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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Olimar replied to the boy. He pointed to the cafe. He imitated the tournament and the fighting and then Luigis taunt. He then grabbed his hand and ran him down to the cafe to watch it on the TV.
"Gah!" he managed to choke out as he was scorched in close range by the burners. Meta Knight fell to the ground, landing flat on his back. His mask had several burn marks on it. He rolled over backwards and got to his feet. Suddenly, a harsh, blinding light appeared at the far corner of the field where Tails and Ike were fighting. As it subsided, the Smash Ball appeared and began to float away towards the center of the platform.
Then again, now I can go Perfect.

I've seen Tails', so I know what to do to survive that one. But the masked being...

I'll have to get to it first.

His arm flipped over to allow the missiles to show. He aimed them at the Smash ball, waiting for the right time to fire.
Just as Meta Knight was about to take off after the Smash Ball, he noticed Mecha Sonic preparing to fire at it. Maybe I should let it strike first. It'll be risky, but if it can make it close to breaking, I can go in for an easy target. He smiled to himself as he carefully watched the ball.
Ike saw the fox hurtle toward him, its legs getting ready for a kick. Ike yelled as he was hit and sent flying a short distance. "Lrt's see how you like this!"
He jumped into the air and shoved his sword at the fox.
((Down aerial.))
Tails saw the attack coming and rolled cleanly out of the way of the strike. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar gleam. The Smash Ball! He also saw Mecha Sonic, taking aim much like he had during his fight with Tails. Tails took to the air and hung back. He noticed that Meta Knight was doing the same, and he smiled. Yes, he sees what Mecha's trying to do, too!

((I rolled a 20. :3))
Datum: All fighters are not showing any sign of going after the Smash ball

Datum: A similar tactic was used during my battle with Tails.

Plan Reached. Taking Action..

Mecha Sonic pointed his missile launcher at the Warrior.

Try going after it now!

He opened fire on his opponent
Meta Knight shot off of the ground like a bullet as the missiles exploded in the space he was just in. Abandoning his plans to stall, he headed for the Smash Ball which was hanging in mid-air near the top platform.


Meta Knight swung at the ball once, but before he could get in any more hits, it flew away, floating a few inches away from the left edge. He dove after Mecha Sonic in hopes of striking at "him" and momentarily disabling him.
Now! I can no longer wait.

He jumped up again, and fired bombs out of his hands.

And two of those bombs were headed straight for the Smash Ball
Whoa! Meta Knight attempted to dive in front of the bombs headed for the Smash Ball. He took one of them which blew up in his face, but the other one detonated as it struck the Smash Ball, leaving it close to breaking. Meta Knight was still dizzy and disoriented from the bomb when he began to focus and attempt to make a good, clean strike at it.

The Smash Ball split open, leaving nothing but shattered pieces that were slowly fading away. Meta Knight began to glow with the same colors as the Smash Ball. Heh. I got it! Gripping his cape in his left hand, he went after Mecha Sonic, preparing to snare "him" in his cape.
"Sorry!" Skylar called to Luigi, attempting to swallow Aggron this time. Somehow, he needed to hit Bowser's tough hide, and this was the way. The best thing was that he was at a distance from Aggron, so could not be attacked, or at least he didn't think so.
Shoot. I must've miscalculated.

Mecha saw the warrior charge at him. Clearly, he was going to use whatever power the Smash ball had granted him.

Not going to happen, Mecha thought, jumping backwards and activating his jetpack, I'll just have to stay as far away as possible an shoot him down.
"Oh, no you don't!"

Meta Knight summoned his wings and flew at Mecha Sonic with great speed. At the last second, he recalled his wings and flung his cape out at "him". It stretched many times its normal length.

((And this is an attempt, not an auto-hit, in case there was any doubt.))
Mecha jumped back, trying to get out of range of the cape.

That thing can't extend much farther, he thought, If I can just go a little farther back...

His jetpack activated once more, and he flew off of the platform's edge, ready to fly back once the cape swing had ended.

I just hope I'm out of range
Mecha jumped back, trying to get out of range of the cape.

That thing can't extend much farther, he thought, If I can just go a little farther back...

His jetpack activated once more, and he flew off of the platform's edge, ready to fly back once the cape swing had ended.

I just hope I'm out of range
((I don't think you get how Galaxia Darkness works. You see, if it misses, it just ends that very instant. But if it hit, Mecha Sonic would be paralyzed anyways and wouldn't be able to move.))
((I know how it works. But Mecha doesn't. He's assuming that the entire swing has a chance of hitting him.

I didn't want to have him going into this knowing the ins and outs of the Final Smashes. I feared that would be making him to powerful, or something along the lines of too powerful))
((I know how it works. But Mecha doesn't. He's assuming that the entire swing has a chance of hitting him.

I didn't want to have him going into this knowing the ins and outs of the Final Smashes. I feared that would be making him to powerful, or something along the lines of too powerful))
((Oh. Then it missed? Because what I was getting at was that you thought he would be able to move if it hit.))
It... missed? That's not possible! How could that tin can move so quickly in a matter of seconds?!

Meta Knight threw his cape back. It turned back into a pair of wings as he descended. "I bet you think you're so clever! Well who needs that damn Smash Ball?! I'm going to tear your circuits out!" he snarled, frustrated at his failed attempt. He charged at Mecha Sonic and got ready to latch on and knock "him" off the edge.
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