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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

(( Character: Lucas (Second costume, the one with the orange hair/green shirt
Nickname: Claus (:D)
By the way, if Claus gets accepted, do I have to wait until tomorrow in order to use him in the RP or can he just be late and get in anyway? Can my two characters be roommates?))

"Woah, the time's that much?" Pearl said, and looked at his Pokétch. "I haven't even found my room yet!" He ran away to the rooms and found an his, walked in and turned on the lights, looking around in the room, "This place doesn't look to bad!" He dropped his bag on the floor and proceeded to further examine the room.
(( Character: Lucas (Second costume, the one with the orange hair/green shirt
Nickname: Claus (:D)
By the way, if Claus gets accepted, do I have to wait until tomorrow in order to use him in the RP or can he just be late and get in anyway? Can my two characters be roommates?))
((Accepted, yes, and yes.))
(( >:l You was just afraid I'd kick your ass with the Smash Ball anyway. >:

((Uhh, since we couldn't decide who was getting the Smash Ball (This kind of thing needs some official reffing like the ASB), I jumped off as to not hold the plot up. So basically, no.))
((Uhh, since we couldn't decide who was getting the Smash Ball (This kind of thing needs some official reffing like the ASB), I jumped off as to not hold the plot up. So basically, no.))
((I clearly stated who got the Smash Ball. And this is just standard RP battling, there's no need for a frickn' ref. When in doubt, however, like in most RPs, it's the DM's decision.))
((Wait, I'm being stupid again, do I have to wait until tomorrow for using Claus or not? I'm so stupid that I can't figure out stuff like that right now, eating salty sticks, oranges/tangerines and a cheese/ham sandwich while drinking Yogurt kills my brain, but hey, at least it's tasty. :3))
((Wait, I'm being stupid again, do I have to wait until tomorrow for using Claus or not? I'm so stupid that I can't figure out stuff like that right now, eating salty sticks, oranges/tangerines and a cheese/ham sandwich while drinking Yogurt kills my brain, but hey, at least it's tasty. :3))
((I see, thanks))

Pearl looked through the room quickly, and they yawned. He took of his pokétch and put it on the bedside table, hanged his green scarf on a hook and took off his shirt, pants and socks and threw them at the floor, turned off the lights and went to the comfortable bed. "I like this place already" He said as he drew the covering over his shoulders.
Aggron got up and walked off towards his room at the lockup announcement. He climbed up the stairs, something he didn't particularly enjoy, and found the room he claimed for himself. The plate on the door read '1-2'. He threw the door open, walked inside, and closed the door. Aggron looked at the clock, which now read 10:20 PM. He didn't feel tired, but everything fun in the room was very difficult with 3 fingers. He found the clearing he made to sleep on, laid down, and said, "Good night...", to nobody in particular, he didn't have a roommate, and drifted off to sleep.
((Meh. Dedede's Final Smash isn't much of a "Quick Kill" anyway.
It would be pretty cool if you actually Brawled people over Wi-fi in this.))

Ike walked over to the Café after depositing his sword in his room. "I need a coffee..."
Ike thought about what he just did in that battle. "Y'know, I'll hold off on the coffees for now.
Olimar woke up. He shocked himself with his reflection in the window. He had slept on the window. Damn. He suddenly remembered the strange green man and ordered his pikmin awake and ran off out of his room to go and find the green man.

(This is a fun character.)
Luigi saluted the small, strange man and went up the steps, passing that large, noisy-eating metal-thing on his way up. Luigi stopped at a random room, looked in and saw a girl with stuff like Pokemon Trainer. He walked in and said, "Umm, is this rooma taken'?"
Bowser looked at the clock. "It's late," he commented, and headed to his room. Sure, Bowser, state the obvious, he told himself, and lay on his bed for a few minutes before falling asleep. The latest he'd ever stayed up was 3 AM, and he tended to wake up 10 hours later than he had fallen asleep. In this case, he would awaken at approximately 8 o'clock, thus being immediately hungry for breakfast like he was every morning at 7:56.
((Completely unimportant, but I feel like changing Pit to the Dark costume, because it owns. All shall proceed like nothing happened.))
Olimar stared at the strange green man, curious to know what he just implied. He peeked round the stars and ordered his pikmin to run in front of the green man. Olimar watched on. He wanted to know who this green man was.
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