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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

(((Because she's bored...)))

Ohayou, unable to think of anything to do because he had no god pokemon, Caramelldansen'd.
(((Yes!!! Caramelldansen has been promoted to "attack" status!!! *Mods a mmo that will remain unnamed here so that my character Caramelldansens instead of normal attacks*)))
[[Because Ditto are imitating them. Wouldn't YOU be pissed if you were a god, then somebody decided to imitate you?]]

Lakinay used Mirror Coat, reflecting the attack away. She growled, getting pissed. Her skin began to turn red. "You fools think you can defeat us in battle... You fools think you can imitate us... You fools think you can take us on... YOU FOOLS DARE TO COPY OUR EVERY MOVE!?" she screamed as her ribbons began to stiffen, becoming razor sharp blades that still flowed like satin. Her scales rose up, becoming rough and serrated. Her snout elongated and came to a sharp point as her body became as red as blood. She charged a Hyper Beam and fired it, her special attack having been maxed out within a few seconds, blasting the Sinferno replica. A Ditto may be able to imitate them very well, but they could never hope to copy their abilities

Sinferno grinned as he watched this, his body becoming black. The room began to become frigid as he sucked out all the heat from the air. His eyes glowed white with a fury that knew no limits. However, instead of shouting, he laughed. "You Ditto put up a good show. However, you are about to face our true wrath..." he said in a solemn voice. His wings erupted fully into flame, and, despite being cool to the touch, his body temperature rose so high that his own body began to tear under the strain, his body fading in and out of existence. He began to tire as his health was chipped away from his own, raw power. He then let out an Overheat, taking massive recoil from the fully charged attack, his power at its limits. The attack did not drain his stats, however. The intense Overheat and Hyper Beam combined into a flaming, furious ray of light.

The resulting explosion took out half the base, and the whole mountain range behind it

[Posting their abilities in the group chat to help explain this]
Casbah arrived at the scene with his Walrein.

((I was bored.))

He sent out all six Pokemon, otherwise it would be unfair.

"Dodrio, Drill Peck the Water-type! Walrein, Blizzard! Sheddi, use Heal Block on the Water-type! Hippowdon, Fissure on the Fire-type! Manectric, Discharge!"

Dodrio lunged at Lakinay, furiously pecking in a circle. "You're lackadaisical," he murmured as his beaks went closer to Lakinay at blinding speed.

Walrein summoned lots of snow and ice that buffeted the two gods.

Sheddi zipped around Lakinay, blocking her Recover move.

Hippowdon attempted a Fissure on Sinferno.

Manectric released tons of electricity at the god couple.
(((:D to the breakdown. That's my special ability!!!)))
"Wabbababbababbababba!!!" Ohayou cried, singed by the heat. "That... was... awesome..."
Lakinay screeched and turned to the trainer. "FOOL! YOU DARE TO MESS WITH ME!?" she shouted as she let loose another Hyper Beam, sweeping it across all of Casbah's Pokemon. Sinferno followed suit, flying into the sky to avoid the Fissure. He swept the Pokemon with an Overheat. He then finally cancelled out his ability, letting loose such intense heat that even Lakinay cringed from it in her frenzied state. She could no longer think, though, so after dealing with the insolent bugs, she turned on her brother. She lunged at him, wrapping her long, slender body around his in a TOTALLY NON INCESTUOUS WAY, and squeezed IN A COMPLETELY NON SEXUAL MANNER. Sinferno screamed in pain as he wrestled with his sister, trying to get loose of her grasp
Sheddi, of course, fainted.

Due to Walrein's Thick Fat, she was very very very very tired.

Hippowdon whined just before fainting, "We were just trying to help!"

Manectric was as tired as Walrein.

Dodrio was the same as Manectric.

Casbah was very warm. He grouped his three remaining Pokemon together and sprayed Max Potion on each so they each got 1/3 of the stuff.

They hopped back up, and agreed on a combo attack.

All at the same time:

Walrein let loose with Sheer Cold.

Manectric electrified it with Thunder.

Dodrio used Air Slash to aim it at both gods.

The Pokemon were tired again.

Casbah facepalmed.
((( Thank you for those...)))

[[You're Welcome :D]]

Sinferno let loose a Judgement attack at the Pokemon, frying them in lasers of the fire element. "IF YOU WANT TO HELP, THEN DON'T ATTACK ME YOU IDIOTS!" he shouted as he fought with his sister
"We never said who we were trying to help," said Casbah, holding up a finger and withdrawing his Pokemon. He scooted next to the Ditto Trainer.

"Mind if I do something?"
((( The "Ditto Trainer" is dead, and his pokemon are acting of their own will... )))
Eric grabbed Sinferno's Ultra Ball and called him back, saving him from his sister. Lakinay then turned her attention to Eric... And got a face full of Spirit. He licked her right across the face, grabbed some makeup, put blush on her, put her in a giant dress, then ran. Eric looked confused, then saw the dress was made of dynamite. "You crazy bastard... EVERYBODY! DUCK!" Eric shouted as he dived for cover

Lakinay was knocked out by the resulting explosion. The remainder of the base began to collapse

[Nighty Night. Echo, you can control Spirit while I am gone, ok?]
"PERFECT!!!! JUST PERFECT!!!" Ohayou yelled to Spirit.
He opened Frost's secret compartment, pressed a button, then a second secret compartment opened, carrying labeled bananas. Ohayou searched through the geneitically enhanced bananas until he found one labled "Banana of Doom". He removed the banana, and threw it to Spirit, who ate it.

"Gen... gen... GEN... GAR!!!" Spirit, yelled.

"Holy shit!" Ohayou cried, "His power level is... OVER 9000!!!!" [/badjoke]
"Let's go to the mountains," Moonshadow said.

"But we have to pass through the forest first. Why do you want to go?" Aria asked.

"I don't know. All this time, I've just felt like something was pulling me there."

"Good enough for me," Aria agreed. The two began sauntering around the trees, making their way through the forest.
After the Ditto Transformed back Jason's Pokemon ran into a forest, all hurt. After given Softboileds, they decided that they would try and stalk Eric and Ohayou secretly.
((What about Mysti?))
Mysti got caught it the explosion. She was sent flying and landed on Eric. "Oh, I'm so sorry!"
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