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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"I didn't think you we're the type of biological to get enraged," Mecha Said, rolling into a spindash, "You always seemed to be a calm, quiet biological."

He charged up the spindash, and prepared to ram the knight
"Mmph!" Meta Knight slammed into Mecha Sonic's metal spines. This sent him rolling back a ways. That machine is right, he thought to himself. The last time I let my temper get away from me I fainted from exhaustion and lost. Don't I always tell myself that emotions lead to failure? He took a deep breath before dodging out of the way of the spindash.
Mecha rolled out of his spindash, and analyzed the situation

I'm almost out of tricks. The flamethrower wont work again, I've got doubts about the bombs, he's no doubt ready for any missile or energy blast I send his way, spindashes won't work...

Guess I have to start cutting it in close.

He charged, ready to slam his elbow into the enemy
Meta Knight flew no more than an inch off the ground as he made a charge of his own at Mecha Sonic. Just as he got in close, he attempted to slash in a wide arc at Mecha Sonic's feet in order to make "him" trip.
Olimar dragged Smithy to the cafe and pointed to the seats and the food. He got a waitress over and got Smithy and him a coffee. He looked at the broken coffee machine from earlier and quickly changed his mind, he got water for both of them.
The slash caused Mecha Sonic to be knocked to the ground.

Power core level: 50%

Just as well that I'm cutting it in close, he thought, aiming a kick at the warrior, If I use too many more of my weapons, I'll be forced into a power-down
"Hmph! That fox can move! Well, let's see how you like this!"
Ike raised his sword into the air as it caught on fire. He released it as he hit the ground. A wave of flames expanded from around his sword.
Being in too close range to dodge, Meta Knight was kicked around the feet, almost causing him to stumble. He tried dashing forward at Mecha Sonic, planning to grab "him" and do a Suplex Slam.

((Okay, I didn't bother to go into detail here, but for those who don't know what Suplex Slam is, it's Meta Knight's up throw which involves him flying up with the enemy in hand and coming down with a tremendous slam. The entire attack lasts no more than two seconds, just to give you an idea of how quick it is.))
A charge again. There are disadvantages to not having an opprotunity to attack from a distance.

That's the position I'm in, though. I can't drain my power core, which prevents me form overusing my weaponry. And at the speed he's going, I couldn't dash out of the way, so...

He braced himself for the Warrior's next move
"Ha!" Meta Knight got a firm grip on Mecha Sonic. He then flew up in a split second and came down with great force, letting go of Mecha Sonic at the last possible moment and landing safely on his feet.

((The only reason I auto-hit'd was because Exo-Raikou made it perfectly clear that all Mecha Sonic was going to do was brace himself, therefore making it impossible to miss pretty much. The throw, however, is not auto-hit. Well, in a sense it is, but how well he walks away from it is up to the typist.))
Mecha Sonic rolled away after the throw.

"Heh. And here I thought that you would perform a stronger move than that. How very disappointing."

He rolled into a spindash, and began to charge it.

"Perhaps I've been overestimating you this whole time."
"Damn egotistical robot..."

Meta Knight flew towards the edge. The last time I flew over the edge it just fired projectiles at me. But if I fly underneath... He swooped around and underneath the edge. It won't be able to fight unless it follows me under!

"Hey, lunchbucket!" he shouted from underneath the platform to attract Mecha Sonic's attention.
"Lunchbucket? that's really the best insult that you could think of? Pathetic."

He pointed his arm at where he heard the voice of the Knight.

"I could easily jump down there, shoot you down, and jet back up. My creator has given me the most advanced weapons in my world. That came in very handy when i betrayed him.

"Plus, you can't stay down there forever. Eventually, those wings of your will get tired. Then, you will fall."
"Insult? I was merely familiarizing you with your new nickname."

Reluctantly, he flew back to the edge and landed on solid ground. "Doesn't that artificial voice of yours ever wear out? You just don't shut up." said Meta Knight as he took another charge at Mecha Sonic. Once he was in close he intended to unleash a flurry of sword strikes.
Tails cut his flight and dropped towards the ground after seeing the Smash Ball sadly go to waste. He landed right next to Ike, and unfortunately for Tails, at a very bad time. He saw Ike raise his sword and it being engulfed in flames.

Uh oh...

It slammed down into the ground with a mighty eruption. Tails was flung into the air, a good deal of his fur scorched. He winced in pain as he spun his burnt tails to stabilize himself again.

Wow, I'm in bad shape...I'd better think of something fast... He materialized his arm cannon again and fired three shots in a sweeping motion from the air.
This is taking longer than i thought. My Power Core's now at 46%. I need to finish him off before I get down into the teens

He prepared for the Knight's next move. Hopefully, when that was done he could land a finishing blow.
((When I say stuff like "Once he was in close he intended to unleash a flurry of sword strikes," I kind of expect you to determine how that goes over, since you're the only one that knows what Mecha Sonic is going to do, AKA how he's going to defend himself against it. So here I have no real choice but to auto-hit, but if you're not cool with that, I'll gladly edit my post.))

Meta Knight took three diagonal slashes at Mecha Sonic, the first two on its right side and the last on its left. He was disappointed he didn't have time for more, but he had already decided on a different tactic. Quickly backing away from his immediate opponent, Meta Knight called over to Tails, "Tails, right? I need some assistance over here. That tall guy with the sword looks a little too difficult for your skill level, anyways. I can deal with him if I need to."

((Meta Knight's (the official one, that is) tendencies to use frequent ellipses have been replaced by his frequent use of italics in this role-play. Both serve the purpose of making him sound more dramatic! Golly gee!))
Tails felt a little insulted in hearing that he couldn't handle Ike on his own, but this was no time to argue. His teammate needed help. He noticed that Mecha Sonic was still focused primarily on Meta Knight, so he withdrew his arm cannon and aimed a bomb toss towards Mecha's back.
Olimar pointed to the TV screen and watched it with Smithy. He was getting a little excited and jumped on the table and started mimicking the fighting with his little fists, his pikmin were sitting there on the edge of the table playing with the paper menu and it fell on top of them.
Smithy laughed at Olimar. He was a strange little man, he wondered where he came from. But he was another fighter. Maybe he could get a fight with him. He looked easy enough, but right now he was just happy to have a buddy.
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