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The silence game

*lifts eyebrow*
*begins to move*
*clicks deviantart link*
[I shouldn't be staying up this late on a Monday night during the school year :P]
*Looks smug cuz I finished school 12 years ago (we don't have "graduation" in Britain)*

*Is annoyed that I still need new pens though, Pilot preferrably, or ink cartridges for my Fountain pen... Or both...*
*says I have to stay until I'm 18 apparently*
*calls you Lucky*
*considers changing name to LaprasLilligantChandelure*
*Says that in Britain, the only reason you'd have to stay until you were 18 is if you went into 6th Form, referred to as Years 12 & 13 sometimes as a joke, but we generally leave at 16 at the end of Year 11*

*Also states that even though I hear it a fair bit, I still don't understand the whole Grades system, namely, saying someone's in such a Grade, means I generally don't have a clue how old they are, even though the way it's said implies we're meant to immediately know their age*
*curses self for not doing homework*
*starts doing homework*
*gets bored*
*starts reading book*
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