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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

((Uuh, I said I used a forward smash, that sends you flying a bit))
((I'm really confused about where exactly we are.))
((I think I can help. Actually, I think this depends on which direction both of you were facing. If you guys were facing our right, then Ike would probably bounce off the ceiling in a diagonal fashion and land on that platform-thingy. If it was left, which I believe it was, Ike would probably fly a ways, slam into the ceiling, bounce off, and just nick the edge. Like I said before, I like to overthink these things. Still, though, does that help any?))
((Actually, I faced the left, the same direction our avatars are on the posts, and used the smash that way, sending the enemy to the left))

If I'm not mistaken. Sorry I had to write over the existing map, it looks all cluttered now. :S))
((I am very confused today. I've got it now.))

Ike heard a crack as his back met the ceiling for a fraction of a second. He bounced off of it and plummeted to the edge. As if by subconscious will, he grabbed the ledge and pulled up onto the floor. Furious, he jumped into the air as fast as he could and swung his sword at Dedede. He landed on the ground and used centrifugal force to swing his sword around, in case Dedede either flew too short a distance, or wasn't hit.
Re: The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP (Rather important btw)

((This thread couldn't survive a battle of wits with a stuffed iguana. You know, I'm starting to look cheap with all these filler posts. If all battles currently going on are not finished by 10pm, they will all be terminated, which gives all of you roughly three in-RP hours, AKA two fillers later, AAKA two pages later.))

Seven PM... Meta Knight glanced over at the clock. Have I really been playing that long? Eh. After several failed attempts, he managed to hop back out of the chair. The caretaker should be here around ten to lock up the place.
I need another coffee.

At the cafe, Meta Knight sat down at an empty table and was greeted by another feminine, humanoid creature like the one before, only this was probably a different one.

"Wait for it - I know what you want!" the Kirlia waitress seemed to stare into his eyes. Meta Knight shot back a dually unimpressed look. "Coffee, right? One cup?"
"Alright, sir." with dance-like motions, it hurried back into the kitchen.
Those psychics think they're so damn smart...
"Seven o'clock..." Skylar gazed at the circle with points. "Maybe, if I go to bed early, I can get up early!" He waved to Meta Knight, heading up to his bedroom.

As he was up, he gazed at the Wii, still on. Shrugging, he climbed onto his bed, but just sat there, not falling asleep.
((Thank you!))

Internal Clock: approximately 1900 hours.

"I've been dormant for too long. I must know what has been going on since that Bio-Machine attacked."

He walked down to a lower floor of the Dojo, and went to see if any fights were going on.
Bowser woke up. How long had he napped? Looking at the clock, he saw that it was around seven PM. Shrugging, he started towards his bedroom, but turned to the cafe instead. It was time for some dinner.
((Kay, Shiny Eevee, I'll try to, by the way, could I change character to Lucas when this fight is finished?))
King Dedede took Ike's attack, much to his dismay. "Why you!" He yelled, and quickly threw a Waddle Doo at Ike. Just then, a Smash Ball appeared.
((We do control item spawn, right?))
((Kay, Shiny Eevee, I'll try to, by the way, could I change character to Lucas when this fight is finished?))
King Dedede took Ike's attack, much to his dismay. "Why you!" He yelled, and quickly threw a Waddle Doo at Ike. Just then, a Smash Ball appeared.
((We do control item spawn, right?))
((Yes and yes.))

EDIT: ((You mean to swap King Dedede with Lucas, right? Because I forgot all about Pearl.))
((Haha, at first, I thought you were talking about me.))
Ike looked over in time to see a Smash Ball appear and a Waddle Doo to smack him in the face. Luckily, these hardly do any damage.
He fell onto the ground, giving him a disadvantage at getting to the Smash Ball first.
"MINE!" Dedede yelled, as he ran to the Smash Ball as fast as he could, and began swinging his hammer at it.
Wolf wasn't doing anything, so Falco shrugged and went over to where Wolf was. A bit contemtuously, he pushed Wolf off and spat down after him. Shrugging, he returned to the lobby. It's as if Wolf suddenly froze up. Oh, well. Proves I'm superior.

((A bit unconventional, but HE HADN'T POSTED FOR DAYS!!!))
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