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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

king Dedede came into the room just by then, hearing Ike asking for a fight, "I'm up!" He said, "I've been waiting for a fight all day!"

Pearl ran up the staircase, and looked around in the room. "Maybe I should go look for the caretaker first?" He told himself, he walked around the various rooms, looking for the caretaker. In one room, he saw a guy with blue hair, and a.. giant robe-wearing hammer penguin? "Excuse me, but do you know where the caretaker is?" he asked them, the penguin turned to him, "You're new here? I'm King Dedede. The last time I saw the caretaker was in the Café, you'll find her pretty quickly, I can tell you that" pearl responded "KING Dedede? I'm Pearl, and if you're the king, I'll take the crown from yah, if you even wore a crown to begin with" He began running around again, looking for the Café.
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Finishing his coffee, Meta Knight came out of the cafe. Ignoring everyone in the room, he flew up the stairs and went back to his living quarters.

I've only been here for a day, but I'm already getting stir-crazy! Not only that, but it seems someone wants us dead, and we're sitting ducks here!

He sat in bed for a bit. It was only 3:15pm.

That's it, I can't think strait if I don't eat soon. He picked up the phone and dialed the nearest pizza place.

((Dumb fillers. I can't wait until nightime. What happens at nightime? You'll see...))
Pearl finally his way to the Café, and walked into it, "Well, Dedede said the caretaker was here, so I might as well ask someone" He told himself, he looked around in the room, and saw a Kirlia wearing a waitress suit, "Another Pokémon? What's next? A angel?" he walked up the the Kirlia and asked: "Excuse me, do you know where the caretaker is? I heard from a that Dedede guy she was here"
"She left several hours ago" The Kirlia-waitress answered, using it's psychic powers.
"Aw, what a shame I suppose I'll just have to continue looking" He answered, this time lowering his voice a bit, he walked away, a bit discouraged.
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"Alright... Dedede, is it? I'll pick the stage, you pick the rules."
He paused and thought for a moment. "Temple! Hyrule Temple!"
((Male Gardevoir: The caretaker left hours ago...))

((Sorry, I'll fix that))
"Let's see, Dedede said, "remove all items except Smash Balls, Superspicy Curry, Hearts, Assist Trophies and Poké Balls, no time limit, and one life. That's how I want it!"
Pearl happened to be walking past just that moment, and saw King Dedede and Ike preparing for a battle. Dedede saw him, and said: "Hey Pearl, how about watching me fight this guy, so you learn how we do our fighting around here?" Pearl answered: "I suppose I could, then I'll see whether or not you should have "KING" in your name!"
*So how'd it go, Romeo?* Leon's voice broke the deep silence around Wolf.

"Nevermind that. I need you to run a search based on these screenshots I have of that dragon thing. I need files on why it's here and everything in between." He barked as soon as the chameleon finished his sentence.

*Alright, calm down Wolf.* Leon surrendered to his Captain. *Wait, why do you need me to search this?* The chameleon asked, worryingly.

"Because I don't have any data on that thing yet, now hurry!" Wolf snapped back with authority, his patience wearing thin.

*You remember Ridley, right?*

"How could I forget. The lecturer wouldn't stop talking about him. Is it one of his lackeys?"

*Good news, no.* Leon announced confidently. *Bad news is that it was Ridley himself.*

A pang of shock pierced through Wolf. Ridley? That mechanized thing? He knew that the Pirate was strong but he didn't know he was this powerful. Plus the size of him boggled the mind. "Can't be. Ridley was dispatched by Aran way back."

*Well he's either had a makeover or someone's trying to scare you guys.*

He turned his comlink off. The fact that the dojo was attacked by one of the most wanted Pirates in the galaxy, but the way that the caretaker dismissed it as a simple disturbance. "What the hell are we up for in here?"

"That was just a trophy, dear. Don't worry. Coffee?" A soft voice broke his trail of thought. Looking straight at him with a naive smile, a Kirlia with what seemed like a waitress uniform with the dojo badge on the left pocket.

"Sure." He told the girl, still staring blankly at the window outside. "Don't read my thoughts like that again."

"Sorry, you just think louder than everyone else around here if that made sense." He heard the voice in his head as the waitress listed his order. "Anything else?"

"I'm fine, thanks. Oh, and BOOM!" He thought, still staring coldly at the window.

A loud crash was heard behind him as the waitress fell onto a Servbot and broke several plates, followed by sparks running wild and a barrage of screams from the staff.
What's next? A angel?

((O_o; Uh, haha?))

Pit looked around at the others, some who were getting ready to fight, and some just relaxing. He decided to watch some other people's fights, maybe he could learn something. Pit grabbed a last cup of coffee, hiccuping as he left the lounge.
"Talking?", Aggron replied in surprise, "I suppose I can talk with humans now. Been doing it, but never really noticed it."
He followed Pearl around, still not really knowing anybody else. Finding himself in the training room, Aggron noticed a sword-wielding human and a large humanoid with a hammer. They were preparing to fight. Aggron sat down to spectate.
He asked the new boy, "So you are a trainer, aren't you? Unless you got some special powers, I don't see what else you could really be. What's your name?"
"Okay, Dedede."
They appeared on two white glowing platforms near each other. When the invincibility wore off, Ike attempted to catch Dedede off guard and take advantage of his speed by using an early Quick Draw. He sped toward Dedede.
Skylar headed up to his room and lay on his bed. Not only was the battle with Meta Knight tiring, but he needed rest for the next day. It was only 3:15 or so, but at least a short nap would work. If it was the middle of the day, he could only sleep for about 15 minutes at a time, anyway.
Meta Knight came out of the bathroom. How did I manage to eat the entire pizza? At least the sauce came off so I wouldn't have to replace another mask... He noticed Skylar was in bed. That's not a bad idea... It's not as if I have anything better to do. He climbed into bed. It wasn't easy getting to sleep, but he did eventually.
((Why do you people have to make another page whenever I leave? ;A; ))
Another brawl, but it was typical when fighters of all sorts of different origin come together. While watching the battle unravel, he slowly, sub-conciouncsly ate the curry. After several spoonfuls, his head slowly swelled into a very vivid red... And finally, fire started spewing out of his mouth. "Fun times." he said, burning almost everything he faced.
And then, all of a sudden, while she was standing there, Zamus fell asleep because she didn't know what to do.
King Dedede was hit by Ike's surprise attack, but due his weigh, he didn't go far. He Quickly used a Waddle Dee Throw, to distract Ike while he used inhale.

Pearl, who was watching, turned to the Aggron, "I'm Pearl, and yes, I'm a trainer, the best that is!" he said, smiling determined."I can show you good we are when I've seen this battle, so that I understand how to do, 'Kay?"
((When he says "we" he refers to him and his Pokémon, so he do NOT have schizophrenia))
((It's not socially acceptable to refer to oneself using 'we'? D:))

Aggron laughed, "Good, you're confident. Lotta humans, I can tell they don't have the right mindset. Now, the way things work here is very different from any kinda Pokemon battle.", he replied to Pearl.
Ike saw the Waddle Dee. "Why do these things exist?"
He stabbed it quickly and it flew offscreen. Ike felt a force pulling him backward. "Wahhh!"
He was sucked off the ground into Dedede's belly.
King Dedede got the edge of the stage as quick as he could, and spat Ike out, "Down the drain, buddy!" He began charging his jet hammer, he did know that Ike would jump back, so he was ready to knock him away.
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