• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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The silence game

*dies from exposure to undiluted Chuck Norris*
*is now ghost*
*scares the crap out of everyone by possessing sheep and walking bipedally*
*pulls the back to the future time Delorian from a conveniently placed wormhole*
*starts it up*
*slowly tries to get up to 88 mph (141.6 kph)*
*gets run over by Delorean while possessing sheep*
*disconnected from sheep's body*
*sheep is now ghost too*
*rides ghost sheep*
*hits 88 mph*
*says that he doesn't need roads*
*drives super fast*
*realizes he needs roads*
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*jumps into the 23rd century*
*Is somehow 50 ft away from the Delorian*
*Lands on roof*
*Car drives into a pool*
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