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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

"Hm?" Meta Knight turned around and noticed that the voice had come from some sort of humanoid bird. "So you're new? I suggest you watch your step. We just had a "monster attack", if you will, earlier today. It would seem someone wants us dead. But before I scare you off, there are still plenty of vacant rooms upstairs."
Okay. Is there anything I should know about besides the...um...monster attack?

((It might be useful to include a map of the Dojo, if that's not too much work, to show who doesn't have roommates, which rooms are vacant, etc.))
"Well, the Training Rooms are to your left. One is an enclosed room which generally changes the format of the game, and the other four are simulation rooms in which you choose the stage. Oh, and the cafe is strait ahead. Plus, since the rooms are built for two, you may want a roomate. If I'm not mistaken, there are still others without one." Meta Knight wrapped himself in his cape and spun into a ball until he disappeared.

I love doing tha--

He abruptly noticed he was several feet above the ground. He landed with a thud. God, you'd think I'd have spent enough time in this room to at least appear on the ground. At least I didn't get stuck in the ceiling.

((I suppose mistakes like that can happen when you attempt to bend the laws of physics. Anyways, I could try to make a map, but I'll see how that works out.))
Falco shrugged. "Okay, I guess I'll go find a room."

A short while later, he was camped out in room 1-7, trying to decide whether to look for a fight.

((Ugh...filler posts. Hopefully something will happen soon, so Falco can get a piece of the action.))
After turning away from the unresponsive Ice Climbers, who were clearly not going to answer, Luigi caught sight of a flurry of blue feathers walking into one of the bedrooms. Luigi ran after the sight, and, turning a corner, saw Falco. Waving to the humanoid bird, Luigi yelled,"Hey, Falco, it'sa me, Luigi!

((I'm assuming that characters who have starred in the same SSB game know each other?))
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Falco turned around. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you." He thought for a moment, then said, "So, are you just going to stand there all day, or do you want to fight?"

((For the record, I didn't walk into a training room, I walked into my room))
((sorry, edited!))

"Okay, that'sa fine wit me!" Luigi said, straightening his hat. He walked out of the room and stopped at an empty Training Room. "Do you want to choose da conditions, or should I?"
Ike grabbed his sword in midair. He turned his body in an attempt to hit Dedede, but found himself face-yo-face with a jet hammer. "Ugwaah!"
It smacked him straight in the face. However, there was no knockback, due to immobility from Aether. He hit the ground fast, and came up. He noticed Dedede's recoil and swung a side smash with his sword.
Falco replied, "I don't much care. I'll fight any way you like it."

((Sorry for the break, I had to go))
Still contemplating over the events, Wolf held his empty cup in his hand, staring out into the window. A sudden voice immediately broke his stare.

*Great news, Wolf.* Leon belted out of the scouter.

"You found out everything about that thing?"

*Yeah, and better. Guess who's arrived.*

Wolf immediately turned his comlink off and marched off to the corridors, searching for the new guy. "Probably another girl.", thought Wolf. Then a shrill, heavy-tongued voice came from one of the unclaimed rooms.

He immediately rushed to the door, his heart racing to find out that it's not him. Wolf prayed that his instinct was wrong, just this once.

Bolting the door open, Wolf's instinct was right. "Fuck."

In front of him stood a tall, avian creature with red circles around its eyes and the unmistakable thick accent echoed in his ears. Within that second, Wolf pulled out his blaster with one sleight of his hand, aimed right between its sharp eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here, Lombardi?!"

A faint sigh of embarrassment was heard from Wolf's comlink.
Looking up for a second, Meta Knight was able to make out Wolf's raised voice some doors down. He popped out of the room for a moment just in time to see his raised blaster and a surprised looking man in green near him, but he could tell it was pointed at someone else. Ducking back into the room, he went up to Skylar who was still in bed.

"Come on, kid, we're about to miss a public shooting!" He shook Skylar with a hint of excitement and impatience in his voice.

((Blastoise428: Yes, but since it takes place 5 years after the events of SSBB, some may not remember everyone. For instance, because of the Subspace Emissary, Meta Knight is more likely to remember Marth than Wolf. And obviously anyone from the same series would know each other.))
Luigi, shocked at the drawing of the gun, jumped several feet into the air and hid behind the door. Peeking out, he saw Meta Knight look in and then run off. His heart thundering, Luigi withdrew back into his hiding spot.
Falco glanced over, his look of unconcern quickly turning to one of anger and distaste. "What am I doing here? I came because I wanted to keep in shape and practice my fighting. I think a better question might be what you are doing."

Within a few seconds, he had gotten his blaster out and had used his Phantasm ((side-b move, for those of you who don't know)) to get behind Wolf. "If I were you, I would just keep moving, Wolf."

((Wow, this should set up some epic showdowns.))
"...How can you sleep like this? Your loss, I guess." Meta Knight stormed back out again. This time, he could see who Wolf was aiming at, as he was now right in his face. It looks like that guy really does need to watch his step...
"What? All right," Skylar said, following Meta Knight. A public shooting... that would be rather interesting. But then again, there were better things. But if Meta Knight wanted him to see it, he would go. It was all right with him.
Falco calmed down after a short time.

"Look, Wolf, if you want to destroy me, let's do it in the Training Rooms. With Luigi, if he wants, as I was just about to fight with him before we were...ahem...interrupted. If you're not interested, then you may as well say, 'I'm the biggest sissy in this building!'"

He began walking towards a training room without waiting for a response.
Meta Knight turned around and noticed Skylar had finally come. "False alarm, I'm afraid. Damn, that would've been interesting to see, too." He went back inside and sat down by the television. "I'm going to play some Brawl. Care to join me?"
"A thrilling suggestion." Wolf snarled under his breath, sheathing his blaster back. He followed Falco to the training rooms, never removing his glare away from the blue falcon.
Luigi stepped out from behind his hiding place, checking behind himself. He looked out into the hallway and saw Falco and Wolf heading down the hallway. Taking one last glance look around, Luigi dashed out of the door and stopped in the Training Rooms. "Ummm, howa 'bout Battlefield? No Starmen?" Luigi tried to keep the fear out of his voice, but his charade failed a bit. "And, uh, maybe we all start off with a Beam Sword?"

Maybe they'll just ignore me and attack each other...
Falco entered Battlefield and waited for the others. This is why I came here. Nothing can match the thrill of a fight. Now if only Wolf will show up so I can wipe his sorry hide all over this...Battlefield. He smiled eagerly.
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