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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"Hey, hey! That'sa just an Aggron. He's friendaly, buddy." said Luigi, attempting to calm Olimar down. "He won't eata you. I'ma pretty sure he justa eats metal!"
At the bottom floor he saw a lot more people in the Café, he managed to pick out two figures from them all which he vaguely recognised as the two he met last night, suddenly he decided to go meet them. And as he walked to their table he grabbed another coffee from the machine.
Olimar looked at Luigi and tilted his head, he grabbed luigis hand and ran over to Aggron, olimar tapped on his leg. *Wibble*
After his coffee was sufficiently filled Captain Falcon looked up and noticed no one was at the table he was heading for. He looked around and saw them heading to another table that an amazingly large metal lizard, from what he had heard a Pokémon called Aggron, a Pokemon Trainer, and a kid who had an elvis style haircut only blonde where sitting at. When he had made his way over he pulled up a seat to the table and waited till evrybody had turned their heads to see. "Don't mind me." He said, taking a sip from his coffee.
"Tough, haha yes. Nobody can hurt me. But, I'm sure guys with special powers like you can go far too. Me, I got none of that.", Aggron replied, "Claus. Got it."
He then heard the skinny green-clad human commenting on him, "Haha, yes. The only way to stay strong is a diet of metal!", Aggron proclaimed.
He looked down and noticed a very short human in a protective suit tapping his leg.
"What's your name? And your name?", Aggron asked of the short human and the skinny human.
"Umm, hi, I'ma Luigi. And this little guy doesn't exactaly talk..." said Luigi, holding a hand out to shake, a little wary of either offending the Aggron or getting his hand crushed.
((Right then. I've finally figured out how this tourney is going to work.))

Kitsune looked up at the cafe's clock. It was a few minutes past 8am. Sighing, she got up and made her way to the lobby. Speaking to no one in particular, she said, "It's time for the tourneys. 8 entrants total. Stage is Battlefield. The rest is on the holo-board." She pointed to the lit-up panel on the stand by the entrance to the training rooms.


Round Descriptions:
In the first round, two fighters are paired according to entry number for a Team Battle. Next, the two teamates of the winning team will have a standard 1-on-1 brawl. For the final round, the winners will battle to determine the champion.
((Pardon the shoddy illustration. We'll assume that the actual screen looks a little different, but the chart pattern is the same.))

"Just touch the part of the screen that says "ENTRY" to enter and we'll start once we have all our entrants." She hurried back to the cafe.
Mecha Sonic, tired of examining the cafe for details of the competitors, decided to train. He was in the lobby when he caught sight of a lit-up panel with a tournament structure displayed.

Oh good. Now things will get a little more interesting

He pressed the ENTRY button on the screen.
Tails wiped the jelly and icing from his mouth with a napkin and finished the rest of his milk. Satisfied, he made his way to the lobby and came across the lighted display. From the corner of his eye, he saw Mecha Sonic, so he hung back and waited for him to leave. After the robot had left, Tails approached the display

"So there's going to be an actual tournament, eh?" he said to himself. "It's been a while since I had a battle, so I should enter." He pressed his finger to the "Entry" key and saw his name flash up on the display. Smiling and excited, he sat to the side to see who else would sign up.
Ike groggily walked down to the Café. He intended on buying a coffee, but there was some bustle around the wall, so he headed in that direction. "Eh? A tournament?"
He figured he had nothing to lose (Except his dignity...), so he reached for the "entry" button. Try as he might, he could not touch it. This burnt his tiny morning fuse down a bit. "MOVE!"
He stabbed the screen (but not hard enough to break it) at the screen to hit the button. Satisfied, he walked to the Café to get that coffee. Heaven knows I need it now...
Great. I was getting tired of waiting. Meta Knight examined the panel. He had to stand about a foot away from the screen and look up to see anything. Summoning his wings, he fluttered up to the screen with rhythmic flaps and touched the part of the screen labeled "ENTRY". His gloved hand seemed to dip through the holo-board, which was composed entirely of light. Seeing his name register on the screen, he stepped back and took a seat nearby, idly playing with his sword.
Aggron recognized the gesture. However it didn't quite work when all he had were three clawed fingers on each hand. He smiled, and then looked up at the sound of an announcement. A lit-up panel displayed a chart. He meandered his way to the screen upon figuring out it was a tournament and tapped the ENTRY button on-screen with a claw.
Luigi followed the giant metal Pokemon, and stopped at the board. Bending down, Luigi then leaped high into the air, punching his hand through the screen and registering for the tournament.
Bowser turned his head, and then was following Luigi randomly. It looked as if he had registered for something, and Bowser realized that it was a tournament. This should be interesting, he thought, and pressed "ENTRY" with a single finger.
Skylar looked up at the screen, or bulletin board, he couldn't be perfectly sure. He couldn't see well from behind Bowser.

A tournament...

I'm not that good. I probably wouldn't make it past the first round.

Sighing, he debated himself on whether to enter.
Meta Knight looked up. He could see Skylar behind that turtle-guy from before. "Hey. Skylar. Thinking about signing up?" he inquired. Noticing the troubled look on his face, he added, "It wouldn't hurt to practice."
"All right. I will then. Thanks for encouraging me."

The blue Yoshi hesitated for a split second more, then pressed the "ENTRY" button.
Mecha Sonic observed as one fighter was debating on whether or not to register.

"I suggest that you should. You could have an opportunity to face off against all sorts of new enemies, ones that you could utterly destroy."

At least, that is why I came to this tournament
((I'll start the tourney tommorrow, as it's late where I'm at. Good night everyone!))
((I'd just like to mention to those who don't know that I call the Lucas Claus, and use the costume where he have orange hair and a green shirt))
Pearl and Claus happened to be walking past when the tournament had appeared. They walked up and took a look at it. "There's only one open spot left, which one of us should enter?" Claus asked, turning his head upwards and looked at Pearl, who answered "You can do it, I'll watch a little more" Without hesitating Claus pushed the "ENTRY" button and his name appeared on the screen.
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