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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

((Oh, I must've overlooked that somewhere. I was just making sure I knew to prevent confusion.))
Luigi finished his meal, left a gold coin on the table as a tip, and left the Cafè. He walked up to the Ice Climbers, Nana and Popo, and said, "Heya, guys! How's ita been goin'? You wanna battle?"
((Which edge? Top-left, top-right?))
Ike shot out of Dedede and was confused for a split second. Where am I?
Ike regained his senses enough to Quick Draw to the ledge and grab on. He got up and immediately sidestepped. Ike assessed his options for a second. Fight, flight, a mix of the two...
(It probably won't be necessary, but could I reserve Falco? I need to get through the 27 pages of plot.)
After chugging down gallons of water, he went outside to the Hyrule Temple to watch the action. No because it was relatively interesting, as a brawl was an every-day thing here, but to see the attacks more closely of the other participants, so Link would be prepared, if anyone dared to challenge him.
Meta Knight opened his eyes and blinked for a few seconds. Wait, who said I would get to sleep eventually? He sat up and looked around. No one was with him but Skylar. I must be going insane.

He headed down the stairs and into the lobby. Isn't there any form of entertainment around here besides fighting? And drinking coffee? He peered into the cafe and saw a Toad by the counter, black as coal, and several charred spots nearby. A Machop was also sweeping up a mess of broken plates. Aw, I must've just missed a food fight...

((Am I bad at filler posts or what?))
Noticing Dedede's unresponsiveness, he took the oppurtunity to use an attack.
"AETHER!" he yelled, throwing his sword into the air , trying to catch Dedede in it.
((When is the "main plot" getting started? Mecha's just spinning his wheels here))
((A lot of us are. v_v ))
((Patience!! Yes, I do realize this is getting repetitive, but I there are certain times where I can't use my magical DM powers to speed up the plot for reasons such as a brawl having just started. For now, I suggest you hold off on the battles if you want to have a day whiz by. Of course, I'm not going to break up the ones already in process (Except that one with Mewtwo and whoever else was in it. Don't start a brawl if you're too lazy to finish it, gawd.), but really. One boss attack is enough for one day. This is a slow trainwreck, remember. I'm sorry for any inconveniences.))
Despite Ike catching him by surprise, Dedede managed to avoid the sword, "Nice move, but let's see how you take this!" He prepared to swing his jet hammer, which still was charging, at Ike when he jumped after the sword. ((Ike do that, right?))
The Smash Bros. Dojo

Falco stared at the sign for a moment, then shrugged. Why not? If I don't like it, I can always leave. Besides, I'm not that bad of a fighter.

He pushed open the door to the building. He saw a few various...creatures...scattered around the lobby, and he paused before shouting a general query: "Um...I hate to intrude, but could somebody show me around?" He added, a bit unnecessarily, "I just got here."
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