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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Skylar nodded with excitement. He thought aloud, "We should defend and dodge all we can. Since we're smaller than them, we're faster, causing us to evade their attacks. And while they try to move around, say, towards an item, or if they have an opening, we attack them, and when they've taken enough damage, we throw them. Right?" He asked, hoping to clarify.
"Yepa, that sounds lika good plan to me," said Luigi, as they arrived at their destination. "So, you can Egg Throw, right? Maybe we can hit them ata distance while their on the offensive. When they focus on something else, we attack. I'ma going to use Green Missile for that. What abouta you?"
"Egg Throw's a good move," Skylar replied. "I might try something else, though..."

((Sorry, I don't know many of Yoshi's attacks... I've never really played him.))
"Egg Throw's a good move," Skylar replied. "I might try something else, though..."

((Sorry, I don't know many of Yoshi's attacks... I've never really played him.))
((Is this another case of borrowing a sibling's account? D:
Seriously, though, that's probably not a good idea for RPing. It tends to confuse people. (Oh, and Yoshi's special moves can be found here at the official site. For everything else, there's this GameFAQ guide on Yoshi by jehonaker.)))
Olimar waved goodbye to Luigi and went back to his room to wake his sleeping pikmin, *wibble* he waved to Luigi and Skylar. He desperately wanted to help his buddy in anyway possible.
((Aw what? I missed the tourney yesterday otherwise I would've entered, oh well.))
((Is it possible for me to watch and support in some way?))
((Okay sure, any other way I can get any battles or any "action" around here?))

Olimar stared at his now seemingly small room, he pulled his pikmin out of the ground and cleared up the soil. He sat at the window and looked outside.
((Is this another case of borrowing a sibling's account? D:
Seriously, though, that's probably not a good idea for RPing. It tends to confuse people. (Oh, and Yoshi's special moves can be found here at the official site. For everything else, there's this GameFAQ guide on Yoshi by jehonaker.)))

((I know... I have to use the same computer as Cryptica when I'm at my dad's house, so I can do that on accident sometimes... sorry!))
((@Darksong: It's alright. I wasn't upset or anything.
@DarkArmour: Just make Olimar ask for a challenge.
@All tourney entrants that are still in the lobby: I'm sorry, but you people need to hurry up already. Get in the stage.))
Mecha Sonic headed for the arena. 'The tournament's going to start soon, and seeing as we're the first team that's battling, I suggest we get moving."

Without waiting for a response, he activated his jets and flew toward the arena.
Skylar nodded back to Olimar, then said to Luigi, "Let's go!" He grinned, jumping into the stage with alacrity. Going against Bowser again would be hard, but he would try his best.
Olimar almost sadly wondered to himself. He heard many people down the hall in their rooms practising or relaxing, he was almost jealous of them.
((Sorry. I didn't know that it started immediately.))

Ike walked into the arena. "Exactly where are we?"
He looked to Mecha Sonic.
((The rules are finally up, and "Alternate Personality" has been added to the sign-up sheets. You don't have to add them right away, though, or not at all if it doesn't apply to your character.))
((What do you mean by "Alternate Personality?))

Mecha Sonic sill did not look at Ike. "We are supposed to go to the Arena called Battlefield. That is where the tournament is to take place. As I've said before, we need to keep moving, seeing as we're the first team to fight."
((What do you mean by "Alternate Personality?))
((I suppose I could've been more clear, but what I mean by Alternate Personality is the character's other personality, as apposed to their official personality. This can be anything from fan-made traits to a full on parody. Does that clear things up a little? And also, both battles go on simultaneously. Since that isn't how it works in the games, I probably should have mentioned that.))

Meta Knight noticed the opposing team had entered the Battlefield. Glancing over at Tails, he remarked, "Try not to get in my way, alright?" Nearly the second he finished his sentence, a booming voice sounded from out of nowhere,


Immediately, Meta Knight flew at Mecha Sonic with tremendous force, readying an attack and hoping to knock him off balance.
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