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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP


Olimar looked around. He had been up there for a while now. The pikmin were too light to climb down. Olimar hadf a good idea. He tied the pikmin around his waist and they held onto the sign. He bungee jumped off of it and just touched the ground. Boing! He missed he flew back up in the air. Olimar dangled. Olimar was even more stuck. He looked inside the cafe and saw people inside.
((Time to show that I'm alive))

Pearl was still watching the fight, sitting on a chair, "Why on earth is that shining ball so important? Both Dedede and that other guy seems to go all psycho in order to break it!"

King Dedede began to freak a bit seeing that Ike was about to hit it, utilizing his ability to jump a total of four time he continued into the air after the Smash Ball, and hit it, breaking it in the process.
((He's in the middle of Aether. Which goes faster than Dedede's movements.))
((But Dedede was still in the air, close to it))
((Well, despite that fact that if Ike's Aether hit it would break, plus I believe it would strike before Dedede could break it, the Smash Ball kinda moves. A lot. So unless Ike started his Aether before it was directly underneath him, the chances of him breaking anything but air is pretty much nil. So it pretty much belongs to Dedede.

...Where would this battle be without me? X3))
((Has the time in the Dojo changed at all?))
((Probably close to 10pm or so. I'm just holding off on posting because it looks like someone's gonna pull a Final Smash and end things quickly in Male Gardevoir vs. Lucas755 before I have to end it for the night.))
((*sigh* If you have it, use it. Make it end in a tie, with both of you getting blown off the stage or something.))
"You know what? This battle is getting boring." Ike then pressed A+L+R+Start
Ike then proceeded to jump of the edge. "Wheeee!!!"
"You know what? This battle is getting boring." Ike then pressed A+L+R+Start
Ike then proceeded to jump of the edge. "Wheeee!!!"
((Ike so should've hit A+L+R+Start. Or depending on your controller, whatever else the case may be. I use the WiiRemote+Nunchuk and yet I still can't remember the button combination.))
Luigi looked out the window, thinking of looking at the moon. To his utter and complete surprise, a small man in a spacesuit was dangling from the roof! Luigi jumped up (which is saying something with Luigi) and ran over to the window. He threw open the pane of glass, and seized the spaceman by his ankles and hauled him in. Wiping sweat off of his brow, Luigi said to the little man, "Hello, I'ma Luigi."
Mecha Sonic entered the cafe after debating about the desicion for a time.
A Red and tan puffball creature ((Waddle Dee)) walked up to him and said: "Good evening... sir, may I take your order?"
"Yes, you may, biological," Mecha Sonic said, "I'd like you to show me to your nearest electrical outlet."
"Outlet?' The creature said.
"yes, outlet. Something electrical so that I can recharge my systems to full capacity."
"Well, sir, if it's food you want-"
"What did I just get through telling you?' Mecha snarled, resisting the tmeptaion to strangle the thing. "I need to hook up to some kind of outlet."
"Well, sir we-"
"Or any other electrical system. I can drain power from most of your appliances."
"Actually, there's an open outlet right by that table,' The creature said nervously, gesturing to the far wall.
"Good." mecha said, walking away. "Biologicals." he muttered under his breath, "Ridiculous, all of them."

((Long filler post for the win.))
(( >:l You was just afraid I'd kick your ass with the Smash Ball anyway. >: By the way, can I change character to Lucas now like I said I was going to do earlier?))
King Dedede returned to the lobby after Ike jumped off the stage. Pearl turned around and saw him, "Did your opponent just go Kamikaze?" Dedede scratched his head. "Yes he did, yes he did" He grabbed his hammer, which was laying on the floor, "Anyway, I'm leaving this place now" Pearl answered: "Leaving? Didn't you just come here?" Dedede didn't answer, just walked down the stairs to the entrance.
Olimar looked at the strange green suited man. *Wibble* replied olimar. He was grateful that he came up for him but wasn't sure what his intentions were. He rightened himself up but raised his arms to defend himself. He wasn't sure what this person was trying to do.
((@Male Gardevoir: Yes. Just post the sign-up sheet and I'll do the switch.))

As Kitsune entered the Dojo, she nearly bumped into Dedede, who was coming the other way. Glancing back, she wondered exactly how many fighters they had lost since the last time she left. Shaking her head, she closed the door behind her and shouted out to the others: "Excuse me! It's 10 o'clock. I'm here to lock the place up. Cafe's closed, lights are out, and all battles in process will be terminated. Everyone should return to their rooms. Thank you."

Meanwhile, Meta Knight was just finishing his coffee. Perhaps I should've held off on that last coffee, now that we have to get some sleep. In fact, maybe I should try having all five coffees in the morning instead of at random points in the day. Perhaps I should try that tommorrow morning.
Maybe I should just go to bed.
Groggily, he got up from his seat and made his way towards the stairs and flew up them. After making it up the first few steps, he forgot what he was doing and slammed into the next few steps. He just barely landed on the steps below. Perhaps I shouldn't try flying half-asleep.

After the perilous journey up the stairs by foot, he finally reached Room 1-2 and opened the door. Suddenly, it struck him. Maybe I could've just teleported up here... Shrugging, he climbed up into bed. The digital clock on the dresser nearby read 10:15pm. Perhaps I should say good night to Skylar. He peeked over the side of the bed. Skylar looked like he had already dropped off. Maybe he's already asleep... With that, he fell asleep seemingly the second his head hit the pillow.
Olimar had his pikmin run away. So he stared at Luigi strangely and ran off cautiously. He chased his pikmin and they led him back to his room. They were all sleeping when he got in. *Wibble* Olimar decided to fall asleep as well still thinking about that strange green man.

((Lets "run into" each other tommorow Blastoise.))
Fine then. i can reachrge in my own room

"Chaos Control," he muttered, teleporting back up to his room.

Approximate Time: 2200 hours.

Activating Dormant State. Internal Core Will Recharge while dormant.

Dormant State Shall end at mental signal.

Entering dormant state... Now.
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