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The Sex Industry and Prostitution

because sex makes you vulnerable and I don't want to be in the open and weak with someone I don't trust 100%
As long as it stay out of children's hands, I have no problem with it, considering I can't get any if I tried.
because sex makes you vulnerable and I don't want to be in the open and weak with someone I don't trust 100%

Maybe it makes you open and vulnerable.

As long as it stay out of children's hands, I have no problem with it, considering I can't get any if I tried.

Hi! This is the internet. You must be new.
Maybe it makes you open and vulnerable.

It does for me. I am glad I have someone I can trust so that helps a lot for me, but I tend to feel weak very fast; I need the security. I'm aware it's different for others.
Why is sex something special? It's an activity that you do with someone (or multiple people). There's no inherent specialness to it.

I can totally understand that some people see sex as something more meaningful than others, but pretending it's the same as anything else you'd do with your friends is stupid. If Friend A's friend Friend B made her "do an activity" with them that she didn't want to do - kareoke, say; she wouldn't enjoy it and she'd be, at worst, pretty annoyed that they dragged her along knowing she didn't want to go. If Friend B made Friend A have sex when she didn't want to, it would be rape and Friend A would suffer much greater preprocussions than "mildly annoyed"; possible trauma, STDs and/or pregnancy.
Again, casual sex between two (or more) consenting adults = totally fine. But the need for responsibility and explicit consent between the partakers makes it different to other activities.

In any case, society says sex is special, which might make no difference to you, but there are many places where having sex with someone can lead to you being executed.
it's nice, and at least friendly, if not affectionate or quite loving (it varies depending on the people involved); it's just not magical or anything. Instances of sex are special; sex as a whole is not and I see no reason to save your first time or anything. Fetishizing the first time kind of dilutes the next bunch anyway. :V (I was going to say the rest but eventually it'd wear off and you'd probably realize "yeah, sex is still every bit as special; the first time being the first didn't really mean anything".)

well yeah, it is loving. that was really poorly worded what i said i have no idea what i meant but... i guess i just don't see it as being that special of a thing. it's like, they always say "wait until you find the special one asdoufhsdf" i don't really see the point in that, it's not a special act or anything. don't do it with random people, but blahblahblah you have a better point than me.
sex as a whole is not and I see no reason to save your first time or anything.
Thing is, I can guarantee that you will remember that first time and that first person, probably for the rest of your life. You could have sex 50 times after that (with the same, or with different people) but you will always remember that first time above most others, and probably remember it a lot more vividly.

Some of us want to save that first time, to remember sharing it with someone special.

That's the only reason I can think of, and I think it's a fairly good one if it means something to you.
Regardless, I think the emphasis put on women's virginity - particularly in regards to those god-awful chastity ceremonies and even traditional marriage, with the whole white-wearing thing, especially when it's related to her virginity somehow 'belonging' to someone else, like in the 'father giving away the bride' tradition - is both sick and creepy.

I don't really understand how prostitution works, but if legalizing makes things safer, go right ahead.

There should be a national age of consent for the US to make things less confusing for pornography. It could be professional or amateur, like normal videos, and that's fine.
Regardless, I think the emphasis put on women's virginity - particularly in regards to those god-awful chastity ceremonies and even traditional marriage, with the whole white-wearing thing, especially when it's related to her virginity somehow 'belonging' to someone else, like in the 'father giving away the bride' tradition - is both sick and creepy.

I don't see the ritual as being about virginity. I like traditional marriage because I feel it encapsulates my idea about my relationship with her; if I promise myself to someone, I promise myself 100% and totally. She doesn't belong to me, either: we belong to each OTHER. That is the idea I have about marriage and hence why I do want a ceremony; maybe not a religious service, that depends on the girl I'm going to marry, but I do want to go through some of the traditional rites of marriage.
I've never really seen prositution as wrong, as a concept anyway. I just feel sorry for the people who feel they have to become prostitutes just to get a bit of extra money and end up with STDs because they weren't careful enough.

I think people should try to have sex first before watching porn. As in, wait until you've had sex. I know this probably won't happen to a lot of people, it just annoys me with people at school talking about how they and their girlfriends were going to re-enact porn scenes for their first time and how that porn was exactly like sex and if a girl doesn't make her boyfriend feel like it's the same they're bad. But yeah, if you're mature and whatever and know that porn isn't actually like real sex, then fine. That's why I approve more of amateur sex because it's more real, and less manufactured.

I actually watched an interesting little documentary-like thing on the TV where this guy who did porn was interviewed, and just talked about what it was like. And that every 20 days or so you have to be checked for STDs or you're not allowed to work.

Oh and sex toys wth why would they be immoral? Unless you're some kind of SEX IS HOLY religious person or something?
I just feel sorry for the people who feel they have to become prostitutes just to get a bit of extra money
Don't feel sorry for them, it's what they choose to do. I mean, if I were broke and starving I still wouldn't do what they're doing. Would you? ,xP

But yeah, if you're mature and whatever and know that porn isn't actually like real sex, then fine.
Porn is just moving pixels or printed-on paper. Does anyone else actually find it kinda funny that people are turned on by such things? It makes me laugh.
Don't feel sorry for them, it's what they choose to do. I mean, if I were broke and starving I still wouldn't do what they're doing. Would you? ,xP

That is... horrible. Prostitution is (the vast majority of the time) a horrific, terrible job and I feel absolutely nothing but pity for those poor people who honestly have no other way of getting money. There's a special kind of desperation when someone reaches the point where they'll let people pay to violate their body (I say 'violate' because I can't think of a better word; if someone consents to sex it's not rape, but if someone consents but still doesn't want it, I'm of the belief that it can still be as traumatising); and it's not possible for you to say "I still wouldn't do what they're doing" because you have absolutely no idea what it's like.

Porn is just moving pixels or printed-on paper. Does anyone else actually find it kinda funny that people are turned on by such things? It makes me laugh.

Um, not really. All films are a series of moving pixels, and there are movies that make me happy, sad, or whatever. People can be moved to tears by a beautiful piec of artwork; why's it so weird that people would be turned on by an erotic photo?
Don't feel sorry for them, it's what they choose to do. I mean, if I were broke and starving I still wouldn't do what they're doing. Would you? ,xP

Please keep two things in mind:
1. Your mindset is not the absolute that humanity has. People are different and are driven to different things by different means. Maybe you wouldn't but there are people who would and we should be trying to help them rather than saying how weak willed they are.

2. You aren't broke or starving. You are hardly qualified to evaluate what extremes you would go to if you were unless you've truly been in such a desperate situation.

Porn is just moving pixels or printed-on paper. Does anyone else actually find it kinda funny that people are turned on by such things? It makes me laugh.

Could be worse.
2. You aren't broke or starving. You are hardly qualified to evaluate what extremes you would go to if you were unless you've truly been in such a desperate situation.

You haven't been around the world. How do you know its circumference isn't ~40000 km?
Porn is just moving pixels or printed-on paper. Does anyone else actually find it kinda funny that people are turned on by such things? It makes me laugh.

not really. it's the same thing as you laughing at a bunch of pixels on the screen in a funny picture.

even this font is made out of pixels.
Please keep two things in mind:
1. Your mindset is not the absolute that humanity has. People are different and are driven to different things by different means. Maybe you wouldn't but there are people who would and we should be trying to help them rather than saying how weak willed they are.
Well it's not weak-willed if it's something they want or have no problem doing.. Like you said, everyone is different, how are you supposed to help someone if that's the way they are..

2. You aren't broke or starving. You are hardly qualified to evaluate what extremes you would go to if you were unless you've truly been in such a desperate situation.
Uhh.. I think I know myself well enough to say what I would and would not do..

LOL, yeah I guess so.. sad thing is, I think there are some people like that as well. ,xD
Uhh.. I think I know myself well enough to say what I would and would not do...

well... again, you're not in that position. you couldn't say. even if you know yourself, if you've never been in a position where you would need to do n your attitude or whatever might change a little. you might end up doing something you never though you would do.
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