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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Skylar leaped towards Bowser, ready to swallow him and do the Egg Toss. He was so excited that for the moment, he forgot the strategy, but then he whirled around, trying to land, and headed back a few steps nervously in a taunting maneuver.
Bowser got in a heavy stance as Yoshi ran towards him, but as he turned around and actually walked Bowser attempted to lumber up behind him until he was about six feet away before using Fire Breath.
((Skylar was facing Bowser the whole time. Did I phrase something wrong? When I said "he whirled around," I meant in a full circle.))
"O-okay..." Tails responded, nerves going crazy. He heard the announcer count down.


He saw the short masked figure go after Mecha Sonic. Good. Guess I'll go for the big guy, then.

He powered his tails and took to the sky to distance himself from Ike and his huge sword. He lifted one hand in the air as a red blaster materialized over it. Taking aim, he fired a blast at Ike
Enekuro the Jigglypuff stared down the hall. She took off her bandana and fluffed up her bumb on her forehead. Enekuro wandered down the hall just looking for excitement.
Smithy woke up. He startled himself as he saw himself in a new room. Different from his normal bed. He'd obviously had seen it before but Smithy was curious with his surroundings. He clicked his fingers. Out came a small spark. Smithy smiled, he was ready for the Brawl. He ran out of the room, eager in anticipation and actually forgot to close his door...
Pit looked around and sighed. Again, everyone was fighting and had forgotten about him. It probably was partially his fault, not paying attention, but he got what he got, anyways.
I might as well go watch some of the battles going on right now, Pit decided. He stood up, and glided down to a doorway. In the room, he spotted Tails and was about to wave.
No, that'd distract him, Pit decided, and settled down to watch.
Luigi jumped up as the Aggron tackled him, but nevertheless took a claw to the knee. Landing on the metal pokémon's metallic head, Luigi shot Fireball after Fireball into the Aggron's face. Luigi dismounted, flipping through the air and landing on another platform. The green plumber tensed up, looking almost as if he was constipated, and then aimed himself at the metal-eating creature.
The flames hurt. Not enough to bring him down, his form's rockiness helped. Aggron turned and saw a green hat flying at him. He quickly ducked his head, trying to gore the human on his horns.
Luigi grabbed one of Aggron's horns, spinning around and using his momentum to kick the Aggron in the face. Or at least he tried to. His overalls got stuck on one of the horns. Flailing around, Luigi was able to land a few hits on the Aggron's head.
Ike stood in place as the fox jumped into the air above him fired at him. "Whoa!"
Ike waited for it to be near him and pushed his legs to dodge it. He mysteriously flashed white. Ike jumped into the air and threw Ragnell at the fox, jumping after it. "AETHER!"
Agron felt thumping on his head, and a fot flew towards his face. He grabbed it with his mouth, but since Luigi seemed to be stuck to his head elsewhere, Aggron spit it out, and flailed his head around, and tried to fling him at the blue creature that was partnered with Luigi.
Skylar quickly crouched, jumping to the side. He said to Luigi, "You all right?" Then he whirled towards his enemy, dashing towards Aggron, and in a moment, he was in a very speedy Egg Roll aimed for Aggron's un-armored chest.
((oh.. sorry 'XD ))

Bowser turned towards Skylar and began to walk towards him. Because of his size, the draconian turtle was rather slow, but he kept himself prepared for an attack.
Tails saw the sword whirl towards him. He tried to move out of the way, but the sword still managed to whack him in his left arm and catch him in its blades for three more strikes. He grit his teeth in pain. Still too close! That's some amazing reach! But the attack wasn't over yet. He saw Ike jump for the sword, which gave him just enough time for him to escape the blade and edge out of the way of the final strike.

As Ike landed, Tails followed suit, using this time to dash behind him. He punched at Ike twice, struck with his tails, and spun a red machine around himself, hoping for a combo.

((This is the first post that I decided to start using my d20, as I constantly feel the need to understate my powers...>_O))
((Do we have items?))

A giant spotted egg rolled straight for Aggron, and it caught him in his rocky chest. He was taken aback, and whirled around, swinging his tail at the creature. Aggron then checked himself, and found where Bowser was. He raised his hands in defence, and caught his breath.
(( I see. Well, I'll think up Mecha's))

Mecha Sonic saw the masked being charge, and his arm flipped over to reveal the missile launcher.

Unfortunetely, he didn't have time to react to dodge the slash, and he was sent flying a short distance by the blow.

He's faster and stronger than I anticipated. I've got to see if I can find a weakness in his attacks.

"Let's see how you like this!" He yelled, firing two missiles at the masked one.
Skylar was unexpectedly knocked to the side, and stayed there for a moment before turning to Bowser, who was slowly lumbering closer. He whirled back to Aggron and stuck his long tongue out in attempt to swallow the Pokemon.
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