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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Dormant State End.

Mecha's eye opened once more.

"Just how long was I out?"

((Just a post showing that Mecha hasn't been terminated))
((Oh Jesus, you're right, I'm so sorry, and by the right side you mean where? I assumed I was able to go to the "Fight Club", but we might misunderstand each other))
((Oh, you went into Fight Club.))
Ike followed Dedede into Fight Club, his favorite place. He faced Dedede at a safe distance and yelled to him. "Remember the rules of Fight Club! If you purposely leave, unless for a Smash Ball, you lose your honor!"
He waied for Dedede to make a move.
((Actually my original plan was to wait just below the upper platform, charging a forward smash to smack your face with as you jumped down))
((I see, by the way, did you know that Meta Knight's eyes change colour depending on what emotion he feels in the Kirby anime?))
((Yes. But, seeing as he never does this in Brawl, you won't see him do that here. Ah, go die in a hole, Mexican Knight...))
((Come on, Male Gardevoir, post. D:))

"Goddammit!" Meta Knight swore at the small handheld. He had forgotten to restock on Pokeballs when a Shiny Spearow appeared. I'll just let Typhlosion kill it... After a few minutes of button pressing, he shut it off and put it away again. I think I died a little inside...

((At least the most pointless filler in all of roleplaying history (that consists of more than two sentences, anyways) has a little comedic value to it. I had really wanted to move on from the Dojo by this point. And yes, I think I did spoil a little bit of the plot by saying that.))
(Lucas, I went to the pillar thing behind the place where your character went, I usually don't count the other parts as the Fight Club))
Ike jumped down, only to be smacked by Dedede's hammer. Enraged, he swiftly swung his sword in a wide angle at the direction of where the hammer came from. He noticed a Smoke Ball by his feet and threw that, too.
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