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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"This is fun, biological," Mecha Sonic said, even as the thing slammed him into the ground, "You're the hardest opponent that I've had to deal with in quite some time."

He rolled out of the way after being thrown, and took aim with his missile launcher.

"Too bad I have to get serious now," he said, firing two missiles at the creature once more.
Thinking on his feet, Meta Knight quickly charged forward into a drillspin, harmlessly detonating the missiles as he spun through them. "I'm flattered." he commented with sarcasm as he shot towards Mecha Sonic.
Time for plan B again, Mecha Sonic thought as the creature charged at him.

He jumped at the masked being, and lashed out with his arm to grab it as it sped toward him
Ike saw a bomb heading toward him. "What's with all of the machines?"
He whipped out his sword, and it made a quick flash before the bomb exploded on it. He felt the heat, but not the explosion. He quickly ran over and and attempted to grab the fox and throw it sideways.

((Uhh, I want to use an attack after throwing him, but I don't know how to word it so that I'm not assuming a successful grab. So I'm going to use Quick Draw after I throw him, if I throw him.))
Meta Knight felt the cold grip of the metallic hand grabbing him by the sword arm and came to a complete stop, just hanging there. What does that tin can intend to do? He tried to yank "him" off balance by facing the other way and flapping hard, flying in place towards the ground.
Mecha Sonic's arm flipped over to reveal the missile launcher. He then aimed at the creature now in his grasp.

"Let's see you avoid these missiles at point-blank range." He snarled, firing two missiles out of the launcher.
Tails jumped as high as he could, making sure to pull his tails up to avoid giving Ike a grabbing point. He landed behind him, and saw that Ike had turned around and started dashing forward, sword ready for a swing. Tails rolled out of the way, though the sword had slashed off a good amount of fur from one of his tails. Tails ran back towards Ike, seeing that he had stalled for a few seconds and attempted a grab of his own, hoping to throw him up in the air for an aerial combo.
Wha? As Meta Knight was pulled back, he could hear, along with Mecha Sonic's voice which he hadn't paid any attention to, a sound like missiles loading. Immediately, missiles flew at his backside as pain shot through every nearby nerve in his body. "That's it, tin can, you're starting to annoy me!" Turning around, Meta Knight flew at Mecha Sonic with his arm still in tight grip, attempting to charge into it with a full-body tackle.
The shock of the masked being's sudden charge had loosened Mecha Sonic's grip. He jumped back, and aimed an energy sphere at the warrior.

"I could say the same about you, biological," he said as he launched the sphere.
Meta Knight rolled away from the energy ball, taking advantage of his round shape. "Can't you do anything but fire energy and launch missiles? I'm beginning to grow tired of your games." Without waiting for a response, he flew at Mecha Sonic once more, only this time, he intended to lash out and grab "him".

Luigi spun around and around and around and around, growing sick. Luigi was almost as green as his hat when something smashed into the egg he was in. Slammed in to the ground, the egg cracked open, revealing a very green Luigi. He crawled to the side of the stage, threw up over the edge, and wiped his mouth.

Okay, notta gonna try that again!

Thinking it was time for some payback, Luigi ran over to Bowser, jumped over him ((or at least attempted to, if I can't make that a sure thing)) and shot two extremely large fireballs at his opponent's tail; were he couldn't –hopefully– reach.
That's a high jump, thought Bowser as Luigi performed the leap. He attempted to reach up but missed, and the next thing he knew his rear end was hot. (If you've played Super Mario Galaxy, you'll know what this looks like.) He shot his hands back and dashed forwards, screeching to a stop at the edge and turning around and running again.
"Why yes, there's a lot more I can do."

Activating Extension

"I was built as the most powerful machine in my world," he said, "The energy and missiles are simply a sample of what I was made with."

As he said this, his arms extended and formed into fists to punch the creature.

((If this were actually smash, consider that move his forward tilt))
((I think those are called Strong Attacks.))

Ike felt the fox grab his shirt and throw him up into the air. He grunted as he pulled out his sword to Counter.
Tails flew towards Ike at full tilt, readying for a combo...


The second he had tried to whip his tails forward, he got a sword to the face. He went soaring backwards, and he spun his tails frantically to steady himself. He countered my blow! I'll have to watch out for that in the future... He saw Ike land, so he flew over him and cut his flight abruptly, coming down and using the inertia of his spinning tails to go into a spinning kick..
Meta Knight was smacked in the face by the punch, but this hardly deterred him. The sudden impact had caused him to flip over backwards. He flapped his wings quickly in order to keep his distance from the ground. "Well that's just cute. Am I supposed to be scared?" He then attempted to circle around Mecha Sonic so he could strike hard at his back.
"No. I'd think very low of you if a simple punch could scare you."

Bombs loaded

"I once met a robot who contained more firepower than a small army."

He jumped up, the palms of his hands opening as he did so.

"I learned a few things from that machine. Allow me to pass those teachings onto you!"

His arms began to spin, and he fired bombs out of his palms.

((And that would be his back air))
Alright, new plan... thought Meta Knight as he landed. As the explosives showered down, he flew up, giving himself at least six feet of space from Mecha Sonic. After he was above "him", Meta Knight came down in a drill spin headed strait on for the mechanical hedgehog.

The blow of the drill strike sent Mecha Sonic flying back a short distance. He quickly shifted his arms forward to stop his momentum before he was made vulnerable to another strike.

Bombs, missiles, energy, extension arms... what do i have left? I can't go Perfect, he won't hold still long enough for a blade spindash... what haven't I pulled out other than basic combat?

Wait! I still think I...

I've got it!

He jumped up, and pointed both of his arms at the warrior. "Burn!" he yelled, launching twin fire blasts out of his palms

((That's his forward air))
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