again.
"KTHNKSBAI!!!" He yelled, again again, slapping him with the Denyanab berry.

(((Damn... still can't think of a name for the berry...)))
Taisiya simply stared at Ohayou blankly. She remembered this guy from the brief bit of time she had seen him a year ago. Hell, who COULDN'T forget this guy?

"...Vill you stop slapping people with zat berry?"
Ohayou slapped Taisiya, leaving a red "DENIED" on her head, and responded simply.
((Wait... You guys aren't going to like... Kill me? XD))
"Ummmm... OHAITHAROHAITHAR" said Patrick.
"...Hi again..." muttered Mysti. She then took out a CD player and put on Carmelldansen and started Carmelldansening.
"Patrick!" Maya said, shocked.

Suddenly, a Pidgeot flew on top of the robot.

Is it really you? the Pidgeot, Skye, asked.
Patrick, with his Pokemon-English translator inside of him, detected the Skye-Pidgeot. Yes, he replied in Pokemon. It is me. How did you... Become a Pidgeot?
[Nobody but Rocket's recognize you, o_O. Hence the DISGUISE part]

Slowly, the trainers were divided up by Dante. He would announce the groups in the morning
((Yeah.... I was surprised that no one would say like, "Oh, that's a familiar name!" or something.))
Paul whispered to Patrick. "Don't worry, you'll be in my group," he said.
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