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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Olimar looked behind him, Smithy was looking at him, a slightly competitive look in his eyes, Olimar might be able to get into his first battle. Olimar sat back down.

((How do I set up a battle?))
((cool, we teleport there, or meet up later?))
(((sorry for all the questions.)))

Olimar sensed that Smithy was just itching for a challenge and Olimar still hadn't had a chance to try out his pikmin at all yet. He pointed to the fighting and mimicked punching Smithy, then pointed to the screen.
Smithy only just picked up what he was implying. "A match eh? sure, my challenge." as he stuck he thumb towards his chest. "Now?"
Olimar nodded. He led him out of his seat and out of the exit. Then he remembered. He pointed to his corridor then waved at Smithy for him to stay there, he needed to get his pikmin that he planted earlier this morning.
Ike jumped into the air. He avoided two of the energy balls, but the middle one slammed him in the chest. He noticed the fox walk a little over toward the other battle and fire into it.
"Oh no you don't, little fox-boy!"
Ike jumped after him, and swung his sword at the fox's back.
((Forward Aerial.))
Tails whirled around after throwing the bomb to see Ike lunging forward with his sword out. He dropped to the ground and went into a roll behind Ike. Grinning, he pointed into the air as an odd machine, not unlike a boxing glove on a spring, shot up from the ground under Ike's feet.
((Since we're labeling attacks now, that's his Down Smash. :P))
((Oh. Was not aware of that. I figured dodging too many attacks would be making him untouchable.))

"You leave yourself vulnerable, biological," Mecha Sonic said, preparing to slam his elbow into the Knight.

He then heard the Knight's call for assistance from Tails. He whirled around in time to see a bomb flying at him. Thinking quickly, he aimed a low powered energy ball at the bomb and fired.

So we have a change of opponents, huh? No matter. i've beaten Tails before, and I'll do it again!
Now's my chance!

Meta Knight darted towards Mecha Sonic, who had its back turned. As he gained momentum, he began to spin around madly like a drill, preparing to slam into its back.

((@Exo-Raikou: It would if you were god-modding and what not, but leaving it up to the attacker is, in my opinion, even more unfair. That's also generally how they do it in RPs.))
((I see. I'm just always under the impression that I'm treading a thin line when it comes to this sort of buisness))

Hearing the sound of the Knight. flying at him, Mecha spun around once more

I can't fight on two fronts and hope to keep my power core high at the same time. One of them needs to go down already

He extended his arms, which formed into fists once more, ready to punch.
Meta Knight was smacked square in the face by the punch, which sent him rolling back a ways, just barely grabbing onto the ledge.

Just great. What have I got left that dimbot over here won't see coming aside from brute force? Wait... I know!

Hoisting himself over the edge, Meta Knight dashed towards Mecha Sonic and, at the crucial moment, raised his hands and began to spin wildly as an orange funnel surrounded him.

((And for the record, MACH TORNADO DOES DAMAGE. Thank you.))
((True, but its knockback is next to nothing))

Caught in the Knight's sudden spin charge, Mecha Sonic was tossed about before landing on one of the upper platforms

What more can he take before he goes down for good?

He charged at the Knight, intending to slam his elbow into him once close enough.
((I was just labeling attacks for referencing to power; it's pretty much irrelevant for made-up characters.))

Some kind of boxing glove hit Ike from below and shot him into the air."Why you little..."
Ike regained balance in the air, as he was shot far, and held his sword near his shoulder. He was falling to an area right next to the fox. His sword pinged as he was nearing the ground, and he rushed at the fox's head, attempting to swing his sword at it.
((Fully charged Quick Draw.
Y'know what would be cool? If we all had an actual tournament over WiFi.))
Smithy realised. He needed to get something from his room too, his bag would come in handy and his handy yo-yo. He ran to his room as Olimar stumbled to his.
((@Exo-Raikou: Are you kidding me? That's only if the enemy doesn't stay in the tornado, and heavy characters (that Mecha Sonic would be?) are even more unlikely to escape until the attack's duration is over, in which at high damages they are launched pretty far. I know these things because I've played nearly 2,000 matches with Meta Knight. Your post is fine, though. It's pretty close to what it would actually do, I think.
@Lucas755: No, it wouldn't be cool, because over half of us wouldn't be able to participate anyway. If more people had Wi-Fi, then maybe.))

Meta Knight noticed Mecha Sonic's charge and dodged out of the way easily.

"You know, that stops being effective after so many attempts."

He flew around "him" and charged towards Ike, who was about to attack Tails. He aimed for the back of his head and prepared a single strike to, hopefully, make him reel for a moment.
Olimar plucked his pikmin from the floor and tidied up the dirt they had left.
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