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The silence game

*says Bless You*
*starts ranting about fake fires*
*finishes rant on fake fires*
*forms more clones with Aura spheres, making it total to W
*asked if she can be stopped now*
*is sad*
*hates Effect Spore*
*starts playing violent video game as a way of release*
*recommends Mortal Kombat*
*warns Absoul of bad grammar because there are literally no "C"s written into it*
*listens to GlitchxCity*
*takes DS charger off sister*
*yawns and plays LeafGreen instead*
*listens to LugiaDialga*
*fwees because this is my 1000th post*
*sticks VM up against a Lv 50 Audino that knows Heal Pulse*
*says I've seen a lot of them in the past few days*
*explains how the creators of Mortal Kombat tried to be punny and replaced every C with a K*
*says they were quite helpful when training Voltula*
*also says that Voltula is German for Galvantula*
*states the obvious, Joltiks/Galvantulas have low defense*
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