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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Olimar jumped up and down still full of excitement, he was pulling himself up on the chair and jumped over to the coffee machine. He pointed at it and hauled himself onto it. He kept on pointing to it furiously.
"Umm, ona second thought, I think he might wanta coffee..." said Luigi, pointing at the spazzing Olimar. "Either that, or he thinks there'sa princess trapped under there."

Was that supposed to be funny? thought the Pokemon waitress as she stepped away.
((That was quite funny.))

Olimar tugged it and the top came off. Olimar fell backwards. He stared at the machine. *Wibble* he said to himself.
Bowser lumbered up to the cafe and sat in a rather large seat.

"Do you have food here or just coffee?" he asked politely.

The Kirlia nodded to his question, and continued her work.

When was thelast time Bowser ate? Whenever it was, it was recently, so he wasn't too hungry. While he tried to think of what to eat, he thought about what might happen today.
Ike open his eyes a crack and looked at the clock. I should get up... five minutes. Yeah.

Twenty minutes later, he rolled uncomfortably out of bed. "Ugghh..."
He stood up and grabbed his sword for balance. He did his daily stretches and wobbled down to the café.
"So, when do those morning tourneys that whoever-that-was talked about begin?" Claus asked, he was currently eating a bowl of cereals, while Pearl was eating a sandwich and his Pokémon was eating the Pokémon food Pearl had ordered for them. Pearl took a look at his Poketch and said: "She said it was 48 minutes left at 7:12, so it begins 8 O' clock" They looked around the Café, there was quite a lot of people there besides them. Pearl eventually turned to Claus and asked him "Hey Claus, I might not be able to fight myself, so I use Pokémon for that, but what about you, you don't really LOOK like you have some sort of special power, how do you fight?" Claus responded by waving his hand around pointing at nothing, and a yelled line of sparks and pentagons followed it. "PSI, Pearl, I fight with PSI. Otherwise I'm somewhat capable of battling on my own, but I prefer PSI more" Pearl looked a bit stunned over what Claus just had said and done, "I WOULD find that hard to believe" he said, "But there's a guy who's only a ball with arms and legs" He quickly pointed at Meta Knight. "So I hardly find that something to doubt on right now"
Aggron saw Pearl sitting down with another boy. He shoved the last iron bar into his mouth with a satisfying crunch and swallowed, then walked over to the two boys.
"I prefer claws, horns, and tail.", Aggron proclaimed to the two, indicating each respective body part, "But whatever keeps you alive, right? And don't underestimate the short guy over there. I might be seven times taller, but he's a wily one. Anyway, what's your name, oh new companion of Pearl?"
Bowser had ordered and eaten an oversized bowl of cereal (so that he didn't look rude eating it) and had just now finished up. He stepped out of the chair, thanked the waitress, and left for the lounge.
Skylar hopped downstairs to the cafe where everyone else was an ordered a small bowl of cereal. He wasn't that hungry, oddly, and finished within about ten minutes. He crept behind Bowser into the lounge.
Olimar made the waitress come over, he pointed at the broken coffee machine *wibble*. And the waitress cleared it up and got a new coffee. Olimar grabbed the mug, nodded to the waitress and stumbled back to Luigi, his new best friend.
Leaving a Coin as a tip, Luigi grabbed his coffee and was about to get up when he noticed his short little friend stumble over to him.

"So, I see you got your coffee, friend," said Luigi, scratching his nose.
Olimar nodded and put his coffee onto the table, *Wibble* Olimar sat next to Luigi.
"Yes!" Captain Falcon proclaimed and Falcon Punched the air. He had just caught Ho-oh and he was really happy. Now that he had added Ho-oh to his team, he was going to attempt the League. 14 and a half minutes later he was fighting the Champion of the Elite Four and he was using his Machoke, "Show me your moves! Fire PUNCH!!! Yes! One hit KO!" Five minutes later he was in a bad situation, Machoke was in the red and paralysed while Lance's Dragonite finally wiped out his Machoke.

He sent out Ho-oh who used Dragon Pulse and finished the match as well, "yes!" He cried and Falcon Punched the air again, after that he saved and went out for a wander downstairs.

((lol so many falcon references))
The Kirlia waitress brought out a small plate with two jelly donuts and a glass of milk on it. Tails eyed it hungrily, thanking and tipping the waitress as she set it down. He waited for her to step a bit away before tearing into them, not quite messily, but very ravenously.
Claus looked at the giant metal dragon in front of him, he was already short then Pearl and most other fighters here, so seeing something this huge wasn't what he expected. Pearl broke the awkward silence by quickly saying: "Aggron, meet Claus. Claus meet Aggron" A Kirlia waitress came and carried away Claus' now empty bowl. Claus quickly got 10 coins from his pocket and gave it to Kirlia as a way of showing his gratitude. "Thank you kindly, sir!" She said, and danced away. Claus was silent for a while, and Pearl once again broke the silence by saying "Aggron is a Pokémon, like my battling trio and the waitresses around here. There's a chance there's other Pokémon that's fighting alone here too, but I haven't seen any other then Aggron" Claus looked at Aggron, who was even bigger then he actually was in the eyes of Claus. "Aggron, huh? I bet it would be thought battling someone like you!"
Olimar smiled at Luigi then stopped, alarmed he saw a monster in the corner. He froze and stood on the table and glanted at Aggron whilst holding a finger at him.
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