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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

While the Yoshi was distracted, Bowser quickly thrust his claw forwards and attempted to grab him tight in an attempt for Flying Slam.
Skylar felt himself be sucked into the air. "Vacuum!" He cried. When he realized that it was actually Bowser pulling him up, he felt horribly embarrassed, but prepared to swallow Bowser as soon as he landed.
This little guy's slick!
Ike felt pain as two jabs pummeled his back, followed by a machine running around his feet. He tripped out of surprise and pain. Without thinking it, he rolled behind the fox and swung his sword, utilizing the centripital force.
With Skylar facing downward (if that's not godmoding; if it is, ignore it; I'm just assuming since I'm the one holding Skylar >.<), Bowser jumped high into the air and began to slam down with his belly. At contact with the ground, he lost a bit of breath, but stood up and backed away a bit.
((Sorry to interupt the fight))

Olimar stumbled down the hall with his pikmin to go and watch Luigi in battle.

((How do I watch Luigi? On a TV?))
Tails felt the sword smack him in the back and knock him into the air. "Yeeowch!" He spun his tails to retain his altitude, whipping out a bomb and tossing it in Ike's path.
Smithy sped up. He shouldn't be running this fast down a thin corridor, I might...
Smithy ran into someone, he stood up, dusted himself off and gave a hand to help the poor person he'd just knocked over. He was a small man with a big round nose. He looked up and stared Smithy in the eye. He was shorter than he was but had a bunch of strange plant people behind him.
Luigi dashed over to Skyler, pulling the blue Yoshi up.

"You'a okay, Skyler?"

Without waiting for an answer, Luigi whispered, "Turn me into an egg. Then throw me at Bowser. The egg will crack open and I'll be able to attack him from there.
Aggron wasn't going to let them stop. He dashed at them, not impressively quickly though, arms out and claws ready to swipe. As soon as he got within reach, he did a fierce one-two slash at his two opponents.
((Ugh. Internet was down all day. D:
@link008: Yes.
@DarkArmour: Yeah, something like that.))

As he saw the missiles being fired, Meta Knight instinctively wrapped himself in his now-cape and prepared a surprise attack as he reappeared behind the mechanical blue hedgehog.
Luigi rolled across the ground, his nose bleeding a bit.

"You'lla pay for dat!"

Luigi fired off three shots of green fire, and then jumped towards the aggron. Spinning around in a breakdance move, Luigi slapped Aggron across the face with his plumber boots. Luigi landed, then quickly jumped backwards towards Skylar.

That'll teacha him to make my nose bleed!
What the-

The Masked creature vanished as the missiles flew in.

"You're an odd one." Mecha Sonic jumped onto one of the upper platforms, "That teleportation trick is something that I've never seen before."

He began to charge up a spindash.

"Let's see how you handle this!"
Before Meta Knight could respond, he noticed it began to charge some sort of attack. As the sharp metal sphere came after him, he had an idea. Quickly, he dashed towards the edge and at the last possible second, unfolded his wings and hung in the air some feet away from the main platform, waiting for Mecha Sonic's next move.
((Don't forget to attempt, not auto-hit :] ))

Bowser followed up behind Aggron, and made sure to let Aggron be attacked; he didn't want to have the glory for himself, but he only wanted one to attack at a time. As Luigi hopped back, he stayed by the Pokémon's side so that they could defend each other
Skylar nodded, thinking, Hope this won't be too awkward.

As soon as Luigi ws close enough, he swallowed him and tossed the egg straight at Bowser. If Aggron blocked, that was no big deal; Luigi would just attack him instead.
More thunking on his face, as Luigi kicked Aggron, then nimbly leapt back. However, Aggron reacted quickly and un-gracefully dove after Luigi, claws outstretched, trying to grab the human by the feet and give him a good hurling.

Bowser was slow and didn't have time to move out of the way. He clawed the air mindlessly and decided to wait for the enemy to come to him. After that, an idea hatched from his mind. Taking a small running start, he jumped up and attempted to slam down on the space towards which Luigi was heading with a Bowser Bomb.
Not as fast as Sonic, but rather more agile

Mecha Sonic jumped out of his spindash, and gathered a golden energy sphere in his hand.

"Take This!" He yelled, launching the energy at the masked one.
olimar looked up at the boy who knocked him over. Olimar raised his fists in defence but soon realised he was apoligetic and raised them down. He helped himself up. And did the head dance taunt. *Wibble* He put his hand out as if to shake it.
As he attempted to dodge away, the ball of energy struck one of Meta Knight's wings and caused him to freefall for a second before grabbing on to the ledge. His wings folded in and turned back into a cape as he hung on. If I can't lead it off the edge, then I'll drag it off the edge. Scrambling to his feet, he started to grab the mechanoid and slam it to the ground, planning to jump on top and kick it repeatedly afterwards.
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