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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"No thanks, I'm kinda hungry," Skylar replied, heading off to the café. The problem was, he didn't know what he was hungry for. There were so many things it was almost overwhelming. Sighing, he sat down at a chair, thinking.
"Eh, alright." Meta Knight stared back at the blank screen. I don't really feel like playing anymore... I suppose when you can take part in real battles, it's kind of silly to play the game. He put back the Wii Remote and went back to the lobby. He could smell coffee brewing in the cafe.

Coffee! Glorious caffeine! Well... I was going to make a challenge... He looked up. The clock on the wall read 5:00pm. I haven't had coffee since early this morning! How am I supposed to fit in 5 cups today?! In fact, come to think of it, I didn't have any yesterday. No wonder I've been so excitable! Meta Knight rushed off to the cafe.

((I've never known anyone who got excitable from not having caffeine. You never know, though.))
Wolf smelled the air of the field, and felt the breeze brush his fur. Across the other side, there was a green plumber, but he only considered him as collateral. His lupine eyes focused on Falco.

He has always waited for this moment, where he can take down Team StarFox without any interference. His claws were at the ready, and he only waited for the booming voice again.
Luigi rolled his shoulders, gripping his Beam Sword with shaking hands. The emnity between Falco and Wolf was easy to see, and Luigi backed up nervously from the two as they glared at each one another.


Luigi jumped several feet into the air, backflipping and reaching the highest platform.
As soon as he heard the voice ring out, Falco grinned. Finally, he could fight against Wolf properly, without having to worry about the consequences if he was too aggressive. Still, he decided to be fairly conservative at the start; he began the fight with a Phantasm towards Wolf to try to get a bit of damage in early on.

After Falco attacked, he immediately spun around and went on the defensive, jumping up to the lower-right platform to prepare for Wolf's attack.
Recovering from the sudden rush from Lombardi, Wolf immediately lunged upwards with his claws at the ready. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a green figure at the top, taking its time.

Right after his attack, Wolf then grabbed a Baseball bat and landed a hit on the green plumber without even storing his energy for a much more solid hit.
Falco fell back a bit from the attack, but noticed that Wolf was distracted. He jumped over and, while still in the air, started pecking at Wolf.

I should win this fight, no problem. Wolf barely scraped me with his attack, and going after Luigi was foolish.
King Dedede was hit by the smash attack, but didn't go so far, and his ability to jump four times got him back to the ground quickly, he quickly used another Waddle Dee throw, and he had the luck to throw a Gordo, yet quickly threw another Waddle Dee, and another, and another, then jumped down to a lower platform.
Luigi flew off of the topmost platform, but landed on his feet at the bottom of the stage. Just then, a Sensor Bomb fell from the sky. Luigi skipped towards it and grabbed it. He threw it hard at Wolf and Falco, and it landed with a nearly inperceptable click.
((Lower platform? We're on the right side.))

Ike saw a Gordo hurtling toward him. It hit him straight in the side, and he went flying a little. When he came back up, there were more Waddle Dees thrown at him, but he knew better. He shielded. After the barrage ended, he looked for Dedede.
Falco snorted when he saw the bomb. As if he could get me with that. He jumped over it and kicked Luigi with as much force as he could muster.
Luigi flew off the side of the arena. He panicked for a moment, but then turned sideways and concentrated. Seconds later, he released the pent'up energy, and flew back like a rocket, giving this move the appropriate name of Green Missile. He flew at Falco, and spun right into a Luigi Cyclone. As he spun, Luigi grabbed hold of Falco's wings and used his centrifugal force to spin him faster and faster, then let go, flinging him at Wolf.
"Just as planned." Wolf thought to himself as Lombardi shot towards him. Immediately, he pulled out his Reflector, in hopes of deflecting Falco. His other hand was floating right next to his blaster as he waited for Falco to hit the Reflector.
Falco hit the reflector and went flying off, but managed to kick out his reflector as he saw Wolf pull his blaster out. At the same time, he kicked back in the hopes of hitting Luigi.

((I wish I could actually manage this in a fight))
Emptying a whole charge at the bird, Wolf growled in frustration. He ran across the field, shooting Falco as the bird flung across the field to the plumber. "Dammit come on!" He shouted at himself for missing every shot.

He then picked up a glowing sword, and out of instinct threw it towards Lombardi.
Aww... I wanted Meta Knight.

I'll go, i'm no where near perfect at Role Play but i'll try my best.

Character: ROB
Nickname: Cadet
Aww... what the hell, as soon as i'm finished catching up with the plot and whats going on I'll join in. Character: Fox (My favourite) Nickname: Sky
Luigi sidestepped Falco and spun around, sending him in the opposite direction and slowing the bird down. With his attention and concentration all on Falco, Luigi was surprised when he was sent flying by a Beam Sword. He did another Luigi Tornado, landing on the edge of the field. Trying to keep his balance, Luigi swung his arms around and noticed a Bob-omb land in front of Wolf. Thinking quickly, Luigi fired a green Fireball, and it flew straight as an arrow towards the, for now, stationary bomb.
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