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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

((Yaayyy! 700th post!))

Luigi was waiting for an answer from the girl when some multicolored creatures stood in front of him and shepherded him down to the strange, short man.

Captain Falcon stood outside his designated room. So I take it I sleep here, huh, he thought and he entered the room. Not much here, just two beds and some other stuff, Captain Falcon decided he would go to bed, he wouldn't bother to get out of his clothes, so he just flung off the covers and jumped into bed.
Tails looked at the clock. Wow, it's late! I'd better get on to bed.

And so he did.

((Okay, when the next day starts on this RP, I'll seek out a battle. :D))
((Same with me))

Olimar flinched when the pikmin brought him back. He still wanted to know what this mans intentions were.... He stood forward bravely and stood up straight. *Wibble* Then olimar ran backwards and hid behind his pikmin.
"Umm, what'sa goin' on here? I thought I already said good-bye to you..." Luigi said uncertainly, taking a look at the little creatures that were apparently the small man's henchmen.
Olimar stared at the strange green man, curious to know what he just implied. He peeked round the stars and ordered his pikmin to run in front of the green man. Olimar watched on. He wanted to know who this green man was.

((Same with me))

Olimar flinched when the pikmin brought him back. He still wanted to know what this mans intentions were.... He stood forward bravely and stood up straight. *Wibble* Then olimar ran backwards and hid behind his pikmin.

((wait, there are 2 Olimar's?))
((Oops. Sorry, I was using my sisters account.))
Olimar peeked round and raised his fists not sure whether to be scared or happy.
Is he mute or deaf or somting?

Luigi put on a big smile and said very slowly, "Hello, I ama Luigi. I would like'a to know why your, erm, friends brought me back'a here."
((I'm playing him in character, nervous and all. I can hear you but I can't respond.))

Olimar signalled for the pikmin to pick him up and take him tto his room. Olimar marched forward. They arrived at the room. Olimar pointed to himself and then to Luigi, then pointed towards the seemingly gigantic room. Olimar then jumped up and down on the bed.
Captain Falcon rose from his mattress with a long yawn, He swung his legs round so he was sitting on his bed and got up. Let's see here, what? I was only asleep for an hour? the Captain thought, then he decided to take a wander around the dojo, he was already in his clthes, so he just went out the door. It was dark and a few sounds came from rooms around the floor, he decided to go up to the next floor.

What's that noise...? coming from the landing was a bouncing sound, when he reached the top of the stairs he saw a man in a green hat with a moustache, and another man who was small, had a big nose, and wore a space suit. The man in the space suit was also surrounded by strange creatures of different colours.
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Olimar stared at the strange man in the flashy suit. He ran and hid behind Luigi. He ordered his pikmin to attack but they too hid behind the green man.
"Uh, hello?" He said, taking a few steps closer, "Is something the matter?" He stoppoed, he looked puzzled by the two strangers, the small one seemed to be afraid.
Character: Jigglypuff
Nickname: Enekuro
am I in?
((Accepted. Also, we're going to pretend everyone's in bed now because I can't wait for Luigi and Olimar. They're going to kill the RP.))

Kitsune glanced over at the clock on the wall. The hands read 1am. Hopefully they're all asleep. Sighing, she stepped out of the Dojo. No more than a minute later, she returned with a large leather sack. Something appeared to be squirming inside, but only a careful eye could tell, as the movements were very sluggish and awkward. I better get this over with. What do they think I am, some secret agent?! Carefully slinging the odd sack over her back, she proceeded up the stairs and into the second floor hallway. I wish they had specified who. But, they did say these are enough for about three relatively small fighters. I'll just see whoever I can find. She cautiously opened the door labled "1-1" and peeked inside. An unoccupied room. Let's try the next one... The door labled "1-2" creaked ever so slightly as it opened. She hoped she didn't wake anyone up. There's three of them, but one of them's enormous! I doubt there's enough for all three. Maybe I can just do two of them. Tip-toeing towards the armor-plated behemoth, she gingerly opened the sack and countless small, purple specks came spilling out and onto the sleeping Pokemon. Now for the other one. I think I've left just enough for the one in the top bunk. The bottom bunk would be less trouble, but I don't want to find out the hard way that I don't have enough, so... Easing herself up the ladder, she managed to reach the bunk without a sound. Disstressed by the sword still in the hand of the bed's occupant, she opened the sack as the small purple... things... seemed to swallow up the pint-sized knight's entire body.

Still half, or maybe two thirds, asleep, Meta Knight tried open his eyes. It felt like something was crawling on his face, or he was being digested alive, or some other unpleasant sensation. But alas, his eyelids wouldn't budge. Meh, so what if I'm being eaten alive. Good night. It suddenly dawned on him that being eaten alive meant that he would, in fact, be killed. Sweet pancakes! He tried to move his sword arm. Nope, nothing doing. Well, I suppose there's nothing I can do. He promptly dozed off again, back to his dreams of fighting giant kitty monsters with laser beam-eyes and lethal milk-shooting nipples.

Quickly, the purple specks poured down out of the bed and onto the floor near the Aggron clone, which had finished emerging from the pile next to the real Aggron. The clone was a purple tint, all but the eyes, which had a menacing yellow glow. In the second pile, the newer clone emerged and expanded in jerky movements. Its entire body was a light purple, eyes unable to be seen through the visor and completely lifeless looking. As it reached normal size, color seemed to spread over it like water splashing over its body. It, too, had a purple tint with yellow eyes. However, they looked no different from the real Meta Knight's.

Perfect. Kitsune studied the clones, relieved to be finished. She motioned for them to follow and left the room, carefully shutting the door behind the clones. With the doppelgangers in tow, she locked up the Dojo and left.

((And yes, it'll finally be morning once you guys post!))

EDIT: ((Holy crud that is the biggest RP (Or any) post I've ever made! D8))
((Loving Mother of Jesus, that was clearly unexpected! 0_o by the way, what about Lucas(Claus)? he wasn't in the Dojo, so what will he do?))
Captain Falcon woke up in his bed, he was sleepy after his ordeals last night, after he spoke to the two strangers in the hallway they never spoke a word, so he left. Damn, I really hate waking up in a room on my own. He got out of bed and shoved his clothes on, before he went into a small corner of his room and faced the diagonal corner. "Falcon PUNCH!!!" He shouted as his fist blazed with orange light and pushed forward air. Good practice. And he left his room and headed to the bottom floor of the dojo.
Enekuro woke up. Hm... new bed...comfy.. Maybe a few more hours.....nope! gotta go find myself a rival. "Come on world! Face Enekuro the Jigglypuff!", shouted Enekuro forgetting about the people next to her still sleeping. Eargerly she but on her bandana and went out to find a battle.

Enekuro is ready for the brawl!
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((Quite the Epic Post SE. I can't wait to see where this will go.))

Dormant state ending in 3...2...1-

Mecha's red eye glowed once more.

"Time to see what foolish biological I will be ending today."

He then activated Chaos Control and teleported to the Dojo's entrance
On the bottom floor, it seemed almost empty, there was no one there except Captain Falcon, but then a pink ball with curly hair appeared from the stairs, I'll pretend I didn't notice him, I really want an opponent that at least looks like it'll put up a good fight. And he walked to stand by the wall and folded his arms, still not looking at the pink ball.
((Loving Mother of Jesus, that was clearly unexpected! 0_o by the way, what about Lucas(Claus)? he wasn't in the Dojo, so what will he do?))
((He'll just come in the morning AKA Now or whenever you feel like it. The events of that night don't really affect him directly.))
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