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Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

Aww... what the hell, as soon as i'm finished catching up with the plot and whats going on I'll join in. Character: Fox (My favourite) Nickname: Sky
If you want you can take over for Wolf; I've been a bit too busy and this RP moves too fast for me.
Noticing that Luigi was distracted by the Bob-omb, Falco dropped down and landed a smash attack on him before jumping away, watching for Wolf to attack.
Luigi flew away, yet again, from the action, this time slamming into a crate. Falling flat on his face, he heard the box smash open, and Luigi was covered with several dishes filled with food. Luigi grabbed a Maxim Tomato for himself, and then threw a couple of plates at Falco and Wolf.

See two posts below.
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((Um...you would be near the edge of the stage when I hit you. You wouldn't have room to fly into a crate.))

Falco followed up his attack by slamming into Luigi, then watched happily as the Bob-omb sent Wolf flying.

((There have been a bit too many items going around in this battle...))
Recovering from what seemed like an explosion right under his feet, Wolf immediately ran back to Falco, blaster in hand. He did a Wolf Flash, and as he was hovering above the blue falcon, he once again opened fire, relentlessly emptying his blaster charge before his feet even landed.
Falco groaned as he was hit by the full force of the blaster, but immediately recovered and leapt out of the way onto a platform before he could get hurt more. He ducked down and rammed into Wolf, kicking him repeatedly.
Meta Knight came out of the cafe with a slightly pained expression on his face. I come in for a cup of coffee and I end up having three cups and some cheesecake. I don't think the two agreed with each other... He looked up from his thoughts and saw the lobby was pretty empty. Am I the only person here that has nothing to do? Damn. Hopping up into a nearby chair after several failed attempts, Meta Knight reached into his cape. After his hand seemed to disappear entirely, he pulled back out a Gameboy Advance SP. It was silver and had a large, slightly transparent sparkly blue cart sticking out of it.

((Meta Knight = The only character that doesn't play his own series. Anyways, I'm thinking about doing a filler a page or so. I really don't want this to die before we get into the juicy plot.))
Tails sat in the cafe, sipping his third Dr Pepper and enjoying some mint candy. He suddenly burst out singing "Still Alive" to show that he was, in fact, still alive.

((Yeah...Still interested in this RP))
Fox was lying in bed. He was playing with his laser, tinkering with it, this is what Fox did when he was bored. Fox picked up a transmission, people were already fighting outside, Fox went outside of his lonely cabin to try and find someone.
((Oh, okay!))

Luigi fell through darkness for several seconds, and then landed on the floor in the Training Room. He hopped back up, somewhat glad to be away from the feuding Wolf and Falco. He shuffled back into the Dojo's main room and saw Fox walking down the hall. "Hi, it'sa Fox, right? It'sa me, Luigi."
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